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Rapture Watch: Command and Control Centre

Bunker 69 3/4 reporting.... All is quiet here in Edmonchuk. I'm disappointed, I was really looking forward to an evening of chaos, zombies, and looting. Guess we'll have to wait till the next predicted apocalypse.  :blotto:
Most disappointed, Heaven appears to be an exact replica of my living room, and God bears an uncanny resemblance to my pitbull.  Of course, this could be Hell and I'm destined to repeat the day my beloved Hammers get relegated for all eternity.  If the fridge packs her in and the barbee runs out of gas today, that suspicion would be confirmed.
dapaterson said:
Reports, coming in from a new moon, of troopers being taken by the rapture.  Photo on link.


"TK-421 Why aren't you at your post?" 

Attention to all:

New date for Rapture is 12 Oct 2011!! Please stand by for further announcements.
211RadOp said:
Attention to all:

New date for Rapture is 12 Oct 2011!! Please stand by for further announcements.

Sorry, but that just won't work here. I have something very important to do that day, maybe. Like take my grandkids somewhere....

No death or destruction that day!!
Jim Seggie said:
Sorry, but that just won't work here. I have something very important to do that day, maybe. Like take my grandkids somewhere....

No death or destruction that day!!

Your safe.....211RadOp screwed up, it's the 21st of October not the 12th.

It amazes me how many stupid crackers are out there...........
Larry Strong said:
Your safe.....211RadOp screwed up, it's the 21st of October not the 12th.

It amazes me how many stupid crackers are out there...........
Sorry, the 21st won't do either.....My grandson's birthday is the 23rd and he'll be four. SO that clearly won't do. How about 4 December ohhhh....year 3467?

Old Sweat said:
4 December just will not do. It's St Barbara's Day!

But what better day for things to go boom?  Besides, if the world's going to end at 6pm, that leaves 11am to 6pm for drinking with no worries about a hangover the following day...
What time zone are we talking about here?  I've got to get some drinking in and still leave a few minutes for repentance.....these details are critical to my estimate.
211RadOp said:
Attention to all:

New date for Rapture is 12 Oct 2011!! Please stand by for further announcements.

Any change in the kit list?  Summer or Winter Dress?
Haggis said:
Any change in the kit list?  Summer or Winter Dress?

Let's leave that up to the troops... I say DEU pants, Parka extreme cold weather, low shoe on right foot, mukluk on left, toque OD....fleece toques are acceptable.

Highlanders.....kilts or trews as you see fit. Naval and Air pers.....same as above substitute your stuff for Army Stuff. Oh and Naval pers SHALL carry swords. Same with Armored....being cavalry and all.

We Infantry shall carry pointed sticks.
Jim Seggie said:
. Oh and Naval pers SHALL carry swords. Same with Armored....being cavalry and all.

We Infantry shall carry pointed sticks.

All the better for dealing with those pesky Zombies that will no doubt abound....
Need something to do? Have a little time on your hands? Want to stave off the REAL apocalypse?


End Of World In 1 Billion Years?

Apocalypse Not Yet. You notice any new signs of the end of the world today? I have to say I got distracted and missed paying attention at the moment when it was all supposed to end. My neighborhood is quiet and peaceful. But religious belief is not the only source of predictions of the end of the world. A pair of astronomers say in about 1 billion years the output of our Sun will go up enough to evaporate the oceans and rivers into water vapor.

    The story begins some 4.57 billion years ago, when the young sun's nuclear furnace ignited and stabilized. Back then, solar physicists estimate, the sun was 30 percent dimmer than it is today. As it has matured, it has brightened at a pace of about 1 percent every 110 million years.

    Over that period, the two explain, Earth's climate system has adjusted to the increase in the sun's output, keeping the planet's average temperature within a livable range and with plenty of water on hand. Orbiting 93 million miles from the sun, Earth finds itself nicely placed in the sun's habitable zone.

    But over the next billion years, the duo says, the sun's output will rise by another 10 percent.

Let us suppose sentient beings will still inhabit planet Earth hundreds of millions of years from now and beyond. What to do? I see a few choices:

    * Migrate to Mars.
    * Do climate engineering
    * Move Earth to a larger orbit (and thereby lengthen bond maturities too).
    * Leave the solar system.

Mars? It is a smaller planet with far less water and oxygen. Earth is really superior for our needs. So why give up Earth if it isn't necessary?

Climate engineering? Okay, I'm not opposed on principle. But one problem: It will require constant attention. What if wars or phases of extreme global ennui leave us unable or unwilling to maintain satellites that reflect some of the Sun's rays? Plus, climate engineering can't go the whole distance as the billions of years go by and the Sun swells out as a red giant and expands to Earth's orbit.

Move Earth? A very doable endeavor with an asteroid that swings by Earth and Jupiter once every 6000 years. A small amount of Jupiter's rotational motion would be transferred to Earth in very small increments.

So clearly moving Earth is the best solution which will last the most number of years.

But what about leaving the solar system to go to a younger star? Can we hope to do this with known laws of physics? We'd need fusion reactors as power sources just to maintain habitats. The trip would take an extremely long time. I think we need to be lucky and find that the universe has additional physical laws that make this easy.

Another thought: Move between universes. But most the places we'd come out at in another universe would likely be empty space. How to find a habitable planet in a parallel universe?