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Rapture Watch: Command and Control Centre

Sorry late checking in. Dropped by the Legion for a beer after work. Kind of hard to tell if the dead had risen or it was just happy hour there. 8)

Wondering exactly when this Rapture, Zombie Hamster end of the World Apocalypse thingy is supposed to start? Should I skip going to get compost in the morning? Do I really need to mow the lawn? Can I forgo the trip to Canadian Tire Garden Centre?
Lawn chair facing east...Check
Chicken wings...check

...I'm ready.

I just got my beer. Now waiting patiently while the world ends....
Bunker #1392 reporting in.

They broke through the blast doors, there are so many of them. We're at 20% strength, I don't know how much longer we can las- [SIGNAL LOST... ATTEMPTING TO RECONNECT... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... CONNECTION FAILED = PLEASE CONTACT THE ADMINISTRATOR]
HavokFour said:
Getting reports of strange "gate" like structures popping up in Asia. Here is a picture an amateur photographer took, it was found on his zombified corpse after police took him down.

I thought this Elder Scrolls reference was hilarious.

"This isn't how I pictured the Rapture!"
I'm still waiting for The Rapture.  What time is it supposed to happen?  Maybe my watch is slow.  Some have said that it will be preceded by a bright light.  When I awoke this morning, it was into a shining light that blinded me . . . oh . . . I forgot to close the blinds last evening and my bed is in front of a window that faces east.  It was just a sunrise that promised a bright sunny day.

I was still waiting when the door bell rang.  When I answered, a comely young woman with a pleasant manner asked me if I "would like to know the truth" and handed me a pamphlet which posed the same question.  Perhaps they were doing door-to-door personal service instead of a group passage?

Not wanting to appear too eager (it possibly could have been a bill collector or one of Satan's minions) I glanced at my watch and responded to the young lady with "Aren't you a little early?" 

She seem puzzled (maybe questions from the chosen weren't covered in the orientation) and answered "Early? For what?". 

Of course, I had to confirm that she was my guide to the other side and asked "You are here because you want to show me the way to a better place, is that not so?".

Now her puzzlement seemed tinged with some hesitancy and she replied "Errr, yes". 

"Good" says I, "though I thought that it wouldn't happen until later in the day". 

Now she stared at me with what appeared to be genuine concern.  I continued "do I have to take anything with me or is everything provided?"

This, I think, provoked worry in her (obviously whomever did her orientation didn't cover all contingencies) and she asked me "what are you talking about?".

"The Rapture.  The end of times.  You're here to take me over to the other side, aren't you?"

Her mouth opened, she tried to speak but nothing came out.  She turned and walked away.

Now what do I do?  I'm still waiting.

*  The preceding happened exactly as written, honestly.  I wouldn't lie on such a momentous day as today.  Otherwise, I might make myself ineligible.  Though, if there is an afterlife, I'll probably have to do some penance for what I did to that young lady.

I'm left wondering if any of those Watch Tower people will come by again to leave me reading material.
Bunker #4848

42 minutes into the rapture.  BBQ lit up, and almost ready for steaks.  Mushrooms, Check, Eggplants, Check, Onions, Check, Peppers, check, Beer, a very check.

Sun is shining, and offers lots of visual for the demons to be slain by my Gladium, REGULATORS MOUNT UP!


Bunker 6969, R+73 (Eastern):  Shared spaghetti, wine and homemade cookies with a good friend of ours, and still here.  Cloudy, but no sign of being sucked into the sky.  About to watch the Japanese art house flick which "A Fistful of Dollars" and "Last Man Standing" were based on.
the 48th regulator said:
Bunker #4848

42 minutes into the rapture.  BBQ lit up, and almost ready for steaks.  Mushrooms, Check, Eggplants, Check, Onions, Check, Peppers, check, Beer, a very check.

That sounds awesome, tess. I myself have Maui-Style Short Ribs and Asparagus to grill, with plenty of Gin and Lager to drink.
Well that was a bit of a let down. I just spent a couple of hours digging claymores in amongst the wife's veggie garden to protect us from the apocalypse/rapture thingy and nothing. Ah well I'll leave them there to piss off the squirrels.

The looting is still on though right?
I am eating dog food on survival crackers washed down with warm supermarket brand cola. You rich guys with your fancy food, you will get yours, next time!!!
Don't know what I am more pissed at... the lack of the end of the world and the opportunities that come from it, or the fact that some of you bastards are getting sunshine.  We have had one friggin afternoon of sun since April sometime for Chrissakes!#$#$%%%
Reports, coming in from a new moon, of troopers being taken by the rapture.  Photo on link.


Well, I'm still here...sounds like alot of you are too...maybe next time I guess...


That would explain why it's so quiet outside right now, since the Canucks aren't playing tonight.

the 48th regulator said:
Bunker #4848

42 minutes into the rapture.  BBQ lit up, and almost ready for steaks.  Mushrooms, Check, Eggplants, Check, Onions, Check, Peppers, check, Beer, a very check.

Sun is shining, and offers lots of visual for the demons to be slain by my Gladium, REGULATORS MOUNT UP!


Godamn! I want to be part of your Rapture.
I love Gin.  My bunker has plenty of it.

They say that Gin's a panty remover.  If I wore panties, they'd be off right now.