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Questions about joining the Reserves

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well credit check will fk me up😂, im on debt consolidation right now, been paying my debts for a year now. Any way i told the Capt about it who did my interview last december and provided him proof payments i hope it helps. But is there any chance the background check will takes only less than a month?
Icecube said:
well credit check will fk me up😂,

Some discussion of Credit Check,

Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics 
18 pages.
I have large projecting moles on my inner thighs which make it painful to run, chafing over time. I can diminish the pain by widening my stance while walking but it doesn't let me do any long distance running with any kind of speed or efficiency. I've just grown to avoid doing that and try to be fit in other ways, take my time walking places with sort of a subtle sumo-waddle...

Is this something I could talk to my doctor about getting a dermatologist referral for removing, possibly covered by OHIP? I'm going to make an appointment tomorrow to ask about that, but I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the issue, the right type of questions to ask, descriptions to focus on?

I also have a similar mole on the back of my neck which interferes with rubbing my neck, and I really need to be able to do self-massage on neck to deal with neck soreness. There is also a mole on my side which causes painful chafing when running in a tight shirt, and I expect possibly a uniform if I am able to get into Canadian Forces.

I'm really hoping OHIP would sponsor their removal for improved quality of life so that I could more easily do cardio training for Canadian forces. Right now I am focusing on the sandbag lift and wall toss because I can do that with a wide stance, as well as pushups/burpees, but I am really concerned about my lack of specific training for long distance running and being able to accomplish that in the required time. If I'm not able to finish it quickly enough due to pain (or just lack of fitness, from pain inhibiting proper specific prep for running), does anyone know how long I would have to wait before being able to get a 2nd chance to apply for Reserves?
Hello, I am loolong to join the reserves, I need to pray 5 times daily, each prayer takes 5 mins. I can likely get the dawn and night prayers in before/after training, but I need to do the noon/afternoon/sunset prayers on time, will this be possible at Reserve BMQ?
someoneelse said:
I need to pray 5 times daily, each prayer takes 5 mins.

See also,

Kamikaze1655 said:
I am required to pray 5 times a day at different times. Will I have enough time to do them during BMQ?
Hello, I am looking to join the reserves, Im wondering if I will be given time to do my prayers, there are 5 and each one takes 5 mins, can basically be done anywhere but there are specific times? Most likely I can do the early morning and night prayers before or after training day, what about the other 3? Will the instructors allow me to step aside?
It is always best to be up front with the Recruiting staff and course staff about religious requirements - aspects such as prayer times, and dietary restrictions.

When I ran a BMQ years ago, I had three young Muslim troops who asked for prayer time. One of them linked me in with his Imam, who gave me a calendar with the daily prayer times. As soon as I realized it wasn't an absolute 'starts exactly on this minute or else...', but rather must be done within a set window of time, it was fairly easy to set it up  - while we were in the classrooms (I set aside a small room for their prayers, and they would duck in there while on break). It is far harder to accommodate during field training and exercises - you cannot simply stop a patrol or attack for prayer time. Even then, the Imam did not seem too concerned, and told me that these things were understood.

I hope all goes well, and that you go through with joining the Reserves. Good luck!
someoneelse said:
Im wondering if I will be given time to do my prayers, there are 5 and each one takes 5 mins, can basically be done anywhere but there are specific times? Most likely I can do the early morning and night prayers before or after training day, what about the other 3? Will the instructors allow me to step aside?

Mase said:
I'm a muslim currently on course. The course staff is reasonably accommodating when possible but Ayrsayle is right the military need comes first. Although it only takes 5 minutes to pray, you cant expect to leave a lecture half way or skip out of drill to pray. During the course you are always under a time constraint. In order to take the extra 5 minutes to pray, you must work faster than everyone else around you and shave time off other tasks. No smoke breaks or long showers. I have no problem making time for the morning and the nightly prayers but i usually miss the 3 day time ones. You do get breaks during the day for few minutes here and there so you might be able to do better than me.
As Ajp said, once the training is done and you are working it will likely get easier to make all 5. I know someone who was on a tour to afghanistan and was able to maintain prayers for the most part so you should be fine.
Good luck.
Staff Weenie said:
It is always best to be up front with the Recruiting staff and course staff about religious requirements - aspects such as prayer times, and dietary restrictions.

When I ran a BMQ years ago, I had three young Muslim troops who asked for prayer time. One of them linked me in with his Imam, who gave me a calendar with the daily prayer times. As soon as I realized it wasn't an absolute 'starts exactly on this minute or else...', but rather must be done within a set window of time, it was fairly easy to set it up  - while we were in the classrooms (I set aside a small room for their prayers, and they would duck in there while on break). It is far harder to accommodate during field training and exercises - you cannot simply stop a patrol or attack for prayer time. Even then, the Imam did not seem too concerned, and told me that these things were understood.

I hope all goes well, and that you go through with joining the Reserves. Good luck!

Firstly, thank you for being accommodating when you ran the BMQ. I hope my BMQ NCO's share your views as well.

There are now Muslim Chaplains in the Canadian Army who can do exactly what the Imam did. Provide you with information, a timetable for the prayers, and reasons why it is necessary. In Islam, there are specific provisions for military training and traveling, which provides ease for prayer (ex. Have to pray 3 times instead of 5, and the prayers themselves are shorter). This is also something the Chaplain's can communicate.

I don't know when my BMQ will begin (no offer yet), but when I do, I plan on getting my NCOs all the information required ASAP.
SPowell said:
Any idea how long it takes to reopen your application once it has been archived?

It may depend on how long it has been "archived".

From a CAF Recruiter,

DAA said:
The ONLY time you have to reapply online, is if your previous application to the CAF has been CLOSED for more than one year. 

I am currently in the application process for joining the CAF as a part time reserve infantry Soldier. My question is in regards to training commitment. I work full time and would prefer to complete as much of the training as I can on weekends. I am wondering what parts cannot be taken on weekends and how long they require, or if they can be spread out over different periods. Any information would help.

Good Day,

PRes Units are in charge of their own recruiting and training, you should reach out to the Reserve Unit you wish to join and ask your query to them as they'll have the information that you're seeking.
Hey guys.

I have an easy question you. I'm going to go my BMQ full time (4 weeks) I'd like to know if we are free in the weekend or we stay there?

Thank you!

BMQ Reserve,

Goliate23 said:
I'm going to go my BMQ full time (4 weeks) I'd like to know if we are free in the weekend or we stay there?

From a CAF Recruiter,

Buck_HRA said:
PRes Units are in charge of their own recruiting and training, you should reach out to the Reserve Unit you wish to join and ask your query to them as they'll have the information that you're seeking.
Goliate23 said:
Hey guys.

I have an easy question you. I'm going to go my BMQ full time (4 weeks) I'd like to know if we are free in the weekend or we stay there?

Thank you!

Your staff will determine if or when you will get any weekends free. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good morning fellow Canadians and thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I am a 30 year old male and I lived in Canada for nearly 14 years. I never forget where I'm from but I am a proud Canadian and ever since we moved here I have been meaning to join the CAF.

The first time I attempted to join I was still only a Permanent Resident and there were no positions available unless you got your citizenship (though I hear sometimes you can still get recruited in some cases). It devestated me because where I come from, there is a mandatory military service with one of the most hardcore experiences.

I wanted to join before I fully settled in Canada and started to have reasons to postpone it cause I knew that will end up being the case. Every couple years since then I found myself at the DnD at 4900 Yonge Street, collecting information and trying to fit military into my life. A couple times, I hated how the recruiting officer (if that is what they're called) were trying to force me into regular force and making me feel lousy for even considering the reserves. The regular force would have been a great option when I moved here and was still in high school.

I have many obligations nowadays but I still want to serve and aid Canada on its own soil. Maybe one day I will change my mind but this is too big of a decision to make right now.

I've had a good life here but extremely busy and only recently I decided that if I don't do this now, I never will. I always wanted to join the Armoured Reconnaissance unit. I find it to be cool and if I may sound childish describing my reasons, so be it but if you need a better reason, well I researched what they do and it looks like I will develop amazing life skills while doing something fun on the CAF.

Recently I have been torn between going for Armoured Reconnaissance or a unit which teaches you a trade which later can translate into a decent civilian career.

I graduated from Police Foundations (MP was also on my mind but I hear if you go MP it is best to go Reg Force) and I have 1 semester left to graduate and receive my Computer Networking and Technical Support diploma. Doing something related to IT/Security makes perfect sense and I will enjoy it while working towards a career.

I found 2 options I am interested in:

Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist

Cyber Operator

I would love to just go right into Cyber Operator but it is a Full Time option even as a Reservist. I am currently employed by the Government and I hold a decent position with a possibility for a permanent position. I was thinking it would be best to go for Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist as it is still in the same scope of things and later transfer into Cyber Operator (depending on how my current job is doing and how I find military life).

I would like to know what you can tell me about both options in terms of information you cannot find online or stuff I might not even think about right now but would be viable information for me. Any kind of information is welcomed because I am very new to this and while I researched, a lot... I'd love to learn from people with experience.

More specifically I would like to know if anyone is aware of how new the Cyber Operator unit is. I heard this is their first hiring round. Which means it'll be pretty competitive.

Is it a good decision to get into a different unit and then transfer at the first opportunity? Do you lose rank once you transfer?

I'm aware that everyone goes through BMQ and then there is more specific tracking depending on the unit you entered called BMQ-Land. What am I to expect to go through as an Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist during BMQ-L? My First option a while ago was Armored Reconnaissance and I don't think it would make sense to assume that it will be the same training as they go through as that is more of a combat unit.

It sounds pretty messed up to me that it's possible to get through bmq only on weekends but it is, it just takes longer. I just don't understand how you can learn everything you need to know as an Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist just by going on weekends. Won't it take years to finish all the education portion by just going a couple times a week for a few hours?

I know that in the beginning it is more than just a couple days a week because it's a huge commitment when the process begins. How long am I expected to be away from work? When does it balance out and you just go a couple days a  Can I actually go more often so I can get ahead in whatever is required? I heard there are a bunch of courses you can sign up to, maybe it's not what it's called but you probably know what I'm talking about.

A couple years ago there were a bunch of Articles stating that the Canadian Armed sped up the hiring process significantly. Said that you can get in within 2 to 3 months vs 6 to 12 months prior to their new hiring system.

How difficult are the tests? Will I be able to rewrite them and get another chance to get in if I didn't make it to the first time? I think I will do well but I'm just curious. Is the math portion difficult? Should I get a tutor to prepare as I have been out of school for quite some time.

So the next one is pretty embarrassing but I guess a lot of people can relate. I have a pretty messed up fear of heights. I usually get over whatever it is if I have the time to prepare for whatever is coming and take my time. Something I know it's not an option in the military. I heard about the 5-year jump into the pool. The thought of it alone almost made me change my mind but I wouldn't let that be the deal breaker. I want to break bad habits and fears and rebuild myself. I do wonder though, because I saw that in the Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist unit, there is a position called Line Men (I hope that's the right name) and they climb towers up to 150ft. Is that something I should be ready for or you can choose what you specifically want to do within your unit.

Lastly I would like to know... In terms of pay, what am I expected to make on an average in a month during my first year?

I am aware how obnoxious this post might look to some people as I asked a ton of questions and wrote a lot about myself. I'm just trying to learn what I can. I'm doing my own research too but wanted to get some info from the source before I head to the recruiting centre.

Thank you for taking all this time to read my post and answer my questions, cheers.
iSol said:
Armoured Reconnaissance

Police Foundations (MP was also on my mind

Army Communications and Information Systems Specialist

Cyber Operator

bmq only on weekends

How long am I expected to be away from work?

the Canadian Armed sped up the hiring process significantly.

How difficult are the tests? Will I be able to rewrite

Is the math portion difficult?

fear of heights.

In terms of pay, what am I expected to make on an average in a month during my first year?

You can search some of the above subjects here. If you have difficulty finding answers, let us know so we can help.