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Questions about joining the Reserves

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Hi all,

I've just received a starting date for BMQ (for reservists) that takes place this Friday and continues until June. I've noticed however that it overlaps with a weekend in April (2 days) with something important I cannot miss. Is it possible to miss 2 days/a weekend of BMQ? Or am I better off waiting until there is another BMQ opportunity that doesn't conflict with anything?

TFCynical said:
Is it possible to miss 2 days/a weekend of BMQ? Or am I better off waiting until there is another BMQ opportunity that doesn't conflict with anything?

From 2008,

DLord said:
I have Europe trip with my school on March break and just realised I'll be missing a complete weekend where I would be doing Basic, what will happen to me?

FrostMTL said:
A member of my section missed a weekend about halfway through, and although he was brought up (mostly) to standard the next week he will not be graduating with the rest of us. Instead, he must wait until the next rotation to make up that weekend.

Likewise, a member of our platoon was  at first unable to make it to the First Aid training this week and was told "Either make it, or re-course". He made arrangements.

Others have missed a day or two here and there and haven't had to take any additional weekends, nor were they forced to re-course. I believe it all comes down to the amount of time you are missing, the information you are missing and the unique characteristics of your particular BMQ.

As always, your unit Recruiter is your most trusted source of official, up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

TFCynical said:
Hi all,

I've just received a starting date for BMQ (for reservists) that takes place this Friday and continues until June. I've noticed however that it overlaps with a weekend in April (2 days) with something important I cannot miss. Is it possible to miss 2 days/a weekend of BMQ? Or am I better off waiting until there is another BMQ opportunity that doesn't conflict with anything?


You're best to speak with your CoC and explain the situation. They will weigh the legitimacy of your "cannot miss" and determine the best course.
TFCynical said:
Hi all,

I've just received a starting date for BMQ (for reservists) that takes place this Friday and continues until June. I've noticed however that it overlaps with a weekend in April (2 days) with something important I cannot miss. Is it possible to miss 2 days/a weekend of BMQ? Or am I better off waiting until there is another BMQ opportunity that doesn't conflict with anything?

Most likely not as every single day of reserve bmq is crucial as they dont have any time. They need to cram as much as they can in the small amount if time they have. Only thing you may get lucky enough to get whatever training is being done that weekend, done at your unit. Ive seen this happen before if its something that can be done at unit. If that weekend is nav or ftx or range weekend, forget it, dont even ask.
I’m on BMQ now and we’re allowed to miss up to 1 weekend; you need to write up a memo to your section sergeant, pass it to your section senior, to your 2IC, and then they’ll approve it or disapprove it depending on the material of the weekend and the urgency of your reason.

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I cannot seem to find an answer for my specific question, so here it goes gentlemen.

Am I permitted to bring my pipe and tobacco tin to BMOQ?

Yes, I do possess a well groomed twirled-up handlebar moustache to go with it and I am most certainly not a millennial hipster.

I thank you all in advance.
Hey. So I am a soon to be new part time reservist in the 21EW for communicator research and I was wondering if anyone knows on average how days/hours you work in a week and if there is opportunity to do more or less. I'm a University student and just wish to know, to see if I will be fine with just being a reservist or if I'll have to pick up another part time job. Thanks for your help.
Jread said:
Hey. So I am a soon to be new part time reservist in the 21EW for communicator research and I was wondering if anyone knows on average how days/hours you work in a week and if there is opportunity to do more or less. I'm a University student and just wish to know, to see if I will be fine with just being a reservist or if I'll have to pick up another part time job. Thanks for your help.

Hello, and welcome to army.ca. Please make yourself familiar with site guidelines and policies found on the Site Admin board and refrain from posting the same item in multiple threads. I have deleted your other post. Someone will reply to your inquiry when able. In the meantime, be patient, explore the site as much as possible and happy reading!

Thursday nights 1830ish to 2230. Budget for 2 weekends a month especially when you do BMQ on the weekends.
Jread said:
I'm a University student and just wish to know, to see if I will be fine with just being a reservist or if I'll have to pick up another part time job.

Total amount that Reservists make in a year 

As always, your unit Recruiter is your most trusted source of official up to date information.

"Unofficial site, not associated with DND or the Canadian Armed Forces."

hi. If I become a reserve, likely infantry or something in the army, will I be able to move to the USA in the future?
You can move anywhere you want, but you would have to release (unless a temporary move). If you join the US Military you cannot continue to serve in the CAF, you will have to release and you will start over, they do not provide equivalencies or rank incentives. Commonwealth Nations like UK, Australia, New Zealand have an agreement to allow Reservists from Commonwealth Nations to work for Aus/UK/NZ Reserve units while working/studying in those countries. The often have International Recruitment Campaigns where they provide you rank and pay incentives for certain rank levels, occupations, and specialist qualifications.
LunchMeat said:
Commonwealth Nations like UK, Australia, New Zealand have an agreement to allow Reservists from Commonwealth Nations to work for Aus/UK/NZ Reserve units while working/studying in those countries.

Reserve Forces Foreign Service Arrangements


There are currently three countries that Canada has RFFSA MOUs with - they are:

1.the United Kingdom
3.the United States of America
4.New Zealand


( Four are listed. )

See also,

Reserve Forces Foreign Service Arrangements ( RFFSA )
4 pages.

I'm currently 41 and thinking about joining the reserves again.  I already know that even though I did my BMQ and QL3 for the combat engineers, it was 25 years ago so I'll be starting from scratch.
The plus side is that I feel like I'm in better shape now then I ever was and I'm confident I can handle the physical requirements.  The down side is that I'm married with 2 kids.  I can absolutely handle weekend training and a couple of evenings every week but I don't think I can leave the kids alone with the wife for a whole month for the trade training.  Are there any trades with shorter or even 2 week training chunks?
I work for the government so taking leave for training isn't going to be a problem.
tech76 said:
I'm currently 41 and thinking about joining the reserves again.  I already know that even though I did my BMQ and QL3 for the combat engineers, it was 25 years ago so I'll be starting from scratch.
The plus side is that I feel like I'm in better shape now then I ever was and I'm confident I can handle the physical requirements.  The down side is that I'm married with 2 kids.  I can absolutely handle weekend training and a couple of evenings every week but I don't think I can leave the kids alone with the wife for a whole month for the trade training.  Are there any trades with shorter or even 2 week training chunks?
I work for the government so taking leave for training isn't going to be a problem.

If I recall correctly the shortest trade is either Artillery at roughly 3 weeks for the Dp 1.0 and the DP 1.0 Infantry is is 4 weeks (+ 4 weeks of BMQ-L).

Food for thought, I think that the time would fly by faster if you actually enjoyed the trade that you picked.

PRes Engr DP1 can be taken in chuncks of about 12-17 training day blocks but there are 5 modules to take.....
runormal said:
If I recall correctly the shortest trade is either Artillery at roughly 3 weeks for the Dp 1.0 and the DP 1.0 Infantry is is 4 weeks (+ 4 weeks of BMQ-L).

Food for thought, I think that the time would fly by faster if you actually enjoyed the trade that you picked.

you're absolutely right about needing to enjoy the trade.  I was just hoping that there might be a few to choose from with shorter training periods.  Seems like 4 weeks is pretty typical.  Talking to the local recruiter as well it sounds like I have 2-3 years to complete the trade training so that might give me time to smooth it over with the wife :)
Hey I have a question for y’all is it a good idea to join the reg force with no prior military experience. Couple of my friends in the military said join the reserves cause it’s easier but I know I have what it takes at least I think I do but what do y’all think

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Canadian_beast said:
Couple of my friends in the military said join the reserves cause it’s easier but I know I have what it takes at least I think I do but what do y’all think


Reply #300

Patrick N. said:
People told me if I'm interested, then it's better to start in the reserve first. I wonder if they are right or not?

Much would depend if you want a part-time, or full-time job.

Canadian_beast said:
Hey I’m about to apply for infantry full time in three weeks, how long does it take to get accepted.

If you decide to join part-time first, this discusses the process and how long it takes to transfer to full-time,

Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Q&A
55 pages.

I had not successfully completed training, and have realized I do not have the skills to be a soldier. I am passionate about public service. I am currently working in public health as an administrative professional. Can someone please state whether or not it is possible for someone to become a reservist in a civilian capacity i.e. doing administrative tasks? Also, would anyone know whether there are such opportunities elsewhere in the domain of national security and public safety? Thank you.


Sean Murray