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Questions about joining the Reserves

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I've been reading a lot about a lot of different things about training as a part-time in the reserves, and I'm really confused over the mass amount of information everywhere. I went to an information session at Le Régiment de Hull in Gatineau and they offer positions as armoured soldiers in the reserves. They said that they go for one night a week and the whole weekend. This seems perfect to me, but they told me that it is obligatory to go for 9 weeks in the summer full-time. I thought that part-time reservists had the choice of being sent off somewhere and only need to do part-time service. Or is it different based on occupation? I should have asked when I was there, but it didn't click to me. I also asked if I could get information on a place that is more english-spoken, and I luckily found out I could join a unit in the Ottawa region too. But now, I am wondering if this obligatory full-time training would be the same for Infantry Soldiers? Is there no way around this full-time summer training? I have studies in the summer, that is why I ask. Everything seems perfect about joining the reserves part-time apart from this apparent obligation to go full-time for over two months in a different city. Thanks for reading and for any replies
You will have to go "full time". For some point.

Different course vary depending on the trade.

ACISS is 2 months,
Infantry is 2 months (2 1- month modules).

It is possible to so your basic and your BMQ-L (formerly known as SQ) part time on weekends. However your DP 1.0 (formerly known as QL3) is full time which varies trade by trade.

Do you have courses every summer?
For your SA, DP1 Armd Recce is approx. 5 weeks, with most weekends scheduled to be off. BMQ-L is 12 training days.

Karmeliet, if you do weekend BMQ during the training year, you can expect to be away from late June/early July until late Aug.
For the most part Reserve soldiering is part-time (i.e. one or two evenings a weekend and occasional weekends).  However, they do need to bring you up to a certain level of training, which would take years if they had to do it in three hour slots, once per week.  So yes, there will be periods of extended training when you will have to stay overnight for several nights (or weeks).  Keep in mind that they pay you for this and most students find that as a summer job it pays pretty well (and is whole lot more fun than flipping burgers).
karmeliet said:
Is there no way around this full-time summer training?

See also,

Reserve Q?s: Is summer training mandatory?
OP: "Is summer training for Reserves mandatory?
Couldn‘t the BMQ and the rest of Basic Training be completed during the one evening a week and certain weekends that must be attended for training?"
2 pages.

Any reserve DP1/DP2 training that can be done outside of summer courses?
OP: "I've been exploring reserve occupations that can accommodate working people who can't take summer courses due to work/lack of vacation.
It's either weekend training, modular training or changing/quitting jobs to make the reserves happen."


There are many discussions regarding full-time versus part-time Reserve training.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

karmeliet said:
Is there no way around this full-time summer training? I have studies in the summer, that is why I ask. Everything seems perfect about joining the reserves part-time apart from this apparent obligation to go full-time for over two months in a different city. Thanks for reading and for any replies
I spoke to a recruiter on teusday evening, (I apologize for not knowing the acronyms for training. So bear with me) and what I got from it is for the reserves you will complete your BMQ on weekends over the course ofna few months, then you go for your trade specific training over the summer, however, you can conplete your trade specific training over two summers, in 3 week blocks, but it's not recommended, not only is there the possibility of forgetting what you have learned (due to the fact it's not all in one smooth transition tying all your training together) but you also cannot join in with all the training exercises because you will be in a B unit, so you would be helping set up the exercises for the trained reservists or cleaning weapons etc. My recruiter warned me that it would be a very boring way to spend a year.
JBrooks said:
So bear with me) and what I got from it is for the reserves you will complete your BMQ on weekends over the course ofna few months, then you go for your trade specific training over the summer, however, you can conplete your trade specific training over two summers, in 3 week blocks, but it's not recommended, not only is there the possibility of forgetting what you have learned (due to the fact it's not all in one smooth transition tying all your training together) but you also cannot join in with all the training exercises because you will be in a B unit, so you would be helping set up the exercises for the trained reservists or cleaning weapons etc.

See also,

Weekend courses over summer?
"So for those of us that have jobs that we wouldn't be able to take time off from during the summer, we'll just have to wait in till the resumption of regular training after summer to go on course over the weekends?"
"...depending on what trade you intend to join, the requisite trade courses will, in alot of cases, only be available full-time during the summer."

Work Full time, Basic Training Days
"ALL trade courses are done on a full time basis in the summer."

Work balance in the CAF Reserves
"I also recently started a full time civilian job. I am wondering if you guys can share you experience working full time in a civilian job and balancing that with military life.Was it difficult?"

Does my civilian job work with Reserve Service?
"If you join the reserves, expect to be gone for two full months the first summer you're in."

karmeliet said:
Is there no way around this full-time summer training?
As stated, no.
You can:
-Not join
-Join and go away for one summer then spend the rest of your career putting in as little work and effort as possible, basically taking the spot of someone who would contribute to the unit a lot more.
-Talk to your teachers and come up with some kind of arrangement like taking your exams early.

apart from this apparent obligation to go full-time for over two months in a different city.
What would you do if you join the reserves and are for whatever reason ordered to work full time for X amount of weeks/months?

It's probably not your fault, it's probably the recruiters for just trying to get you in the door and not explaining the environment and expectations better.  The reserves doesn't exist to put money in your pocket when it's convenient to be blatantly honest.
Jarnhamar said:
As stated, no.
You can:
-Not join
-Join and go away for one summer then spend the rest of your career putting in as little work and effort as possible, basically taking the spot of someone who would contribute to the unit a lot more.
-Talk to your teachers and come up with some kind of arrangement like taking your exams early.
What would you do if you join the reserves and are for whatever reason ordered to work full time for X amount of weeks/months?

It's probably not your fault, it's probably the recruiters for just trying to get you in the door and not explaining the environment and expectations better.  The reserves doesn't exist to put money in your pocket when it's convenient to be blatantly honest.

I'm with you on everything except the bolded part.

Given that the last time that's happened was towards the end of world war 2, I don't see it as a factor. Yes, its conceivable that an earth-shattering event and change in government policy could mean a mandatory callup, and that liability should be mentioned to someone joining the CF. But telling them to prepare to plan a break in their routine life with work and school for any circumstance short of that is getting off-track.
Jarnhamar said:
What would you do if you join the reserves and are for whatever reason ordered to work full time for X amount of weeks/months?

Brasidas said:
Given that the last time that's happened was towards the end of world war 2, I don't see it as a factor. Yes, its conceivable that an earth-shattering event and change in government policy could mean a mandatory callup, and that liability should be mentioned to someone joining the CF. But telling them to prepare to plan a break in their routine life with work and school for any circumstance short of that is getting off-track.

Even if that were to happen, "Leave of absence shall be granted to employees to serve in the Armed Forces during hostilities or during a time of war as declared by the Government of Canada. Seniority will accumulate during such leave."

That's the written agreement where I used to work. YMMV. It applies not only to Reservists, but also Volunteers and those who may be conscripted.

See also the 20-page, "Reservists Job Protection Superthread".

Asked and answered in Ask a CAF Recruiter. Adding for reference,

"I'm going to be submitting my application shortly for the Navy Reserves and I was wondering if the tests and interview are put up against all positions available to reservists or only the ones on your application (maximum of 3)."
Asked and answered in Ask a CAF Recruiter. Adding for reference,

Choosing a reserve unit to apply to and the trades on application
Asked and answered in Ask a CAF Recruiter. Adding for reference,

Re-apply reserve after declining reg force offer
Q: "I am curious what the wait time is to re-apply for reservist"

A: There is no wait time to re-apply.  Because you are changing elements and CFRCs there is some administration that will need to take place for your file to continue.
* You will need to contact your new CFRC to ask for your file to be transferred.
* You will need to contact the Reserve unit to find out if (1) they're hiring and if so (2) when you can do a FORCE Test with them.


I just joined the army PRES and got my kit. I am going on BMQ on Monday 20, but my unit didn't send me a kit list. Since nobody is working there until Monday, there is no hope that I will receive it until its too late (I have to leave at 830 AM on monday, the same time the regiment's office opens). Could anybody forward me the kit list for PRES? I was thinking of taking all of my kit in case I receive no information.

Thanks to everyone in advance
kamael said:
I was thinking of taking all of my kit in case I receive no information.

You may find this discussion of interest,

Reserve BMQ - What to bring?
kamael said:

I just joined the army PRES and got my kit. I am going on BMQ on Monday 20, but my unit didn't send me a kit list. Since nobody is working there until Monday, there is no hope that I will receive it until its too late (I have to leave at 830 AM on monday, the same time the regiment's office opens). Could anybody forward me the kit list for PRES? I was thinking of taking all of my kit in case I receive no information.

Thanks to everyone in advance

I'd bring everything. Some of it you won't need I.E ICE Pants/ICE Jacket, Winter gloves, Toque etc because it is summer. But on my basic we had to show that physically had every piece of kit we signed for.. I'd pack it smarter, like i'd throw all of the obvious winter stuff in the barrack box and pack everything for the summer, in the two duffels..

You don't want to be that guy who "didn't think that we were going to need it"  especially on basic.
Hello, I am currently 15 going onto 16 soon and want to join the Canadian reserves. I am only heading into Grade 10 this year. I wasent held back I was just raised in a different country for a short time. will the fact that i'm only going into Grade 10 this year affect my chances of getting in?
rusty1002 said:
I am only heading into Grade 10 this year.


To apply to the Forces you must have passed Grade 10 or Secondaire IV (in Quebec). http://www.forces.ca/en/page/applynow-100#education

For reference, perhaps this will be merged with,

7 pages.

Can you join your local reserves after you've applied for the regular force? And then transition to the regular force once your given a job offer? Given how long the process takes with the regular force I'm not seeing a problem in doing this...or am I wrong?
You're wrong. One process will stop the other. Don't waste the Reserve unit's time and effort if you just plan on immediately going to the Regular Force.