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Questions about joining the Reserves

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ShatteredAwe said:
Now I just have to find the time to be able to call a recruiter (in my area they're open until 4pm, but I get off of school at 3pm and I don't get back home until 4pm) for some more intimate details.

I take it by this that you are intending to contact a Recruiting Centre.

The process for joining Reserve units is different. You need to begin with the Reserve unit that you wish to join, and they operate in the evenings (one or two each week). They will be closing down for the summer soon, as many/most people will be on course or helping to run courses and other activities. The process should be explained in this thread, if you've not already read it.
ShatteredAwe what about those trades you highlighted makes you want to join them?
ShatteredAwe said:
1. I'm interested in the Infantry Soldier/Officer (From what I've read, an Officer requires a University degree), Armoured Soldier/Officer, Combat Engineer, Supply Technician and Logistics Officer trades. I'm curious about what the training would look like for each, and how each trade differed. And do any of them have overlap?

The best would be to contact the unit specifically. I don't know the exact sequence for officers but for most Army NCM Trades Your trades training would be something like this:

Course 1: BMQ (Basic training this should be roughly 26 training  days or 11 weekends),
Course 2: BMQ - L (Old name was SQ): This is a course where you learn the basics of being a soldier. I've heard mixed things regarding the length of this course.
Course 3* DP 1.0 (Old name was QL3): This will be the course where you learn how to do your job. It will be full time in the summer and length of time varies trade to trade.

At this stage of your career you willy be fully qualified your next career courses would be:

Dp 2.0 (Old name was Ql5)
PLQ (Primary Leadership Qualification)

* Certain Trades more or less need Driver Wheel before DP 1.0 (Sigs, some logistics trades and i'd imagine armoured). Depending on which trade you pick you may do that course beforehand. Likewise if you become an infanteer you may never get the Driver's Course.

ShatteredAwe said:
2. Is there a program like the ROTC Army program in the Reserves?

Not knowing the specifics of the ROTC program, there is a program within the reserves called the ILP program (Individual Learning Program), You apply the year beforehand and once you are approved, you take the courses and then claim them the following semester. The army will pay up to %50 of your tuition for a maximum of $2,00 each year (up to $8,000). As long as you show up consistently and file your paperwork on time you should get the money.

ShatteredAwe said:
3. This doesn't have much to do with me joining up, but what is the typical wage per year/month/etc for a Reserve soldier?

I wouldn't try to budget to hard with the reserves, exercises get cancelled, spots get added / removed, dates change and things come up in your personal life. You might be really busy one month and not so busy the month. I've found I've gotten around $10k (net) every year working in the reserves but that it is working pretty much every available weekend and a few weekends in the summer. You could make more money if you were more available in the summer or during the training year but it depends on your unit's schedule and your availability. You likely won't make that much "extra" money outside of your courses until you are fully qualified Pte(t) which you should receive shortly after you complete your Dp 1.0

ShatteredAwe said:
4. Would it possible for me to get a day or two off from my placement when it's not the Summer months? My university program involved paid Co-op, and because of that I might be required to move away from my home city for a semester or two

I'm not sure if I understand this question. I think you are saying can I not show up for X amount of time? If you need to take an extended absence you could file for ED&T (Excused from Drill and Training). I've never done it so I don't  know the specifics. Likewise if you know in advance that you are going to City X, you might be able to get attach posted (work with another unit, while still being "owned" by your parent unit. 

ShatteredAwe said:
5. Is it true that the standards to be an infantry and/or armoured soldier are extremely high? Does anyone know how high they are exactly? I'm not adverse to hard work, I'm just curious.

I'm not an infanteer I don't know, sorry.

ShatteredAwe said:
6.  In all of the trades I listed, they mention a period of training that requires a series of consecutive weeks. Because I'm planning on still being in school for the next while, would this take place over my Summers?

Normally yes your training should be sometime between May-August, there has been cases where reserves have gotten on reg-f courses (throughout the year) but this isn't a guarantee. I'd expect to be doing your courses during the summer. If you are unavailable during the summer, let your chain of command know. But if I were you and trying to do a coop, I would do everything in your power to get trade qualified as quickly as possible. 

ShatteredAwe said:
7. Is there any way that I could get a "preview" of what life would be like in the reserves, and what each trade entails?

Your best bet would be to research here, and on forces.ca.

They did release this video


But I wouldn't expect to see a tank or a CF-18 in your time in the reserves. Your local unit might have something. It is a great job though especially for a student.

ShatteredAwe said:
8. Do any trades overlap with other areas? Like, do any trades allow one to work with the Army and the Navy consecutively, for example?

I suppose in theory if you were like a clerk or supply tech or any other purple trade, you might be able to get a class b/c contract with a different element but I wouldn't bet the house on it. I'd expect to serve primarily  with the element you join. I haven't really worked with any other elements, I've seen the navy once or twice as an army reservist and briefly talked to a few members of the air force (traffic techs and pilots).

ShatteredAwe said:
Thanks everyone! I'm feeling really positive about joining up sometime within the next few years now. Now I just have to find the time to be able to call a recruiter (in my area they're open until 4pm, but I get off of school at 3pm and I don't get back home until 4pm) for some more intimate details. I'm going to ask if it's possible to tour the armoury / see the equipment each trade uses.

Once again thanks! If I have any more questions I'll let you know.

Have you tried talking to your teachers/administration. Even though my school had a "No cellphone policy" I was still able to receive calls from my recruiter during class when I was in the application process. Everyone I found was really understanding.

Jarnhamar said:
ShatteredAwe what about those trades you highlighted makes you want to join them?

Jarnhamar brings about a great point, trying to change your trade after you swear in (within the reserves or with a transfer to the reg-f) can be difficult or a lengthy process. You have much more flexibility before you swear in.

All the best,
runormal said:
Course 2: BMQ - L (Old name was SQ): This is a course where you learn the basics of being a soldier. I've heard mixed things regarding the length of this course.

Two-week full time BMQ-L is offered to our unit this summer.
I have two guys that are 16 in the regiment currently. Parental consent is required. That being said, it is highly unlikely that a 16/17 year old will be allowed to deploy even with their dp1.
Dockrill923 said:
That being said, it is highly unlikely that a 16/17 year old will be allowed to deploy even with their dp1.

Even with parental permission,  "Under the National Defence Act, members of the Canadian Forces who have not yet reached the age of 18 may not be deployed to any theatre of hostilities, or indeed, any area where armed combat is a possibility. The Canadian Forces also do not permit persons under the age of 18 to be deployed in any domestic emergency where weapon use cannot be ruled out.”

"While the Canadian Forces enrol 16 and 17 year-olds, the Forces have a policy which precludes members under the age of 18 from participating in hostilities or from being deployed to hostile theatres of operations."

Would a 16/17 year old even be allowed to go to the range? I heard once that Cadets aren't allowed to shoot at Figure 8 targets because those targets have a picture of a person on them, and that would be considered to be teaching child soldiers.
Lumber said:
Would a 16/17 year old even be allowed to go to the range?

We used to. But, a lot of things have changed since then.  :)
our 16/17 year old guys on BMQ were allowed as it is a required part of the training. as for cadets as far as I know they can't anymore
Good Evening,
    I'll make this quick, I really want to join the reserve, but I have a new daughter, and just started a new job. Am I required to leave for training, or is training local?  Thank you for your time.
Your basic training(BMQ) most likely would be local and done on weekends(some courses are full time in the summer). Your range weekend would most likely have you travel out of the area though, the military would transport you. As well, on the weekend BMQ course you will be spending your weekend(including nights) at the armoury.

Other courses such as your trade course(DP1) would most likely be out of area and be full time. Also, future career courses would be out of area. Where the training takes place will depend on the trade(job) you join as.

As well, weekend training exercises with your unit would be out of your local area. Some may be local, but expect to be away from home on these weekends.
Don't make it quick. Take it slow and read through older threads here, like this one, STICKIED so that people can find it easily. You have time to do some research.

There is a ton of info here already, ripe for the harvesting, with no need for further repetition. As a bonus to you, as you explore the Site, you'll likely find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

If you really can't find answers, then we'll be glad to help - most likely that will be mariomike producing a link to where the answer has been eluding you.
JBrooks said:
Good Evening,
    I'll make this quick, I really want to join the reserve, but I have a new daughter, and just started a new job. Am I required to leave for training, or is training local?  Thank you for your time.
What area do you live in?
Regina, Saskatchewan (thank you for you're prompt reply) for the record, I will be going down to the local reserve teusday, I'm just extremely excited.
LightFighter said:
Your basic training(BMQ) most likely would be local and done on weekends(some courses are full time in the summer). Your range weekend would most likely have you travel out of the area though, the military would transport you. As well, on the weekend BMQ course you will be spending your weekend(including nights) at the armoury.

Other courses such as your trade course(DP1) would most likely be out of area and be full time. Also, future career courses would be out of area. Where the training takes place will depend on the trade(job) you join as.

As well, weekend training exercises with your unit would be out of your local area. Some may be local, but expect to be away from home on these weekends.

Thank you all for your reply, I have zero problem leaving on weekends to train, I am more than ready to put the hours in, my only standing issue was that I just started a new job in a brand new feild of work as of February , I was worried that I would immediately need to leave for 8-16 weeks to begin training, and I doubt my employer would be ok with that, however, if it were say next summer, to leave for a month or so, it could be worked out. I will continue to peruse the site for more unanswered questions before teusday night when I can speak directly to a recruiter. Again, you all are very helpful. Thank you.
JBrooks said:
Thank you all for your reply, I have zero problem leaving on weekends to train, I am more than ready to put the hours in, my only standing issue was that I just started a new job in a brand new feild of work as of February , I was worried that I would immediately need to leave for 8-16 weeks to begin training, and I doubt my employer would be ok with that, however, if it were say next summer, to leave for a month or so, it could be worked out. I will continue to peruse the site for more unanswered questions before teusday night when I can speak directly to a recruiter. Again, you all are very helpful. Thank you.

Welcome to life, sometimes you have to make difficult decisions. You are also not going to be gone for 16 weeks in the summer, even when BMQ-L had a whole lot more in it, BMQ+BMQ-L was 9.5 weeks. Unless a unit has slots open for you, its likely you won't even be able to attend BMQ this summer, you haven't even spoken to a recruiter yet and those summer serials are going to start in 4-5 weeks. That's cutting it razor close for even a perfect and simple recruiting case to get through the system.
PuckChaser said:
........you haven't even spoken to a recruiter yet and those summer serials are going to start in 4-5 weeks. That's cutting it razor close for even a perfect and simple recruiting case to get through the system.

Let's not create false hope.  The Recruiting Process will not be completed in time for anyone to attend summer serials, if they have not even applied yet.  If a person walked into a Recruiting office today, they may have their processing and enrollment done in late September, perhaps before Christmas; but even then, all the stars have to align.
George Wallace said:
Let's not create false hope.  The Recruiting Process will not be completed in time for anyone to attend summer serials, if they have not even applied yet.  If a person walked into a Recruiting office today, they may have their processing and enrollment done in late September, perhaps before Christmas; but even then, all the stars have to align.
Not an issue. I was under the impression the process would take some time. I briefly spoke to a recruiter last week at a trade fair my company attended, I was told the process could take 4-6 months, depending on slots and my application. All this does is gives me more time to learn and continue my fitness regime. Thanks all for your time, much appreciated.
JBrooks said:
...I was told the process could take 4-6 months...

Or longer. In addition, the date you enrol is likely to be determined by when the next local BMQ serial is scheduled to run. I remember I would inquire about my application during the summer months and it wasn't getting much traction, but then things really started moving in the fall as I was being loaded onto an October 30 BMQ. It is also not uncommon to hear stories about candidates being enrolled a couple of days prior to the start of BMQ. So be ready for a lengthy application process as well as any updates on a moment's notice. Just get started early and go with the flow.
Just talked to a recruiter today. Got all my paperwork and will fill out and drop off next week, and possibly do my fitness test on the same day. Basic Training can be done on weekends over 5 months, and trade specific will be accomplished next summer. Thanks much for all your info and help. Take care.