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Queen's Diamond Jubilee Super Thread

quadrapiper said:
Providing 15% of those nominated are women, and consideration is given to nominees' first official language.

Is there a similar requirement in the CF nomination or screening process for any other award?

At this rate I'm surprised that being able to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time as balancing your cheque book isn't a criteria.  If I ever actually see someone wearing it I'll have to shake his/her hand for being the poster child for political correctness that they are.
Swingline1984 said:
At this rate I'm surprised that being able to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time as balancing your cheque book isn't a criteria.  If I ever actually see someone wearing it I'll have to shake his/her hand for being the poster child for political correctness that they are.

I'll try to ensure you get one...
Swingline1984 said:
::) Sooooo....they've turned an anniversary medal into a decoration for merit.  I think I'd much rather get the MMM if so deserving.

How about being nominated for both? Just a thought............
Can those of us who don't get one refer to ourselves as the 90% and occupy something?
Jim Seggie said:
How about being nominated for both? Just a thought............

The only issue I have with this particular medal is that I'm in the all or none camp for the distribution of an anniversary medal seeing as we already have awards for merit, however, I understand that with it's hands tied with an allocation of only 11000 that the CF is doing it's best to be fair.  My comments were made with tongue firmly planted in cheek (or foot in mouth; whichever you prefer) and I'm sure whomever receives this medal will be nothing but deserving.
Loachman said:
Can those of us who don't get one refer to ourselves as the 90% and occupy something?

We'll occupy the bottom 90% of the merit list.
Swingline1984 said:
the CF is doing it's best to be fair. 

The CF is doing no such thing. If it it had been merit-based only, it may have seemed fair. Then they mandated that 15% of nominees would be women and that consideration will be given to FOL, employment equity groups, etc......

It instantly became an unfair system, on purpose.

I don't give a rats ass about the medal but what the CF came up with is not a fair system and doesn't even pretend to be.
The CF is doing no such thing. If it it had been merit-based only, it may have seemed fair. Then they mandated that 15% of nominees would be women and that consideration will be given to FOL, employment equity groups, etc......

It instantly became an unfair system, on purpose.

I don't give a rats *** about the medal but what the CF came up with is not a fair system and doesn't even pretend to be.

Totally agree with above statement. Since when does a commemorative medal have anything to do with merit, gender, language etc? I'll tell you when....since the Government is too cheap to make enough for all people in uniform and not just CF uniforms. Take the example of the UK which is in dire economic trouble but still will give out this gong for all personnel with 5 years in and not just the MOD. Their Military not to mention all the other services must be at least twice Canada's yet we nickel and dime our people.....for shame.
CDN Aviator said:
The CF is doing no such thing. If it it had been merit-based only, it may have seemed fair. Then they mandated that 15% of nominees would be women and that consideration will be given to FOL, employment equity groups, etc......

It instantly became an unfair system, on purpose.
Exactly.  But it is merit based only.  They even said so.  ::)
"And if all others accepted the lie with the Party imposed - if all records told the same tale - then the lie passed into history and became truth.  "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."  And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered.  Whatever was true now w2as true from everlasting to everlasting.  It was quite simple.  All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory.  "Reality control," they called it:  in Newspeak, "doublethink."
CDN Aviator said:
The CF is doing no such thing. If it it had been merit-based only, it may have seemed fair. Then they mandated that 15% of nominees would be women and that consideration will be given to FOL, employment equity groups, etc......

It instantly became an unfair system, on purpose.

I don't give a rats *** about the medal but what the CF came up with is not a fair system and doesn't even pretend to be.

And I'll view this medal with the same regard I give the 125, QGJM.  Little or none at all.  The 125 was such a balls up fiasco in 1 CMBG it made one sick.
CDN Aviator said:
The CF is doing no such thing.

The CF isn't the president of the political correctness club, it is only a member.  The idea of what is "fair" is subjective.  If in the end women were under represented, then that too would be seen as unfair by certain parties.  I don't have all the answers, but I think in all 'fairness' (due to the constraints placed upon it by the system) the criteria, and by virtue of that, the CF is being 'fair'.  However, you can see why I (as I can assume most of you are, and as I stated previously) am in the all-or-none camp.
Swingline1984 said:
the CF is being 'fair'. 


They were being fair when they said that the sole criteria was merit. If they had left it at that, it would have been fair alright.

It is further down the message that "fair" stopped.

I am in the "none at all" camp. It is a BS medal for commemorative purposes. It does not belong on the uniform of soldiers. That the CF is double-speaking on its criteria and playing the PC game makes worth even less.
CDN Aviator said:
I am in the "none at all" camp. It is a BS medal for commemorative purposes. It does not belong on the uniform of soldiers. That the CF is double-speaking on its criteria and playing the PC game makes worth even less.

Fair enough.
CDN Aviator said:
I am in the "none at all" camp. It is a BS medal for commemorative purposes. It does not belong on the uniform of soldiers. That the CF is double-speaking on its criteria and playing the PC game makes worth even less.

I look forward to seeing a picture of your smiling mug when you get presented this medal!  >:D

Dolphin_Hunter said:
I look forward to seeing a picture of your smiling mug when you get presented this medal!  >:D

Thankfully, i am not eligible as i have been fined $550 at one point in time and no one fined over $500 can get it.

You will have to get your kicks out of someone else. I know someone in your line of work that will probably get it though.......you know who i am thinking of.
For cryin' out loud; give it to the Cadets, Rangers, and anyone who's never deployed.

For the rest of us, it just causes the butt-pain of having to get the medals remounted.....again.  ::)
The staff effort could have been better used........like getting real medals to soldiers who have already earned them.

My Libya medal and OSM(exp) would have been a good start  ;D
Journeyman said:
For cryin' out loud; give it to the Cadets, Rangers, and anyone who's never deployed.

For the rest of us, it just causes the butt-pain of having to get the medals remounted.....again.  ::)

Cadets could always use another "gimmie" medal. On another note, pertaining to the rangers. I know they live up there in the cold most of the time, but is there an Arctic Operational Service Medal or has there ever been talk of one? I know they are just doing their day to day job, but its friggin cold up there!