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People throwing things at soldiers, that is sad to hear. I know it happens though because when I am in my cadet uniform walking down the street I get many comments some good, some bad. I think the reason kids these days (comming from a 16 year old) are so disrespectful is because of ignorance, they dont know what our soldiers go through on a daily basis to protect THEM. It has been so long since Canada has had a war on our soil that the only people who know what war is really like are the soldiers that travel the world to fight them. Most people fail to see how different (in a bad way) their lives would be if Canada‘s military was not there to protect them.
yea but kids will be kids and it takes a bigger man to take thier BS and not say anything. Same wit older ppl acting like lil kids saying stuff like "hey the wars over eh?" this is the kinda stff that ticks me off but hey the only thing you can do is put up with it.
Maybe I should have clarified
You‘re right. You should have.

the only individual physically assaulted in this incident was the desk, I never laid a hand on the kid.
I know.

Before you pass judgment understand the circumstances. My life was considerably different then it is now, my grandfather(veteran)was fighting cancer, my step father(veteran)passed away weeks before around the same time I was contemplating suicide. Basically my life sucked.I managed to turn things around with my decision to enlist. I see where I wronged that day but to tell you the truth if I had the chance I‘d do it all over again, someone had to because the teachers sure as **** wouldn‘t.
And that is why you must clarify. Or else people like me will become critical.

Sorry I offended you with my harsh langauge...
The only language you offended me with was the "Blank Blank"
Even though you may not have ment it, it is still hurt and hateful. I was on you‘re case this time, and I will be if there‘s a next time.

Overall, I think you have a decent soul and a good heart. Put it to good use.
I had one teacher in high school who was made sure we learned about Canada during the wars. He seemed to be able to get everyone‘s attention, and make students appreciate the sacrifices our veterns have made just by making the statement "If Canada today was to involved in another war on the same scale as the First World War, we would suffer half a million dead and 2.3 million wounded." :eek:

It seemed to work to get the point across. Sometimes people understand if you put things into today‘s context. :cdn:
Good post on the Heinlein, Infanteer.

I‘ve read that book many times and wonder about how much is coming true in our world today.

Maybe some of the other philosiphy in the book should come true as well.

I have heard those stories from the old times about the regiment. That would not suprise me about RSM Alkema, Slim. (LMAO), nothing like that has happened recently (we had a few idiots shouting dumb things at us as we passed U of T, this past Rememberance Day). Their are some other things I have heard. Gotta love being a glamour boy.
Originally posted by Slim:
Judging by your post I‘d say you have a future both here and in the service. Good on you for "seeing" the matter in a clear light![/QB][/QUOTE]

Thanks for the vote of confidence Slim.
Ahhh, the SGT hugh Cairns VC Armoury. I know it well, and I have seen some good parties in both the OR‘s mess and the SGTs‘ mess upstairs. Is that old Grman WW1 gun still out front?

Here in Sydney, I have been followed, threatened, spat at, sworn at, had stuff thrown at, all post 11 Sep too.

Sadly the offenders were not of Australian origin, and their support is for their brethern who support the bad guys in the ongoing war against terror. I will NOT take this further.

What did we do? Nothing. It pays to be disciplined, as it shows your strength. Good on ys‘ all for not responding. You did the right thing.

Remember, at the end of the day, the scum in question are just ‘bottom feeders‘, and you are above them. Dont give them the satisfaction of responding.

If Kevin Martin or Alex Johnson are still in the NSaskR, tell em I said hi.
Kids don‘t know any better. They are too young to realize what soldiers do and what they owe to them. They may one day, realize how stupid they were...maybe. But for now they just want to look cool for their friends...

Its the same with how you see tourists and soforth harassing the British guards in England (with the tall black hats). They know that the people are not suppost to react or fight back, so they do it...its all just pretty stupid and pointless...but what can one do to stop these immature kids...
Homer Simpson: "are you like one of those british guards who can‘t move or anything? Bloaobalasoabalo"
Does anyone think a mandatory 2 year service in the military when you graduate highschool would help this in any way? Maybe we would have fewer trouble makers and more appreciative canadians after understanding what goes on in defence of our rights and nation.
Ha, Heinlein has an answer for everything. I personally wouldn‘t want to share a trench with someone who didn‘t want to be there in the first place.

"Uh, sir, why not go - well, go the limit? Require everyone to serve and let everybody vote?"

"Young man, can you restore my eyesight?"

"Sir? Why, no, sir!"

"You would find it much easier than to instill moral virtue - social responsibility - into a person who doesn‘t have it, doesn‘t want it, and resents having the burden thrust on him. This is why we make it so hard to enroll, so easy to resign. Social responsibility above the level of family, or at most of tribe, requires imagination - devotion, loyalty, all the higher virtues - which a man must develop himself; if he has them forced down him, he will vomit them out."

Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers - 184
This may be a catch 22 situation here. I agree 100% that respect should be shown to the armed forces who have and are serving the flaq and current incarnation of Canada as it is a family trade with one exception, but without people understanding what this service means, I think that the respect from all will be a long time coming.

People have lost touch with what hard work and sacrifice is. Look at most, not all, of the kids and teens whose parents pay for everything and university students who complain about increasing tution but still have money to party every weekend and drive brand new cars. It is "expected" by these types that everything should be given to them for minimal effort.
So with a lack of understanding of what hard work and sacrifice for what they want, we expect these types to respect the armed forces? Is there a solution? Or is the respect issue a never ending battle?
Canadian society as it stands is certainly not prepared for any mandatory service. Most Canadians are not prepared to sacrifice their comfort, convienence for the civil liberties and rights that most of us are proud to defend.

People are striking in NL for higher pay yet acknowledge that their provincial govt is as high as (according to some stats) Cdn $1 000 000 000 in debt. Others want to be safer from terrorist attacks yet complain when they have to spend an extra hour at the airport. Israelies routinely spend twice as long going through hoops at their airport security. Our govt certainly would not support it, they know they would never get reelected. This was proven during the first and second great hates.Even our ex-PM went to bat for the Canadian civil rights of an immigrant Canadian accused of terrorist activities who was being held in foreign custody. He has since being killed in a firefight with federal troops in an terrorist ambush. We few, or so very few, are an incredibly small percentage.

In some societies those punks would have been jumped and had the living snot beaten out of them at best or dragged out to the outskirts of town and gunned down. They probably didn‘t even realize the ****ed irony of their actions.
They called it National Service here (2 yrs service)in Australia, and it went from 1951-1972.

There is talk of returning it, and there has been positive feedback from the general public.

Am I for it? Yes.


Our Sgt, runs us past a high school on every PT, so needless to say we get a few funny comments. At first, I had some major internal conflicts as to whether I should stick an arm out and clothes-line some of the punks who run up close to shout not so encouraging comments at my exhausted buddies, but now Im fine with it.

The jokes on them though, cause its always the boys in uniform on the bus who get all the phone numbers and e-mails from the ladies. :D
It‘s sad to see.

All it usually takes to cure is a little education.
Originally posted by Sh0rtbUs:
[qb] The jokes on them though, cause its always the boys in uniform on the bus who get all the phone numbers and e-mails from the ladies. :D [/qb]
Picking up high school girls, Shortbus? :eek: ;) :p
dont worry about those punks guys just laugh at them when there pickin up your garbage in the morning