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Originally posted by The Agony:
[qb]And guess who got stuck between 26 fit soldiers[/qb]
lol thats rich, I can picture them both just goin "****".

It‘s true though, kids not all but a lot seem to have zero respect(coming from a 17 year old :rolleyes: ). The Remembrance day assembly last year sickened me, during the moment of silence all these **** ****** started coughing, it wasnt just one kid either, it was one at first and then a bunch more joined in... Needless to say me(going to be a 3rd generation soldier) took great offence. I managed to hold my tounge and figure out who was doing it in my class. After the assembly we all head back to class, I waited until everyone was back in before I approached one of the douche bags desk and gave him a little speach. He must of thought I was joking because he kind of just chuckled. Next thing I know I‘m tossing his desk and goin ape **** on him.

I got suspended for my momentary lapse of control, but meh it was worth it.... I went home that afternoon, called my grandfarther and told him thanks.
Originally posted by PTE Gruending:
[qb] Wow, did I get my temper ignited last nite... Our PL was out for a nice little ruck march on our parade night last night through the city of Saskatoon. Perfect weather for this, nice little workout. There were quite a few people who honked their horns when they drove by us (I am guessing in support), which was pretty nice.

However, on our way back to the armouries, we were walking along the sidewalk in two ranks (probably 25-30 troops in total) and we noticed some younger kids (I would say 13-18) on the corner adjacent to us. One of the little *******s began throwing snowballs at us, and we continued along our journey. I couldn‘t believe that this little ******* had the gaul to do something like that. Of course we weren‘t allowed to say or do anything, so it was frustrating. Would have been nice to have a couple troops dump their rucks and give a little chase, but I am dreaming.... [/qb]
After reading your above post and Agonies I salute both of you and your Leader‘s this is just a minor thing but even though minor this is what you can expect over seas from a few.

In Jan/97 after 9,10 hrs from Trenton we arrived in Zagreb,cleared the Airport and on the Bus‘ and off we went,we hit Kharlivatc (sp)the local‘s saw the Bus‘ and they started to throw rock‘s,flip us the Bird and shout,the Guy‘s may be on their 3rd or 4th tours just said don‘t worry about it as they are the one‘s with no gut‘s.
Welcome to the Balkins! :D ;)

But it is sad that this happen‘s in our own Country. :mad:

Though, some of us can understand you‘re dismay.

I can‘t understand why you would call those individuals by the words in sentence four, paragraph 1. If you still do not know what I mean,
it starts off with "Moment of silence all these Blank blank"

Are you saying that (The blank blank) all people who do that sort of thing have zero respect for remembrance day? Or are you saying that all those individuals that do that type of thing, are unpatriotic so that angers you in lashing out at them? in affect getting you suspended.

No offence. But you need to get you‘re priority‘s straight. Getting you‘re self suspended from school does not make those individuals more patriotic to their country.

I‘m ranting about this because of the language, in particular the "Blank blank" used in you‘re post.
Control you‘re anger, not let you‘re anger control you. As for the "blank blank" I suggest that you show some respect that you soposelly have and not be directly negative to those who may read this and may personally concern/effect.
In regards to the first post I think it is sad that someone would go so far as to disrespect the men and women who protect their well being. None the less as a soldier it is your duty to act in a profesional manner and restrain yourself from saying anything to the disrespecfull people around you no matter how much the piss you off. The people who do apreciate are work always make up for the bad stuff that happens from time to time
Poop happens.
Many moons ago ... a certain Highland regiment in Toronto was marching SOUTH after their Remembrance Service at the Regimental monument.
An extremely large and noisy group of protestors were marching NORTH (nothing anti-military - some trifling demonstration for a special interest political cause that had nothing to do with the Army).

Anyway, the Regiment halted, fixed bayonets, then continued SOUTH.
A couple of young, overexuberant protestors were foolishly "brave" enough to fling their placards at the Regiment ... and what followed was marvelous:
Senior members from the demonstration grabbed these pissants, cuffed them soundly about the ears, and man-handled them back into the safety of the herd ... while an elderly protestor from a particular visible minority scurried to pick up the flung placards, and then retreated backwards, genuflecting in apology ...

And the Regiment marched on in stony silence, save for the skirl of their Pipes and Drums.

Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.
-- Thucydides: History of the Peleponnesian Wars, c. 404 B.C.
AHHHhhh...The famed Red Ball Express in glorious action!

Sometimes I do miss it...Actually I was on the Rememberance day parade in ‘86 (the same year Sgt **** got his bayonet stuck and could‘t fix it for any money!) when, on the march back to Moss Park, this punk comes out and sneaks up behind Ozzy Reace.

Ron Alkema was beind the punk...

Fortunately the cops got the punk before Ron did but I always wonder what would have happened...
Many, many, many moons ago ... (when the Highland regiment in Toronto had vets from the Second Great Hate ...)

The Regiment was marching along, when suddently an overly exuberant gentleman (inspired by liquid courage) lunged from the curb and attempted to grab the Colours.

If I remember correctly (I‘m only retelling a story told to me by the Old Comrades Association ...) CSM Osbourne demonstrated the efficacy of a butt stroke with his Lee Enfield ... enabling aforesaid inebriated gentleman to have a little nap on the side of the road.

A member of Toronto‘s constabulary rushed to the scene and asked what happened - the reply was simply "He tried to touch the colours."

Napping gentleman woke up in the crowbar hotel, and the Regiment marched on in stony silence save for the skirls of the Pipes and Drums.
Bossi, we had the same thing happen in Calgary, but as the legend goes, a certain Sergeant used his Lee Enfield to bayonet the drunken miscreant in the leg. His crime - he tried to touch the Colours.

I have seen a neat photo - from the 1980s IIRC - of a Canadian Forces Drum Major about to deliver a swift kick to a photographer who was kneeling directly on the white line of the street a Canadian Army regiment was marching down. I guess buddy thought the Drum Major would march around him. Buddy thought wrong....
Originally posted by bossi:
[qb]CSM Osbourne demonstrated the efficacy of a butt stroke with his Lee Enfield ... enabling aforesaid inebriated gentleman to have a little nap on the side of the road.

A member of Toronto‘s constabulary rushed to the scene and asked what happened - the reply was simply "He tried to touch the colours."[/qb]
How far are you guys allowed to go to protect the flags? Personally, I wouldn‘t mind seeing any of these turds getting a rifle but in the face. It‘s a shame we don‘t see it more often.
They‘re not flags - they‘re consecrated colours (i.e. Queen‘s Colour, and Regimental Colour).
They are inscribed with "battle honours", and are always escorted when outside of their resting place.
What point is having an escort to the Colours, unless they‘re going to protect them ... ?

And, if a Regiment has the "Freedom of The City" ... then it‘s an offence to interfere with them ...
Oops, my bad with the terminology. I heard about incidents like that when I was a cadidiot, but I always though they were the results of overimaginative teenage minds. I always just figured that you guys wouldn‘t be allowed to do it in this modern age where the general public is horrified if they find out that the army still does barbaric things like protect their dignity, history and honour.
but i‘m still a civilian
Then what are you doing using my capbadge?

If you aren‘t qualified then I suggest you remove it. ;)

Originally posted by wongskc:
[qb] . I always just figured that you guys wouldn‘t be allowed to do it in this modern age where the general public is horrified if they find out that the army still does barbaric things like protect their dignity, history and honour. [/qb]
Judging by your post I‘d say you have a future both here and in the service. Good on you for "seeing" the matter in a clear light!

Slim :cdn:
Youth‘s lately have been getting worse and worse...(this comign from a 16 yr old). Youths, not jsut teenagers, are very disrespectful. I absolutely love Army cadets and when we parade aropund town you always have the pujnks trying to yell out hte cadence. it‘s so annoying...one year we actually had our CO yell at them to shut up so we wouldn‘t be put out of step. I am really looking forward to joining the reserves while i‘m goign to RMC.
One time we had some real smart *** rev his car really loud eventually speeding away, honking the horn while in front of the armourys with all of us standing out there. Those individuals in the vehicle yelling "Hail Hitler, Hail Hitler." while the persons arm is out the window doing the salute.
"Law-abiding people, hardly dared to go into a public park at night. To do so was to risk attack by wolf packs of children, armed with chains, knives, homemade guns, bludgeons...to be hurt at least, robbed most certainly, injured for life probably - or even killed...Murder, drug addiction, larceny, assault and vandalism were commonplace. Nor were parks the only places - these things happened also on the streets in daylight, on school grounds, even inside school buildings. But parks were so notoriously unsafe that honest people stayed clear of them after dark.
"And that was the soft spot which destroyed what was in many ways an admirable culture. The juniour hoodlums who roamed their streets were symptoms of a greater sickness; their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of ‘rights‘...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure."

Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

I often think of that passage when I see news stories of the violent acts mobs of 15 year olds are capable of committing. (Case in point, the summer murders of youths in school playfields in Vancouver)
Great quote, Infanteer.

I think we take our freedom for granted.

If we had to fight to get, then don‘t we have to fight to keep it? I think some people have given up on it, and taken to selfish ignorance.

Just my two cents. Soldiers have all my respect. :) :cdn:
Originally posted by Infanteer:
[qb] "Law-abiding people, hardly dared to go into a public park at night. To do so was to risk attack by wolf packs of children, armed with chains, knives, homemade guns, bludgeons...to be hurt at least, robbed most certainly, injured for life probably - or even killed...Murder, drug addiction, larceny, assault and vandalism were commonplace. Nor were parks the only places - these things happened also on the streets in daylight, on school grounds, even inside school buildings. But parks were so notoriously unsafe that honest people stayed clear of them after dark.
"And that was the soft spot which destroyed what was in many ways an admirable culture. The juniour hoodlums who roamed their streets were symptoms of a greater sickness; their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of ‘rights‘...and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure."

Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

I often think of that passage when I see news stories of the violent acts mobs of 15 year olds are capable of committing. (Case in point, the summer murders of youths in school playfields in Vancouver) [/qb]
Do you have a page number from the paperback edition? I think you found a new quote for my website.
First part is page 113. Second part is page 120.

Glad to see I‘m bringing you to the Heinlein philosophy...

The quote is ever more foreboding due to the fact that he wrote the book 50 years ago.
Originally posted by Dano:
[qb]Are you saying that (The blank blank) all people who do that sort of thing have zero respect for remembrance day? Or are you saying that all those individuals that do that type of thing, are unpatriotic so that angers you in lashing out at them? in affect getting you suspended.

No offence. But you need to get you‘re priority‘s straight. Getting you‘re self suspended from school does not make those individuals more patriotic to their country.

Control you‘re anger, not let you‘re anger control you. As for the "blank blank" I suggest that you show some respect that you soposelly have and not be directly negative to those who may read this and may personally concern/effect. [/qb]
Maybe I should have clarified, the only individual physically assaulted in this incident was the desk, I never laid a hand on the kid.

Before you pass judgment understand the circumstances. My life was considerably different then it is now, my grandfather(veteran)was fighting cancer, my step father(veteran)passed away weeks before around the same time I was contemplating suicide. Basically my life sucked.I managed to turn things around with my decision to enlist. I see where I wronged that day but to tell you the truth if I had the chance I‘d do it all over again, someone had to because the teachers sure as **** wouldn‘t.

Sorry I offended you with my harsh langauge...