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Pte. Patrick Lormand, KIA, 13 Sep 09

Edward Campbell

Army.ca Myth
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This is breaking news from the CBC web site:

Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan

Last Updated: Monday, September 14, 2009 | 6:04 AM ET Comments10Recommend7

CBC News

Pte. Patrick Lormand, 21, of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment based in Quebec City, was killed Sunday.Pte. Patrick Lormand, 21, of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment based in Quebec City, was killed Sunday. (DND)


A Canadian solider has died in Afghanistan while patrolling in the volatile Panjwaii district, where two other soldiers were killed just a week ago.

Pte. Patrick Lormand, 21, of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment based in Quebec City, was killed and four others were injured in a roadside blast from an improvised explosive device on Sunday afternoon, the military said.

The armoured vehicle that Lormand was riding in struck the device about 13 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City, Brig.-Gen. Jonathan Vance said Monday.

Lormand, known as Lorm to his friends, is the 130th Canadian soldier to die since the Afghan mission began in 2002. One diplomat and two Canadian aid workers have also been killed.

The injured soldiers were treated at the medical facility at Kandahar Airfield and have been released, Vance said. Their names are not being released.

The death comes only one week after two other soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol in the same area.

Vance described Lormand as a "calm and determined" solider who was well-liked for his good sense of humour and his efforts at raising the morale of his section and platoon.

Lormand was "a good soul, who tried every day to do the right thing and saw the results of his efforts, a chance to succeed on a wider scale on behalf of Canadians and Afghans alike," Vance said.

"Like those you have seen before, [he] came here to do right by Afghanistan, to serve Canada's objective, to help bring peace, a chance for a lasting security and a better environment to live and raise a family," Vance said.

Condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the fallen, and hopes for a speedy recovery to the injured.

English text follows French version

Communiqué en français:
Un soldat canadien a été tué et quatre autres blessés lorsqu’un engin explosif improvisé a explosé près de leur véhicule blindé qui circulait sur une route dans le district de Panjwai. L’incident s’est produit à 10 km au sud-ouest de la ville de Kandahar vers 13 h, heure de Kandahar, le 13 septembre 2009.

A été tué au combat le soldat Patrick Lormand du 2e Bataillon, Royal 22e Régiment, basé à Valcartier, Québec. Le soldat Lormand servait à titre de membre du groupement tactique du 2e Bataillon, Royal 22e Régiment.

Quatre autres soldats ont été blessés lors de cet incident. Ils ont été évacués par hélicoptère vers l’installation médicale multinationale à l’aérodrome de Kandahar. Ils ont tous reçu leur congé de l’hôpital. Leur identité ne sera pas publiée.

Nos pensées et nos condoléances vont aux familles et amis de nos camarades disparus.

Les soldats canadiens et leurs partenaires des Forces de sécurité nationales afghanes travaillent ensemble pour le plus grand bien de l’Afghanistan. Les opérations de sécurité exigent parfois un lourd prix à payer mais le défi auquel nous faisons face ne peut nous détourner de notre objectif ultime et de notre engagement envers les Afghans.

CF Statement:
One Canadian soldier was killed and four injured when an improvised explosive device detonated near their armoured vehicle on a road in Panwjai District. The incident occurred approximately 10 kilometres South-West of Kandahar City at around 1:00 p.m., Kandahar time, on 13th September, 2009.

Killed in action was Private Patrick Lormand from the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment based in Valcartier, Quebec. Private Lormand was serving as a member of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group, Quebec.

Four other Canadian Forces members were injured during the incident. They were evacuated by helicopter to the Multi-National Medical Facility at the Kandahar Airfield. They have all since been released. Their identities will not be made public.

Our thoughts and condolences go to the family and friends of our fallen comrade.

Members of Task Force Kandahar work with Afghan security forces for the greater good of Afghanistan. We remain focused and determined to bringing peace, stability and good governance despite the challenge imposed on us by the insurgents. We remain committed to Afghanistan.

Update:  The Taliban have claimed responsiblity for the attack - more here at Milnet.ca.

- edited to add update -
Rest well, young warrior.

RIP :salute: :cdn:

To the family of Pte Lormand, please accept our condolences.
So that others may have life and dwell in peace, happiness and freedom.

RIP soldier
My deepest condolences to the family and comrades of Pte Lormand.  Rest easy mate.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Private Patrick Lormand.

"Lormand, or "Lorm" as he was known to his friends, was well liked and his good humour and happiness was credited with raising the morale of his section and his platoon."
...to be noted for its unusual length and detail  (version français ici)
It broke my heart today to learn of the death of Private Patrick Lormand of the 2nd Battalion of the Royal 22 Regiment, based in Valcartier. This courageous soldier died when the vehicle in which he was travelling ran over one of the improvised explosive devices that insurgents use to spread and maintain terror in Afghanistan. Four of his colleagues were also injured in the explosion.

As a tribute to Private Lormand, I would like to reflect on the mission for which he so bravely gave his life, because, not three days ago, I was with our soldiers in Afghanistan to honour the difficult and remarkable job they are doing.

To better appreciate our soldiers’ achievements on the ground, I met and spoke with a number of representatives from Afghan civil society, women and men who, faced with barbarity, are defending life in Afghanistan and fighting injustice and misery; these are the people we never—or rarely—hear from. The people of Afghanistan support progress, democracy, the reconstruction of peace, the rebuilding of their country, the respect of rights and freedoms, the equality of women, education and development, and Canada, in turn, supports their efforts and initiatives to promote viable Afghan solutions to Afghan problems.

They all told me that the actions of our soldiers to insure the security of the area and that the contributions being made by the Canadian International Development Agency and all other civil Canadian partners are helping them to move forward as they face the forces of destruction in their country.

At the Sayad Pacha elementary school, which Canada helped to build in Kandahar in 2008, the girls and boys clearly told me in their own words that their greatest concern was security, and that it was essential to rebuilding their country, devastated by decades of war, and crucial in order for them to achieve their dreams. They also told me how grateful they were to all the soldiers who expose themselves to danger to protect them. They see the soldiers at work, on patrol, looking for explosive devices, uncovering mines and defending communities from terrorist incursions, all at great risk to themselves.

I visited the base hospital, where caring and professional Canadian Forces medical teams work day and night to care for civilians and soldiers, Afghans and members of the NATO coalition. Among the patients were three children who were being treated for severe burns and mutilations they suffered as a result of a slyly buried homemade bomb. Everyone at the hospital was mourning the two other children who had died the previous day in their care. I know they are in mourning again today for Private Lormand.

We have lost an extraordinary Canadian.

My husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, our daughter, Marie-Éden, and I join all Canadians in expressing our deepest sympathies to Private Lormand’s family, loved ones and friends, as well as to his comrades still in Afghanistan, for whom this is another difficult loss.

Our thoughts are also with those who were injured, and their families and friends.

- edited to fix Google French -
He is on his journey home.  There were lots of tears at his viewing from his mates.  My heart went out to them, I remember them from when I was OTW.  Good lads all.  It speaks so very highly of him that his passing was mourned so deeply by his comrades.  May he be the last. 
Media Advisory
Our Fallen Comrade Returns Home
LFCA MA 09-16 - September 15, 2009

OTTAWA – Our fallen comrade, Private Patrick Lormand from the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment based in Valcartier, Quebec, returns home to Canada tomorrow.

Where:  8 Wing, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario.

When:  Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.

What:    At the request of the families, media will be permitted on the tarmac.

Present to pay their respects will be Her Excellency The Governor General of Canada, The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Minister of National Defence, The Honourable Peter MacKay, Chief of the Defence Staff, General Walt Natynczyk and other dignitaries.

Pte. Lormand was killed and four other Canadian soldiers were injured when an improvised explosive device detonated near their armoured vehicle on a road in Panwjai District. The incident occurred approximately 10 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City at around 1:00 p.m., Kandahar time, on September 13th, 2009.

Private Lormand was serving as a member of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment Battle Group.


For more information:         
Lieutenant Annie Morin 8 Wing/CFB Trenton Public Affairs Officer
Tel: (613) 392-2811, ext. 4565 Cell: (613) 243-7330
E-mail: morin.mva@forces.gc.ca
