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PSAC Strike Actions and Some Reactions- Merged Thread

Indirectly, they're out there for us as well. It's annoying, but it will benefit us in the end.

I understand that this is reality but why are our pay rates directly related to the pay rates of a civilian UNION?  They shouldn't have anything to do with one another.
I agree, Brin.

They rely on the military for a job, THEIR pay should be tied to the MILITARY pay.

The military should not be saying, "yeah, it's OK they are screwing my troop/course training, because I'm going to get a raise..."

What crap.  I'm sure that there isn't another military in the same situation.
I have posted on this subject before in the "political" forum, specifically as to how it negatively impacts upon the training that my organization is mandated to deliver to military personnel.  I won't repeat myself, as I have already made my position clear.

What I WILL say is that I spent 3.5 hours stuck in a traffic jam on the Waasis Road leading to CFB Gagetown this morning.  Yes, this is the supposedly "interference-free, uniformed-only" gate that 3 ASG allegedly negotiated with PSAC as a condition of letting them picquet and obstruct traffic interminably at the other 2 base gates.  So much for negotiotiations conducted in good faith....

Quite frankly, I don't give a "flying *&%$" about military pay-raises tied to the public service.  So much for the "defence team".  I have a right to work for my wage, and these malcontent wankers are obstructing me from doing the job that I am paid to do.  Quite frankly, I am disgusted with the one-sided concilliatory attitude of the 3 ASG base "leadership".  They have been lied to and taken advantage of by the union.  And still today, I receive e-mail "spam" from the uniformed union syccophants telling me to tell my subordinates to remain calm and cooperate.  Screw that!  If I had my way, 2 RCR would be out putting those shiny new Crowd Confrontation Operations TTPs into practice.  Enough is enough.  This entire exercise is utterly pointless when the only people being inconvenienced are those who have absolutely zero influence nor bearing on settlement of the dispute.  If PSAC wants to make their point, then shut down Ottawa.  Quit screwing with my ability to perform my military duties!

Oh, and for the RCMP and Military Police who refuse to enforce the respective laws against obstruction of public highways and access to military establishments?  Do us all a favour and get out from behind your video cameras to do your frigging jobs!

Yes, patience is wearing thin.  My school Commandant and (American exchange) RSM were the first two from our school to have there names taken down by the RCMP for a "confrontational attitude".  We are now on the slippery slope to much more interesting "road rage" times unless the civilian and military law enforcement officials actually pony up and do their frigging jobs. 

"Right to strike"?  No problem.  "Right to exercise your rights by picquetting"?  No problem.  "Prevent me from reporting to work and hold me up for 3.5 hours in a 2 km-long traffic jam because the RCMP and Military Police can't/won't do their jobs"?  Well, now we have the makings of a serious problem....

I am seriously pissed, and I am NOT alone.
I'm with you, Mark.

I parked and walked in, instead of waiting.  The're always in my face anyway, with me being a civilian now.  Thank goodness J7 wasn't built any further awa!

This morning, the RCMP and MP's were nowhere to be seen at 0705 hrs when I came in.  I think they were taken by surprise.  I think they'll be out again tomorrow as well.  Darn them.
If I had my way, 2 RCR would be out putting those shiny new Crowd Confrontation Operations TTPs into practice.  Enough is enough.

Bang on.

The way I see it, hindering the ability of the Armed Forces of this country to train for war is interfering with our National Security, especially with the situation in the world today.

We are at war; Canadian soldiers have died in the line of duty, some due to hostile action by enemy factions.  These people are providing comfort to the enemy by hindering our training and preparation.  Considering other countries shoot people for snooping around military facilities, these people are lucky that a 30 Ton armoured vehicle hasn't drove over their picket (which it should).

I've said it before but I guess I will remind you again. DON"T blame the strikers, all the higher-ups on the base need to do is get a court order so they cannot picket within so many kms....etc.......            about 2 hours work!

Obviously you getting held up in traffic means NOTHING to your bosses.
They want to work[trust me I've been through two] but this one of the only weapons they have.
Just be glad you get yours awarded to you and don;t have to put your finances on the line to get it.

So tomorrow don't bitch, stand up, and call somebody who has the power to do something about it.
i agree with mark c . im not allowed to strike, i cannot decide i dont want to show up today , i get fined . i get fined if i'm late . just get out of my freaking way and let me work . what are they trying to do , we dont have any say on weather or not they get a raise hey if it was up to me , fire them al and let the forces run the forces not have some freaking civie tell me we cant do it because my union wont allow that . last time i looked this was / is a military est. not the post office..
Unfortunately the forces is in such a state that we couldn't possibly fill in all the slots that they currently fill.  I wish we could though don't get me wrong.
Yup - one of the calmer ways to deal with this is walk or ride your bicycle to work
(and if you have to drive a long distance, just throw your bike in the back or simply park and walk the last bound).

This morning the picket lines were in effect at our local defence establishment - traffic was unusually high coming in on the alternate approaches.
I was out doing my ruck march, and next thing you know people are driving down the CLOSED road I'm marching on (chuckle - the lemming effect?)

One of my friends had an amusing encounter - when he drove up to the picket line, he shut off his engine turned up the radio and sipped on his coffee.  When the picketer approached for the obligatory "information session" my friend replied "No problem - I realise our pay raises are linked to your salaries, so in effect you guys are on strike for us, too."  Instead of making my friend wait, they waved him through ... (!) 
Moral of the story:  Try reverse psychology - it works better than confrontation.
(a.k.a. "the indirect approach")
Maybe I have too much time on my hands tonight, but the subject line of this thread just struck me.

Are there any non-civilian members of PSAC?

I heard today through unofficial army communications(rumor mill)that some.but not all tables of PSAC have reached an agreement.Can anyone expand on this and how does it directly relate to us at this time in relation to time till raise or whatever
Do the strikers have any actual right to request to see my ID?
Today I obliged, but I didn't think it seemed right. They could have easily asked me to wait until they opened up the line, which I did anyway, then the comissionaire would do his usual ID check.
I felt very wierd showing them my ID though I didn't voice it, I wonder what right they actually have to do so.

Not hijacking the thread gun plumber, but if someone does now a definitive on that, could you please post it.
re: partial strike settlement - I saw a headline that some sections had reached an agreement (e.g. the Parks workers, who went out on strike earlier than the majority - perhaps due in part to the reality that "Parks season" is over and picketing empty national parks isn't all that effective ... since Parks Canada would benefit from not having to pay their wages during the off season ... ?)

There are stories in the media about how close they are to reaching a settlement ... but probably a more accurate prediction can be obtained by estimating the picketers tolerance for cold weather and snow (i.e. they're mostly sedentary officer workers and indoor labourers, not "Teamsters" ...).

re: ID - they're probably asking to see ID because you're in civvies and they want to ensure you're not a "scab" - when I've been in uniform I've never even been stopped at the picket lines (well, actually ... when I rode my bike in they didn't stop me, either - most picketers realise that the short-haired, ornery, muscular guys aren't part of their union ...).
They have no right asking for ID.

Having said that, refusing to show it might slow you up a bit getting on Base.
bossi said:
re: ID - they're probably asking to see ID because you're in civvies and they want to ensure you're not a "scab" - when I've been in uniform I've never even been stopped at the picket lines (well, actually ... when I rode my bike in they didn't stop me, either - most picketers realise that the short-haired, ornery, muscular guys aren't part of their union ...).

In civvies? I've had them ask for my ID while in uniform and driving a big green military vehicle...
I am keeping a running tally of time spent sitting in my vehicle with the engine idling due to PSAC strike action.  To date, our "defence partners" owe me 6 hours of my life that I will never get back.  Assuming that my experience is typical of other service personnel working at CFB Gagetown, the Federal Government should fine the union a day's wages based on the military strength of the base, plus an additional penalty for lost productivity.

Has anyone else in uniform noticed that the so-called "Defence Team" seems awfully one-sided?  >:(
In civvies? I've had them ask for my ID while in uniform and driving a big green military vehicle...

I've seen them ask a group of officers in uniform for their ID's.

I mean I'm not going to cause any trouble at the line and I'll oblige to show them my ID but I just want to make sure.