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Problems and Bugs

Thanks Vern...

Just in case, I've added a few more log entries so you should know why your morale is going up and down now.
Okay this may have already been addressed and may be an undocumented feature rather than a bug but I've just recieved the 20,000 MP spent spent incentive (+50 owned equipment proficiency) and I've noticed that there has been no roll over to the next proficiency level; as an example I have 125% Level 10 C7A2 Proficiency. Shouldn't this now be 25% Level 11 Proficiency?
It should be, but you have to either do a mission using that item or pump training into it.

136% mission proficiency on one of the missions.......  ?????
just completed two missions and each time it told me I was giving +2 morale, but morale stayed at 178 each time??

If you look in the FAQ, Morale is maxed at 2 x your level +100.
oops thanks :) normally would have thought to look in FAQ, guess I'm still not totally back after surgery. Thanks for setting me straight :)

Cashed in Initiative incentive Level 3, which is +100 Morale for 48 hours. I'm not sure how its supposed to work, but my PER says I have 542 Morale however my status bar says I have 442 (which is my level max). I just lost 42 morale for failing a mission and ending a streak, but my morale stayed maxed. Also, the Positive Morale Incentive is only showing the 442.

Which is the correct amount? Should the +100 morale for 48 hours work like the +100 Max CR for 48 hours incentive, or should it be capping at my max? It makes sense to me that way if it boosts you over your max for the time being, and the +100 morale for Insurgencies locked down would work like a top up to your max level.
The incentive will add +100 to your Morale, but will not bring it above your current cap. However the +100 will remain in effect for the duration of the incentive. So in essence, you can drop 100 morale points and still be at your cap, while the incentive is active.

In a nutshell, it takes your actual Morale, adds 100 and then applies the cap.
When you do medals, are they cumulative or...?

Medal X gives you 15% more A.
Medal Y gives you 20% more A.
Medal Z gives you 25% more A

I activate all of them at once, cause I'm totally badass like that.

So is it (((((A *(1.15))*(1.20))*(1.25))) or whatever combination or is it (A*1.60)?

bdave said:
So is it (((((A *(1.15))*(1.20))*(1.25))) or whatever combination or is it (A*1.60)?

It's A*1.6, because each incentive adds a percentage of your base value.
Just noticed an extremely minor detail:

In the stats page, it lists "Intelligence Dossiers Completed" for me as 50, when in fact I have only completed 49 and my current dossier is #50.

Good thing I noticed this before the game imploded, eh?  :P
Just noticed a weird morale/mission thing. I was playing the game and used all my CE. I went away for a time and when I came back my morale had fallen by over 200 points. I also had another failed mission. I'm certain that never happened while I played. I'm confused...  :'(

As well, is there any way to go back and see your mission/play history?