We already have 18 months of paid parental leave, subsidized childcare, good benefits for each child. Even with all that, it is still difficult to get by with kids for many families. Families need two full time working parents to afford a comfortable lifestyle. Not further amount of benefits will encourage people to have more kids.
EI maternity/parental at the 12 month rate is slightly over $600 a week, taxable. At the 18 month rate, $400 a week. If you don’t have employer top-up, that doesn’t necessarily go far.
My wife is in her final three months of maternity/parental. Her employer topped her up for the first six months; for the latter half she only has the EI component. I could have taken the other six months with top up, but for various reasons specific to us, it was important for her to stay home with him for the full year.
We’re very fortunate that we both have a relatively high income and can swing six months with her only receiving EI. Many aren’t in that position.
Don’t get me wrong, our EI maternity/parental is a fantastic benefit compared to some other countries, but it by no means assures you’re still in a good financial position if the other partner doesn’t have a high paying job. We also got into the housing market before it spiked so we aren’t dealing with high mortgage or rent payments.