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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

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Cmbtsplst said:
Thanks for the answers and i was expecting honesty, i want the truth i just didn't want the smart *** remarks regarding it. mostly cause i am trying to get my life together. as for the remark towards my name, Iv been interested in the military since i was a little tot, something i thought was cool years ago and ran with it!

I smoked a final big fatty or two the night before the train ride to Cornwallis - no worries.  Even upon arrival in the Drill Hall there and during our 'orientation' on the line, the trash can was rattling.  Be more concerned with developing some resiliency concerning comments towards your post. 
Not the greatest advice there cdnleaf.

Implying that it's ok to get high prior to going to basic.. even ok to bring drugs to BMQ just as long as you throw it out the first night. 

If someone wishes to join the CF,  they must quit doing drugs (illegal and/or abusing prescription medication),  be clean for the minimum amount of time required to start the process.  Also,  stay clean during the entire recruiting process and your time in the Canadian Forces.
Despite all this prevention of drug use, I can't count the number of idiots that lost their spot on tour and were put on C&P because they could not stay off drugs after getting into regiment.

Great way to stall your career for a good year or two.
Cmbtsplt, as is often the case in the recruiting threads, the real answer to your question is to get your stuff together and put the application in.  Get the proper advice from the folks in recruiting.  And don't take any more drugs.
-Skeletor- said:
Not the greatest advice there cdnleaf.

Implying that it's ok to get high prior to going to basic.. even ok to bring drugs to BMQ just as long as you throw it out the first night. 

If someone wishes to join the CF,  they must quit doing drugs (illegal and/or abusing prescription medication),  be clean for the minimum amount of time required to start the process.  Also,  stay clean during the entire recruiting process and your time in the Canadian Forces.

Not my intention to offer adivce, though I apprecaite your clarification regarding.  It was a significantly different culture then, and this occurred in 88; you were 3 at the time  :)  Your advice to the op is spot on.
There is plenty of discussion regarding drugs and the CF on this site. Start reading, and try the search function.

If your username is an abbreviation for "combat specialist", the CF abbreviation for "combat" is "cbt", and you are not a combat specialist. Continuing with that without actually having some real time in will earn you nothing but derision. I suggest that you change it.

Lastly, please use proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure here.
Sometimes it takes longer for others to mature and take responsibility than others. That doesn't make you any less smart or strong.

I grew up as an outdoor enthusiast. I was all about wilderness survival. To stay alive is far more important than how to kill. As they wiped out the huge forest behind my house I had to get into other activities unfortunately I began to run with the wrong crowd. I never did any criminal activities. All I really did was smoke cannabis, drink alcohol and play sports. I have been arrested only for cannabis and being drunk underage. So they weren't violent incidences. It was just the immature decisions that I made at the time. And I acknowledge that now. I no longer drink and I no longer use cannabis, because I have matured and became a better person, both mentally and physically.

I am 23 now and I have been traveling around Canada for the past few years. Beautiful country we truly have. Now is the time to start getting my life in order, prioritize for my future and make the right decisions.

I wish to become either a Hull technician or a Meteorological technician. I meet the requirements for both.

My main question is since I have used cannabis a lot for a number of years will I be rejected? Because this is my biggest fear. I have matured, I am trustworthy and I will tell them about my past. Some people will say don't mention your past cannabis use if you know you will pass the drug test. But I want to, because honesty is an integral part of being a member of the Canadian Forces.
You have nothing to worry about as long as you are completely done with drugs. At the time of my application I had smoked marijuana 4 months prior and experimented with other drugs before that. I was told I "barely made the cutoff" for being clean. I had to meet with one of the recruiters to assure them I was done with drugs and ready to join the forces. Just got a job offer a few weeks ago.

My CFAT is on Wednesday. I may postpone as I'm still studying. Applied to MP.

Question is, I smoked marajuana and I am wondering if there is a drug test, and I plan to be honest saying I have done it. Will they kick me out and tell me not to apply? Looking for some insight

matt101pwn said:
Question is, I smoked marajuana and I am wondering if there is a drug test, and I plan to be honest saying I have done it. Will they kick me out and tell me not to apply? Looking for some insight

Past drug use 

"What kind of tests are done in the CF Medical exam? Perticularily pertaining to drug tests...."

Past drug use (marijuana)

mariomike said:
Past drug use 

"What kind of tests are done in the CF Medical exam? Perticularily pertaining to drug tests...."

Past drug use (marijuana)
I see a merge coming ....

Milnet.ca Staff
I'm freaking out now. When I went to do my CFAT, they had us fill in a paper about past drug use (you had to check whatever you had done, say when was the first and last time and how many time you did it). I was honest (and kind of regretting it now...) and admitted to having used marijuana 10 times. I just saw that you cannot have had done it fot at least 6 months. Last time I did it was in october (not 6 months ago obviously...It was at an initiation thing for a sport team and it was in a cookie....but that dosen't really matter) but all the other times where a while ago...It was soooo stupid and I'm not planning on ever doing it again.

I'm guessing I'm out now? :(
shadesofgreen said:
I was honest (and kind of regretting it now...) and admitted to having used marijuana 10 times. I just saw that you cannot have had done it fot at least 6 months. Last time I did it was in october (not 6 months ago obviously...It was at an initiation thing for a sport team

You did the right thing and came clean with your drug use, so kudos for that. You will more then likely have to wait until six months go by until the Canadian Forces do anything with your application.

What I don't understand is what sports team would make marijuana part of the initiation. When I played football pot was a no-no because we got drug tested, it was the way in highschool, when I played team ontario and when I played university. Drugs and sports do not mix, so I'm thinking there's more to it then just sports initiation.
KerryBlue said:
You did the right thing and came clean with your drug use, so kudos for that. You will more then likely have to wait until six months go by until the Canadian Forces do anything with your application.

What I don't understand is what sports team would make marijuana part of the initiation. When I played football pot was a no-no because we got drug tested, it was the way in highschool, when I played team ontario and when I played university. Drugs and sports do not mix, so I'm thinking there's more to it then just sports initiation.

It was not PART of the initiation (it was just a random detail I added). The initiation was pretty much like a party where all the rookies from the guy and girl's team had to do these sort of challenges..but yeah during the time where we we just hanging out some guy started going around with some and I stupidly took one. I was a little drunk at that point so my decision making skills where not at its best. I know that is not an excuse at all obviously. Like I said, I realize it was pretty stupid.

After the tests and doing the ''past drug use'' thing, we had to wait to meet with a recruiter to look over our papers. He did not mention anything about the drugs (but then again maybe he just didn't look at it). He told me the jobs I had put on my application where not in high demend right now and that I should call back in 2 months if they haven't already called me to see where my application is at.

But yeah, I'm guessing that when they take a closer look at it,  my application will be rejected or I'll have to re-apply in a few months. :(
shadesofgreen said:
I'm freaking out now. When I went to do my CFAT, they had us fill in a paper about past drug use (you had to check whatever you had done, say when was the first and last time and how many time you did it). I was honest (and kind of regretting it now...) and admitted to having used marijuana 10 times. I just saw that you cannot have had done it fot at least 6 months. Last time I did it was in october (not 6 months ago obviously...It was at an initiation thing for a sport team and it was in a cookie....but that dosen't really matter) but all the other times where a while ago...It was soooo stupid and I'm not planning on ever doing it again.

I'm guessing I'm out now? :(

If the recruiting team is doing their job, then yes, you should be out of luck until that period of time passes. I you don't even have the fortitude or the maturity to say no to drugs knowing that you're trying to get in the military, then frankly we can easily afford to pass you over in favour of someone with better judgment.

Get your act together, grow up and smarten up, and reapply once the window is again open for you.
Brihard said:
If the recruiting team is doing their job, then yes, you should be out of luck until that period of time passes. I you don't even have the fortitude or the maturity to say no to drugs knowing that you're trying to get in the military, then frankly we can easily afford to pass you over in favour of someone with better judgment.

Get your act together, grow up and smarten up, and reapply once the window is again open for you.

Obviously I did not know I was gonna apply for the military at the time, or else I would have refused for sure. I know that dosen't change the fact that I didn't. My act is together. I made a few mistake...I'm not some low-life pothead. Trust me this was very out of character for me. Even my closest friends where socked when I told them I had done it.
shadesofgreen said:
Obviously I did not know I was gonna apply for the military at the time, or else I would have refused for sure. I know that dosen't change the fact that I didn't. My act is together. I made a few mistake...I'm not some low-life pothead. Trust me this was very out of character for me. Even my closest friends where socked when I told them I had done it.

You admit in your first post to having used marijuana about ten times. That doesn't suggest to me that you using it again recently was out of character.

You're correct: None of this changes the facts of your poor decision, and if you don't like hearing it when you ask, go to pinkfuzzyhugs.com or something. Those of us within the institution you wish to join (and I give you credit for that) have no time for bull****, and when you've made the same decision repeatedly, to cede any benefit of the doubt.

With that said: You're 19. Kids do dumb stuff, and then they typically grow out of it. Hopefully you do too. Most of us have some sort of stupidity in our past that we're matured beyond. So prove your dedication to this course of action, keep your nose clean, don't get in a snit when you get a straight answer you don't like, and move on from your errors when the fullness of time allows you to do so.

Good luck. I mean that genuinely. I always like seeing people who can get it together and find success.
Brihard said:
You admit in your first post to having used marijuana about ten times. That doesn't suggest to me that you using it again recently was out of character.

You're correct: None of this changes the facts of your poor decision, and if you don't like hearing it when you ask, go to pinkfuzzyhugs.com or something. Those of us within the institution you wish to join (and I give you credit for that) have no time for bull****, and when you've made the same decision repeatedly, to cede any benefit of the doubt.

With that said: You're 19. Kids do dumb stuff, and then they typically grow out of it. Hopefully you do too. Most of us have some sort of stupidity in our past that we're matured beyond. So prove your dedication to this course of action, keep your nose clean, don't get in a snit when you get a straight answer you don't like, and move on from your errors when the fullness of time allows you to do so.

Good luck. I mean that genuinely. I always like seeing people who can get it together and find success.

I meant using it in general was out of character not just the recent one. Anyways, it doesn't matter.
I wanna apologize though, my comment was pretty stupid and unnecessary. I didn't mean to come off like that. I'm kind of upset with myself at the moment and I kind of took it out on you.
Thanks for the replies!
shadesofgreen said:
I meant using it in general was out of character not just the recent one. Anyways, it doesn't matter.
I wanna apologize though, my comment was pretty stupid and unnecessary. I didn't mean to come off like that. I'm kind of upset with myself at the moment and I kind of took it out on you.
Thanks for the replies!

Apology accepted, thanks. It is what it is, don't get too worked up about it. Keep yourself busy, use the time to continue getting in shape, and you'll find the time will pass more quickly than you'd expect.
I don't know if this topic is already answered/finished with.

It doesn't really matter about the drug use, during my CFAT I had to fill out my drug questionnaire. I was the first to receive it, and the last one to hand it back in, to paint the picture, and it ranged from marijuana to cocaine, everything in between.

What they concerned about is that you have made a change, and shown that you have had some time away from those negative activities, and you are making more positive choices. But DON NOT lie about the past, because if they fine out, your done basically forever with no "detachment from illegal activity period".

Hope this helps. :D 
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