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Precedence of Tribal Badges (or “why I want to wear that badge) – split thread

recceguy said:
The Navy will be equal when they give up rum, sodomy and the lash :P
jollyjacktar said:
I do beg your pardon!!  They took away our rum  :'(

Quite right. So Recceguy, why would you want to take away from us the last two things that make life worth living.  ;D
WeatherdoG said:
When Officers and NCOs eat last, live in the same conditions as their men, and believe leadership is more than administrivia (thanks ERC) the Navy will have things the Army way. Until then the Navy will continue with occasional changes in their clothing and combined kitchens on land...

Where does this idea that officers and C&POs eat before the sailors come from?  It's patently false.  Everyone on board eats according to their watch schedules, not their rank.  We all sleep on the same rocking platform and although officers and C&POs perhaps have more personal space on board, I don't think Army officers are sharing sleeping bags with corporals (at least not legally).  Finally, the most egregious violations with respect to looking after the troops, especially with respect to the distribution of "welfare," that I have ever seen, have been by Army officers when I was on land-based operations.  Apparently, our experiences are different.
Pusser said:
Where does this idea that officers and C&POs eat before the sailors come from?  It's patently false.  Everyone on board eats according to their watch schedules, not their rank.  We all sleep on the same rocking platform and although officers and C&POs perhaps have more personal space on board, I don't think Army officers are sharing sleeping bags with corporals (at least not legally).  Finally, the most egregious violations with respect to looking after the troops, especially with respect to the distribution of "welfare" I have ever seen have been by Army officers when I was on land-based operations.  Apparently, our experiences are different.

I would echo a similar sentiment. One of my significant challenges as a SgtMaj overseas was to reel in some officers' sense of entitlement.

I will say though that since I've become an officer, I actually have somewhat more success in that regard. Granted I'm at a small unit.
WeatherdoG said:
When Officers and NCOs eat last, live in the same conditions as their men, and believe leadership is more than administrivia (thanks ERC) the Navy will have things the Army way. Until then the Navy will continue with occasional changes in their clothing and combined kitchens on land...

Interesting - I recall in the field going to an RSM and asking him why the breakfast line had Officers, SNCOs and MCpls mixed in with Pte/Cpls instead of behind them.  Happy to say he did quickly fix it.

In the early 90's on Ex in Gagetown a CWO gave flack because MCpls were not supposed to help with the work, they were supposed to stand back and supervise.

last Ex I actually went out overnight for I didn't see any officers or other SNCOs pitching in to help secure the mods or unloading stores.  They were all too busy having coffee, discussing the weather and hoping the mods wouldn't leak.  (Eventually a new 2Lt showed up and pitched in to help as she believes everyone should do their part)

With the ship when we shipped stores everyone was in line including the old man.

Seems in these matters it is not simply army/navy/air force but who is running the show at the time and individual mentality combining to determine how it actually goes.  All 3 get it right and wrong at different times.
Pusser said:
Where does this idea that officers and C&POs eat before the sailors come from?  It's patently false.  Everyone on board eats according to their watch schedules, not their rank.  We all sleep on the same rocking platform and although officers and C&POs perhaps have more personal space on board, I don't think Army officers are sharing sleeping bags with corporals (at least not legally).  Finally, the most egregious violations with respect to looking after the troops, especially with respect to the distribution of "welfare," that I have ever seen, have been by Army officers when I was on land-based operations.  Apparently, our experiences are different.

Actually on my ship the ranks eat before the C & PO's and officers as we have only have one galley.
WeatherdoG said:
When Officers and NCOs eat last, live in the same conditions as their men, and believe leadership is more than administrivia (thanks ERC) the Navy will have things the Army way. Until then the Navy will continue with occasional changes in their clothing and combined kitchens on land...

Ahh the great Navy leadership myth. 

I have served 10 years under the RCN and another 6 under the Army/CJOC/NSE.  If I have learned one thing about leadership it is that shitty leadership does not belong to one service or organization alone.  And neither one is better at it than the other. 

I could regale you for hours about my experience with CFJSR, NSE, 2 Svc and CFB Kingston leadership.  At the same time I could bend your ear for just as long about my experience with the "Mad Hatter", HMCS Toronto (post Africa deployment) and CFB Halifax leadership.

There are examples of piss poor leaders at every rank and in every uniform.  Its not a RCN problem and its not an Army problem its a CAF problem. 
Halifax Tar said:
There are examples of piss poor leaders at every rank and in every uniform.  Its not a RCN problem and its not an Army problem its a CAF problem.


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