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( fits me to a Tee)
10 years high tech( started as a field tech( telecom) and now work in research and development( also telecom)

appling for
1.FCS tech
2. Sig Op
3. Vech tech

when I started at my R&D job we used the Myers&briggs to form teams, and it worked out really well.

Retired CC said:
For what it's worth - my middle son is pursuing his Masters in Neuropsychology (whatever THAT is   ::) )

Neuropsychology deals mostly with the brain and nervous system and looks at how they influence behavior.  It is a science-based branch of psychology, so experiments generally involve pigeons or rats. 
ENTP - army aviator (i.e. green helicopters)...easily get bored doing the same thing for anything more than 18-24 months.  ENTP seems to fit like a glove.  ;D
Greywolf said:
Neuropsychology deals mostly with the brain and nervous system and looks at how they influence behavior.  It is a science-based branch of psychology, so experiments generally involve pigeons or rats. 


Now - why can YOU put that into plain English, and my son CAN'T???

Oh yeah - I remember - I'm his Father, he's 21 and therefore I'm still an idiot!!  ;)

Hey - d'you suppose his interest in this field is inspired by some Freudian sub-consious desire to understand me?  :eek:  Nah.

Thanks for the info - didn't mean to hijack the thread.
I'm currently a civilian - application is in for R291.

I'm an ISFJ , although it was hard to decide between F and T!


Good verbal communication skills
Very perceptive about people's thoughts and motives
Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others
Warmly affectionate and affirming
Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic
Good money skills
Able to "move on" after a love relationship has failed (although they blame themselves)
Loyal and committed - they want lifelong relationships
Strive for "win-win" situations
Driven to meet other's needs

- good natured,direct and tolerant

-They have a way with dealing with people on a very equal platform and are not easily star struck. Rank, celebrity and status mean little when they are face to face with another individual.

-They love variety and are curious and adventurous, enjoying the unexpected

-They like to keep things simple and immediate, going with the flow.

-They learn by imitation and are keen observers. They teach through example. Their attention will always go towards whatever provides the keenest impression on their senses.

-They love having fun and if things are too quiet they may provide the entertainment or distraction

O Career and Life Management class! What time you save!

INTJ - civilian at the ripe old age of 17.

Another test I had resulted in me being classified as a Green/Gold personality (Creative/Organised). Here be the test (just in case you care): http://www.truecolorscareer.com/quiz.asp
Took the color test, I am a 'primary green' personality, HA! green. Says that:

  You are a primary green. You are an exceptionally creative problem solver who brings your ability to think outside the box to the workplace.
I can only hope that is true.

I was just reading over the personality descriptions from the other tests, and man they really do seem to fit.
Current Trade: MSE OP -reserve
Trade I'm doing a Comp Trans into: Sig Op
I'm INTJ and Gold(?)

I did both of those tests earlier this week in careers and I the site my teacher gave me was better than the 4 question one in my opinion. When I did the True Colours test at school I was an Orange.

8yr Wpn Tech(Land), 4yr MSEOp(Land)...remuster to LCIS(awaiting 3's atm)