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Politics in 2018

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Jarnhamar said:
So what's the 17 million being spent on then?

Did you look at the Centre's site?  I previously provided the link.  If not, here are some projects that were funded.


or some high value multi-year projects
I did yes and thank you for the in depth posts. Maybe I'm not seeing it but none of this looks like it directly deals with the ISIS members who returned to Canada, seemingly left to their own devices by the government, and the 200 some members still abroad that we know of.  It appears these Canadians got away with murder. Now there's no bodies of course but I'm pretty sure we could make a good case that they left to commit terrorism.  You mentioned they don't directly deal with "bad guys". So not even poems and pottery?

It's still mind boggling they weren't arrested and charged.
Jarnhamar said:
. . . Maybe I'm not seeing it but none of this looks like it directly deals with the ISIS members who returned to Canada, seemingly left to their own devices by the government, and the 200 some members still abroad that we know of.  . . .

Oh, you actually believed Ms. Rempel's diatribe?  I'm sorry, but she is either stupid and did not know what the Canada Centre's purpose was or was being deliberately misleading in order to heap scorn on the government.  And we know that politicians are far too ethical to be deliberately misleading.

As for what the government's plan on how they will deal with any returning ISIS fighters, who knows?  Do your own research, I was only responding to your post about the specific errors of Ms. Rempel's babbling.

(As an aside, I think that Ms. Rempel is one of the more intelligent CPC MPs; I can't speak to her ethics, but she is attractive.)
Blackadder1916 said:
As for what the government's plan on how they will deal with any returning ISIS fighters, who knows?

I certainly know what it should be, and it doesn't include poetry and group hugs.
[quote author=Blackadder1916 ]
Oh, you actually believed Ms. Rempel's diatribe?  I'm sorry, but she is either stupid and did not know what the Canada Centre's purpose was or was being deliberately misleading in order to heap scorn on the government.  And we know that politicians are far too ethical to be deliberately misleading.[/QUOTE]

I heard it first from the libeal Government. The 35 million was going towards rehabilitation, which everyone mocked. I guess we should have read the fine print.

As for what the government's plan on how they will deal with any returning ISIS fighters, who knows?
Again maybe I'm wrong but the impression I got from the government was this 35million and program WAS how we were dealing with the returning murderers and rapists.

  I can't speak to her ethics, but she is attractive.
I think that statement defines the thought process on why a lot of Canadians voted for Trudeau.

- being attractive. I would be happier if she was more healthy for such a young age. Ottawa has not been kind to her that way.
- comparing her to Trudeau is unfair. She is not silver spooned, having personal fitness trainers, yoga coaches and exclusive gym memberships her whole life.
-OTOH,  Trudeau smoked 90 percent of the  runners at the Army run last year. Many of these people have an operational requirement to be fit and healthy as part of their jobs.
So, much like the army, he can't lead a liquid fart to the nearest exit, but he can run. Too bad he can't get promoted any higher. Well, there's always Governor General I guess.
Pardon my naivety but I see lots of studies and lots of organisations being set up but I don't see any regulatory measures to ensure participation nor do I see much in the way of one on one intervention.  All I see is bureaucracy.
Jarnhamar said:
I heard it first from the libeal Government. The 35 million was going towards rehabilitation, which everyone mocked. I guess we should have read the fine print.

Again maybe I'm wrong but the impression I got from the government was this 35million and program WAS how we were dealing with the returning murderers and rapists.

Can you provide a quote or a link to any statements from government ministers/spokesmen/talking heads that the purpose of the $35m was rehabilitation?  Granted, from some of the Ottawa based lip flapping (from both sides of the House) an impression could have been made that rehabilitation was a feasible approach to dealing with some of the Canadians who went overseas and joined ISIS and somehow the Canadian Government was going to make some arrangements.  However, the specific intent of this specific $35m and the specific role of the organization referenced in Ms. Rempel's youtube babble seems (to me) to have been very clearly identified in the paragraph in the 2016 budget that authorized it.
Office of the Community Outreach and Counter-Radicalization Coordinator

Success in countering radicalization to violence requires the support and participation of all levels of government and civil society. Budget 2016 proposes to provide $35 million over five years, starting in 2016–17, with $10 million per year ongoing, to establish an Office of the Community Outreach and Counter-radicalization Coordinator. The Office will provide leadership on Canada's response to radicalization to violence, coordinate federal/provincial/territorial and international initiatives, and support community outreach and research.

Other than some changes in titling, it appears what the Canada Centre says they are doing is exactly what they are funded for.
I didn't find as much as I thought I would.

Came across a cbc article.


The new Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence is supposed to be on the front line of this fight. It funds research and programs that "aim to prevent and counter radicalization to violence at the individual level."

But the government doesn't know how many radicalized people are actually being spoken to, or who they are. Public Safety Canada says it can't provide statistics because the centre does not directly intervene with radicalized individuals.

Moreover, the groups the centre funds tend to focus on research over action.

Sounds even more useless than I thought.

They're not tracking what if any services the returned rapists and murderers are using (strange isn't it since they're under CSIS and RCMP's watchful eye) and these no plan to deal with the 200 or so still out there when they make their way back here.  That's great.

Ottawa sued for $195-million over Canadian visa services contract

Robert Fife  and Steven Chase


Published March 28, 2018

The federal government is being sued for $195-million for cancelling an $867-million contract to manage Canadian visa application centres around the world, a dispute that ended up at the cabinet table.

The retendered contract, now valued at $1-billion, was awarded last month to VF Worldwide Holdings, an Indian company that previously handled Canadian visa services for the government.

A statement of claim filed in Ontario Superior Court on Wednesday by Ottawa-based Le Group Conseil Bronson Consulting and Cox and Kings, a global corporation that is headquartered in Mumbai, accuses the government of acting in bad faith.

The two companies claim that they won the multimillion-dollar visa-application services contract in 2016 but bureaucrats at Public Services and Procurement Canada suddenly cancelled the solicitation and retendered the procurement.


Canadians’ love affair with Justin Trudeau is over (I'm Canadian and was not so afflicted)

by Alan Freeman 

March 29 at 2:44 PM

OTTAWA - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau no longer looks invincible.

After showing a steady lead in public opinion surveys for more than two years after his surprise October 2015 election victory, Trudeau appears to be politically vulnerable. And that’s despite a buoyant economy, what’s seen as a steady hand in NAFTA trade talks with President Trump, and a weak political opposition.

“All of a sudden, we saw this drop,” said David Coletto, chief executive of Abacus Data, an Ottawa polling firm, referring to his company’s latest poll, completed in early March. “It’s the first time since Trudeau became prime minister that we have results showing the Conservatives slightly ahead.”

CBC’s Poll Tracker, which aggregates and weights the results of a dozen opinion surveys, reported in late March that the opposition Conservative Party is now in the lead, at 37.7 percent of voting intentions, compared with Trudeau’s Liberals, at 33.7 percent. The left-of-center New Democratic Party was third at 18.5 percent.

“When you have foreign media like CNN and BBC making fun of our prime minister, that was jarring for some people and made people question whether he was the best person for the job,” Coletto said.


POLITICS 03/29/2018 14:31 EDT  | Updated 3 hours ago 

Tory MP Mark Strahl Accuses Ralph Goodale Of 'Muzzling Journalists' In Jaspal Atwal Affair

Conservatives keep up the pressure to have the PM's security adviser testify.

By Ryan Maloney

A week of heated debate over a government official's briefing to the media ended with federal Conservatives accusing the Liberal government of "muzzling journalists."

Tory MP Mark Strahl made the charge in question period Thursday while pressing Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale on the Liberals' refusal to let Daniel Jean testify at committee on the Jaspal Atwal affair.

Jean, who serves as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau''s national security adviser, gave a briefing to reporters covering Trudeau's trip to India last month. He suggested factions in the Indian government may have had a hand in Atwal, a failed assassin, landing an invite to attend an official event.

Strahl reiterated in the House of Commons that Tories want Jean to give the same briefing to members of Parliament that he gave to the media. Liberals have instead offered Tory Leader Andrew Scheer a full, classified briefing on the matter and have criticized him for not taking them up on it.


TRUDEAU ECONOMY: Investment Capital Is Leaving Our Country “In Real Time” Says RBC CEO

News Spencer Fernando April 2, 2018

According to a recent report, “McKay told The Canadian Press that a “significant” investment exodus to the U.S. is already underway, especially in the energy and clean-technology sectors. The flight of capital, McKay added, will likely be followed by a loss of talent, which means the next generation of engineers, problem solvers and intellectual property could be created not north of the border, but south of it instead.”

A key area of concern is Canada’s weakening competitive position compared to the United States, especially after big tax cuts in the US, which the government is doing nothing about – with serious consequences:

“We would certainly encourage the federal government to look at these issues because, in real time, we’re seeing capital flow out of the country,” said McKay.

The 2018 budget was a chance for the Trudeau government to adjust to the new competitive environment. They could have eliminated the carbon tax, cut regulations, and reduced taxes for middle-class and low-income Canadians.

Instead, the budget talked a bunch about gender and diversity – talk that has already been forgotten as investment keeps heading out the door. And yet, despite the rising number of warnings about our nations declining economic situation, the Trudeau government keeps doubling down on their horrendous economic policies, and our whole country is going to pay the price.


Contempt For Taxpayers: Trudeau Government Spent Almost $700K On Davos Globalist Gathering

Money Spencer Fernando April 2, 2018

When Justin Trudeau went to the gathering of the globalist elites in Davos, he made a big deal about saying Canada wouldn’t respond to US tax reform with tax cuts of our own.

For some reason, Trudeau thought he was bragging, even though we are seeing investment fleeing Canada as our competitiveness falls while companies and money head south.

Now, we’re finding out that Trudeau’s speech wasn’t the only total waste in Davos.

According to a Globe & Mail report, the Trudeau government spent almost $700,000 in taxpayer dollars at the globalist gathering – and the final price tag could be even higher.

“The total cost of the three-day trip in January to the World Economic Forum in Switzerland was $678,000, most of that for hotels, office and room rentals and transportation, according to figures recently tabled in Parliament.”

Basically, we’re being forced to pay for the weakening of our own country.


CRAZY: Radical Carleton University Leftists Call Gandhi “Racist” & “Misogynist,” Want Statue Removed

Culture Spencer Fernando April 3, 2018

The insanity of the left has now reached the point at which they are trying to remove Gandhi from history. They won’t stop until all of history has been wiped out and re-written in accordance with their sick worldview.

Every time it seems the radical left can’t get even more insane, along comes a new story.

“The removal of the statue is one way of correcting that history and re-thinking the narratives we tell - especially in an institution responsible for creating critical thinkers. Gandhi was a violent man. His proximity to whiteness as one who continually espoused anti-Black rhetoric is, perhaps, one of the reasons behind his apotheosis. Remove the Gandhi statue.”


Canada’s Immigration & Refugee Numbers Should Be Decided In A National Referendum

Politics Spencer Fernando April 3, 2018

Unfortunately, this debate often gets messed up because of political correctness. Despite repeated polls showing Canadians want reduced immigration and reduced refugee numbers, politicians are afraid to say that. As a result, the debate over immigration and refugee policy happens in a very narrow range, often leaving out the views of a majority of Canadians.

That’s why the time has come for a totally different approach to immigration and refugee policy:

Every 5 or 10 years, Canada’s immigration and refugee numbers should be decided in a national referendum.

The reason for this is clear: Because immigration and refugee policy has such wide-ranging and long-term ramifications for the future of our nation, it’s not acceptable for it to be left to the whim of whichever government happens to be in power.

After all, an Angus Reid poll from 2017 showed that 57% Canadians believe “Canada should accept fewer immigrants and refugees.” Yet, the Trudeau government is going in the opposite direction, planning a massive increase compared to the numbers under the previous Harper government.

Why should the government be allowed to go against what the people want? Why aren’t we allowed to vote on it directly?


REPORT: After Trudeau Blocks Testimony, Scheer Accepts National Security Briefing On Atwal Scandal

News Spencer Fernando April 3, 2018

Here’s what the Conservatives said in a statement:

“The Leader of Canada’s Conservatives, the Honourable Andrew Scheer, today responded to the offer of a briefing concerning the incident that saw a convicted attempted murderer attend official events during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s trip to India. Mr. Scheer has accepted the offer and has informed the government that he will invite members of the Conservative caucus and media to the portion of the briefing that will cover non-classified information.

“In correspondence with my Chief of Staff, the government confirmed that the information provided to journalists by Daniel Jean was not classified. In addition, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness confirmed that the information provided to the media by the National Security Advisor did not contain classified information,” said Scheer.

“Given these admissions, I believe it is appropriate for all members of the Conservative caucus to be present for the briefing and I will invite them to attend. I will also invite members of the media who were present for the original briefing with the National Security Advisor.”

Mr. Scheer informed the government that if it had any additional classified information to share, members of the Conservative Caucus who are also members of the Queen’s Privy Council will remain in the room for a separate briefing.

“Justin Trudeau has failed to be honest with Canadians about why a convicted attempted murderer was invited to his official events in India. The Prime Minister blamed rogue elements within the Indian government for Jaspal Atwal’s presence in India, but since that time, the Indian government, Randeep Sarai, Jaspal Atwal and the Minister of Foreign Affairs have all refuted Justin Trudeau’s claims.”

“It’s becoming clear why Justin Trudeau is going to such lengths to cover-up the details of his trip to India. Just last week it was revealed that a Liberal Member of Parliament, who gets paid by a construction company in Brampton, secured access for his business partner to meet with the Prime Minister, the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities and the Minister responsible for economic development.”’

It would be far cheaper to spend money at the entry screening level than to follow suspects around. I think the CPC was on the right track, force our concept of society and expectation down their throats upon applying, have a probation period where certain offenses are automatic expulsion and follow through on them. After a bit, the problem types will go elsewhere and the remaining immigrants will suffer less discrimination as a result.
Loachman said:

TRUDEAU ECONOMY: Investment Capital Is Leaving Our Country “In Real Time” Says RBC CEO

News Spencer Fernando April 2, 2018



Contempt For Taxpayers: Trudeau Government Spent Almost $700K On Davos Globalist Gathering

Money Spencer Fernando April 2, 2018



CRAZY: Radical Carleton University Leftists Call Gandhi “Racist” & “Misogynist,” Want Statue Removed

Culture Spencer Fernando April 3, 2018



REPORT: After Trudeau Blocks Testimony, Scheer Accepts National Security Briefing On Atwal Scandal

News Spencer Fernando April 3, 2018


Are you a member of a discussion board, or a "Spencer Fernando" auotobot?  If you have no comment to make, or no desire to start a discussion, how about you just post the links?

An interesting character, this Mister Fernando.

He was let go by the CPC in 2014:


And then left the Manitoba Liberals (he was Chef of Staff to the leader) in the middle of an election in 2106:


His views are certainly provocative, and some of them resonate with the social liberal fiscal conservative inside me.  It will be interesting to see if his views manifest themselves in either candidacy or staffing for an established party in the coming years.  It is a safe bet that he will not be working on the Trudeau 2019 campaign  :rofl:
jollyjacktar said:
Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya..... ::)

Another thought provoking, well thought out comment. If you have nothing to add just keep it to yourself. You dont like Trudeau. Got it.
PPCLI Guy said:
Are you a member of a discussion board, or a "Spencer Fernando" auotobot?  If you have no comment to make, or no desire to start a discussion, how about you just post the links?

He generally posts stories - usually with links to source stories - that might otherwise be missed. Those that I post, which may either be his or the source stories from his links, whichever is shorter, are trimmed to varying degrees. I try to keep them short yet retain the gist to save people from having to open every link to see if there is something that they consider worthwhile, or not.
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