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Politics in 2016

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Journeyman said:
OK, so this thread is clearly a potential end-run around the previously locked "Politics 2016" and "PMJT First 100 Days."  So here's what I'll offer:

- I will avoid this thread, and not contribute to the inevitable anti-Trudeau dogpile, with the equally attendant 'oh, oh ya!'  retorts by his supporters.

- In exchange, the people who know absolutely nothing about security policy and defence procurement will avoid posting in those threads.

Deal?  :nod:

Come on, you know it's a good deal.  ;D
You starry-eyed optimist, you  ;D
PPCLI Guy said:
I guess that big fire somewhere west of Toronto had nothing to do with that....

I think he fired all of those people himself - at least that's what I understand from reading this website.
Journeyman said:
OK, so this thread is clearly a potential end-run around the previously locked "Politics 2016" and "PMJT First 100 Days."  So here's what I'll offer:

- I will avoid this thread, and not contribute to the inevitable anti-Trudeau dogpile, with the equally attendant 'oh, oh ya!'  retorts by his supporters.

- In exchange, the people who know absolutely nothing about security policy and defence procurement will avoid posting in those threads.

Deal?  :nod:

Come on, you know it's a good deal.  ;D

As long as people post things contradicted by things I read, I can't let it go.
jmt18325 said:
As long as people post things contradicted by things I read, I can't let it go.


So our current government is still riding the honeymoon period. Getting a free pass on a lot of issues because they were the 'saviours' from the big bad 'cons'.

I still see ministers use the excuses 'it takes time to fix the mistakes of the previous government', 'that was the previous government ' or whatever. Basically using it to shirk off responsibility.

We are coming up on the first year anniversary, my question is how long until they have to stop with the excuses and actually accept more responsibility. I know they will do it as long as the public allows. But it is getting tiring when you see Minister X dodge media questions with the overplayed excuses.

I find the PS is generally forgiving for the first 6 months of new governments. I can see the shine is already off judging by comments I hear.
gryphonv said:
So our current government is still riding the honeymoon period.

From reading the other discussions, it looks to me like the honeymoon - if there ever was one - is over,

Politics in 2016 
47 pages.

PMJT: The First 100 Days 
35 pages.

Justin Trudeau in the Media 

At leaste let the Governement Break the one year period before we start commiserating about how the people have been hard done by them.

How many "I want to be criticial of the Liberal Government" Threads do we reallly need here?


jollyjacktar said:
cough: failure to fix phoenix :cough

to be fair the CPC started us down the road and it takes time to realize the scope of the problem, particularly when so many senior managers are attached to the problem and they are all attempting to avoid blame.

As for blaming the Liberals, they are busy digging the holes they will fall into soon enough.
John Tescione said:
How many "I want to be criticial of the Liberal Government" Threads do we reallly need here?

Including provincial?  :)
So this isn't going to turn into a politics 2016 thread.....how?

A thread which was banned last I heard.

As if the peacekeeping thread hasnt been turned into a bash Trudeau as it is.
Altair said:
So this isn't going to turn into a politics 2016 thread.....how?

A thread which was banned last I heard.

We don't really "BAN" threads.

Altair said:
As if the peacekeeping thread hasnt been turned into a bash Trudeau as it is.

Ummmmmm?  Bashing Trudeau?  I see more disillusionment in hasty announcements, with no real detail, by our Government and hatred of the UN policy keepers than anything else. 
John Tescione said:
How many "I want to be criticial of the Liberal Government" Threads do we reallly need here?


I heard no such comments about the number of similar Threads about the Government prior to this Liberal Government.  Are you suggesting we change somehow?
Altair said:
So this isn't going to turn into a politics 2016 thread.....how?

A thread which was banned last I heard.

As if the peacekeeping thread hasnt been turned into a bash Trudeau as it is.

typed while humming "Kum ba yah"......    ::)
One thing I have to admit, people seem to get a free pass on Bashing Mr. Harper, but others cry foul if anything is said about PM Trudeau.

The way I look at it, we are all stake holders in a company (Canada) and the CEO is our (PM). We all have a right to question the CEO to look after our own interests. Political stripe aside, no PM should be immune from Criticism.

I have to thank our PM though for taking the high road when Mr. Harper retired from politics, instead of trying to score some easy points. Some of the Vitriol that has been cast at Mr. Harper has been pretty embarrassing.

A side tangent, but this is one of my main problems with our political system, its more about punishing a party you oppose than supporting another party platform. Well that is how I feel.

Back to the CEO analogy, if a companies stock tanked 1 month into a new CEOs hire, they wouldn't be able to shrug it off onto his predecessor to the stakeholders. They would have to own it and show they still have the will to make things better.

I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but I'm willing to give him a chance. I don't put blinders on because they don't match my stripe. But the reverse is true also. I don't put blinders on for my own political stripe either, I was very critical of Mr. Harper on a lot of issues when he was our PM.

Maybe this is backwards thinking, but I think the best support any PM could have is have people who question him on things, rather than turn a blind eye to any short comings they have.
GAP said:
typed while humming "Kum ba yah"......    ::)
Hey, I would love a politics 2016 thread.

It's locked. So I've largely left politics alone on here. If this thread is a place to have at, it let me know
Altair said:
Hey, I would love a politics 2016 thread.

It's locked. So I've largely left politics alone on here. If this thread is a place to have at, it let me know

Well this is Canadian Politics sub forum, and the date is 2016. I mean if we want no political discussions at all this year, should we just remove the sub forum?
gryphonv said:
Well this is Canadian Politics sub forum, and the date is 2016. I mean if we want no political discussions at all this year, should we just remove the sub forum?
I don't run the place, take it up with the powers that be.

I just fail to see how this topic doesn't degenerate into the mess all the other politics threads do and how this isn't locked within a day.
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