You may want to visit a medical center and get a rabies shot.
There you go, throwing around statistics to cover your point of view. Meanwhile only 43% of Canadians actually voted in support of the Lieberals. Does that not mean that less than 43% of Canadians actually believe in all that Climate Change Propaganda, opening the flood gates to migrants, shortening the wait time to become a Canadian Citizen, that giving migrants healthcare that no other Canadians are entitled to is the thing to do, that Union Leaders and First Nations Chiefs do not have to make their wages public, and other cases where "Transparency" has been overturned by the Liberal Government. and so so much more?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but many Canadians are living in that "different world" that you seem to think anyone who doesn't agree with your views are living in. You can see them in many FaceBook pages. You can see reports in major media outlets and on internet sites that show many finding fault with the Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau. Parliamentary reporters like Brian Lilley and David Akin have not always been complementary towards Trudeau. So, if you are under the impression that over 60% of Canadians are Trudeau lovers and enjoying Sunni Days because it is 2016, I might suggest it is you who is living on another planet.