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PMQs Questions & Answers

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I‘m heading off to the Regular Force as an officer cadet. I‘m wondering about a few things that will affect me once my phases are done and I‘m posted. How does housing on base work? Is it subsidized (I‘ve heard yes and I‘ve heard no)? Am I better off living on the economy? How does the meal plan work in Petawawa? Thanks...
Housing IS subsidized, but you‘re still paying for it, just at a reduced rate compared to what would be available commercially. However, you‘re still paying rent, and if you want to ever own your home, you‘ll need to go somewhere off the base to do so... as with any base.
Housing(PMQ‘s) isn‘t subsidized. The rent rates are competitive with the surrounding area now because the civies complained too much. If you live in a high rent area like Toronto or Vancouver or somewhere(off base) you do receive a posting differential allowance(PDA, used to be AAA) to help ease the strain. You still pay all your utillities, etc...
If you live in the shacks, the rent is just under $200 and you can eithe be on ration strenth(sort of like a pay as you go, comes off your pay sort of weird system)or not. Keep in mind that you are forbidden to have any type of heat source in your room, ie. toaster, etc...
Oh, and if the guys mess up the shacks there will be lots of room inspections and weekend barracks duty awaiting you in the future....
Forgot about the PMQs... you know the ones in Borden haven‘t changed since my father lived in them as a child 40 years ago? I guess that‘s not all that surprising. But the PMQ rates in Vancouver are WAY WAY WAY less than renting in the same area. There must be some kind of subsidy in place. Either that or the government is stupid and isn‘t charging much money for valuable property in one of the wealthiest parts of Kitsilano where buying an 800sq ft 1 bdr condo will cost upwards of $250,000
As someone who is presently living in the Q‘s out here in Moose Jaw, I can say with some confidence that the rent DOES vary for each city that you live in. The exact same row-house here will cost you around $300/month, while in Toronto it will cost upwards of $800/month. Mind you, in T.O. you will receive a PLD (post living differential) of approximately $1000/month. So in fact, your rent is pretty much paid for, and shmucks like me get zero PLD and pay the crazy SK income taxes and utility bills.
The system is bit messed, but it is ours to be proud of <GAG>.
PMQ rent is by area.I was paying 450$ in Petawawa bfore posting, the guy next door was paying 730$. In Bordon Qs are 800-910$.Why the market value of the Q. In Petawawa my Q was not redone, it looked like when I lived in them as a kid. My neighbours was all redone. NO there is no suds . just what the Q is worth to rent. I know a WO that pays 900$ for a Q in Vancover why is only worth that. And you cannot raise it more than 5% per yr.
Q in Moose Jaw may range from 400-600$ its easy to find out just ohone the base CFHA office and ask. It was once by rank you paid not anymore.
Sgt J CD,CDS com
Bold and Swift/ AIRBORNE
Okay here‘s a question?

Once your in and you‘ve finished your QL3, and you shipped out your fist posting; does the CF help you find a place live? If your QL3 is Kingston and let say shipped to out west, will they help you move your stuff?

I was just reading a posting on a US site they actually have movers that copme and get your stuff and ship it to you. I know we don‘t have cash for that, what happens here?
Au contraire, mon ami....

The CF will send movers and packers to move all of your belongings and ship it across the country (or World) to your next posting. This is all covered (ie they pay for it). You will be briefed as nauseum as to your rights and privledges vis-as-vis Postings.
I was wondering if pmq‘s are only if ur married? Is it possible to get one if u have a girlfriend living with you? Or another soldier? Thanks hope ya can let me know sumthin!
PMQ‘s are "Private Married Quarters".
Don‘t quote me on it, but if you are in a common law relationship,you can apply once you sign a Statuatory Declaration, stating you are in said relationship and for x amount of time.
Single with dependent(s) are entitled also.

Here is the link from one of the various Bibles everyone should familiarize thereself with.


hope that helps

single people can get a pmq too but they will be the lowest on the priority list for them.
Looks like I will be heading to Toronto on my next post anyone have any idea what the PMQ‘s are like there. Particularly John Drury Park near Dennison Armoury.

Thanks in advance
Back in 94, I had come off a course in Bordon, and visited a good friend who was in a MQ out of the Downsview area in TO, before I returned to the west.

I dont know if the CF is still there as I heard Downsview was closing (been out for 9 yrs now, so don‘t know). Anyways it was truly a wartime house slum. 1000 coats of paint, those same hardwood floors, the 2 storey type, you know what I mean.

After owning a home in western Canada, he hated it there, and I am sure he was keen for another posting. It was a terrible place. The run down area, etc.

Hope you dont end up there.


I am a Sgt in Toronto. This is the last CFHA that separates officers from NCOs. The officers generally live in William Baker Park and the NCOs live in Stanley Green Park. Both are within 4-5 KM from Denison Armoury. The officer‘s side are standard PMQ‘s with yards, duplex or single houses, etc. The NCO‘s side are all row housing, no privacy, thin walls and no real yard of your own. NCOs can live on the officers side if they have a requirement for a four bedroom house. The row housing are all two or three bedrooms. If you have no children, you may end up there. Who knows with the Toronto CFHA, its the worst one I‘ve seen or heard about across Canada for support and repairs. I moved here with two kids and an eight month pregnant wife. They said I had to move into a three bedroom, then after a month when my wife gave birth, then I could get a four bedroom. NO THANKS.
New to forum so if this has been asked sorry, but what is better? or doe sit really depende on what you realy want if someone plans on haivng someone with them or having perosnal stuff with them should they chose an apartment or can they bring thing sinto there base?

If you can afford it, owning your own place is always a better bang for your buck than renting. I know one guy who retired from the military after almost 20 years and had to get his first mortgage at the age of 40 because he had been living in PMQs for so long. Real estate always makes a good investment.