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Personal fitness Question(s) Cold Weather Trg


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Well, This isn't related to the Canadian army or anything. But, I have been wondering this for a while now.

Is it me, or does it seem to be harder to excercise in the cold weather? Like right now for instance. I just finished a simple 1km Jog, And as the months get colder it seems its increasingly getting harder to excercise.

Another question I have is, what is the average time you guys have gotten on a 1km run :P
I find fall to be the perfect time to go out and run.
Winter is too cold and summer is too hot - but spring & fall are just right!

BTW - you really think this is cold?
yea believe it or not I do, I prefer, spring/summer. But all that aside. Is it just me?
Some days I can do 25 pushups no problem, others I wuss out at 10. Don't know what causes it. As for running, I find it easier right now. Easier to breathe, unless I break the breathing rhythm I have going.
Hmmm, Okay, I personally was actually wondering that aside of other things myself as well. For me I find the colder weather 0 - 9 degreeish is harder to run. feels like the air is heavier to take in as well as I get a runny nose. but I know what you mean when you say somedays you can do this, some days you can't. I guess it really comes down to, adrenaline etc. And another question. since it's winter and I don't like running in cold tempatures (which I probably will) is using a jump rope a good alternative?
a jump cord is OK for a day or so.... but not a substitute for the real thing.
Gotta disagree.  Back in my former life, I was a fair to decent boxer.  I could run for an hour straight, no problem.  30 mins of jumping rope would kick my arse every time.
I go to the gym every other day or so and I run 6km in about 30 minutes so it works out to about 5 min a kilometer. Try running at a slower pace to get you warmed up for about 5-10 min before you start running your main run.
good idea, really... if I place that into perspective. i'm going to have to turn my 3.2km run from 12-14 mins depending to a 6.4km run in 1 hour. I guess I should start taking more time out of my nights to run then what I already do. shouldn't be a problem except days I work.
For running or anything to do with cardio where you're using a lot of lung power I find quite a bit harder in sub zero temps.

As for pushups or similar types of exercises, not really.
Kat Stevens said:
Gotta disagree.  Back in my former life, I was a fair to decent boxer.  I could run for an hour straight, no problem.  30 mins of jumping rope would kick my arse every time.
Rope is tough, no denying it but, you're using different muscle sets and one does not substitute the other.  If you do it on every alternate day, you're that much ahead of the mob.
Living up here <In the NWT> I find as long as you have a barrier to protect the cold air from hitting the lungs,such as a proper running mask, I have noticed that I am able to run faster in the winter then in the summer. Having said that I am still waiting for our first snow.

Personally, I like running in cold weather better. I think it goes back to my time doing biathlon.
This is the first season I've ever been running in the cold (haven't gone out sub zero yet), and I found that unless I take my chapstick with me I'm in for a miserable time.
I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to increase the intensity of my PT now that the cold weather is upon us, given that I'll be doing basic in January.  Of course in Toronto it never gets really that cold, especially down here in the downtown core, but I'm sure it's a totally different story up in St. Jean.
Excellent idea, BR.  I've found a place to run 6.4km in the snow, and it is definitely slower going in the winter. 
I wonder what kind of speeds the instructors will expect in January.
I love running in the winter. Also in snowshoes, of course running in them is somewhat hard, and I ususlly end up on my face  ;) But it is amazing for building muscle in your legs. Plus the cold dosn't bother me one bit.
I find that when its raining or damp, when I run or play ball hockey that Im short of breath, must be from the moisture in the air. as far as running or playing ball hockey in the winter that its only hard for the first 5 minutes, but a good warm up before is a quick cure for that.
Kirt Voth said:
I find that when its raining or damp, when I run or play ball hockey that Im short of breath, must be from the moisture in the air. as far as running or playing ball hockey in the winter that its only hard for the first 5 minutes, but a good warm up before is a quick cure for that.
My dear God! I forgot about ball hockey! That I one of the best sports to get in shape playing. Like we say, you are either running, walking, or sitting down. You lose weight fairly fast and build muscle at nearly the same rate. I you play it with contact, it is even better because it can build upper body strength and become more agile (when getting away from a hit  ;) ). I find that it is more tiring in the summer then winter, because it is a lot warmer then (who would have thought). Another plus of training in the winter is the fact of no flys buggin' you.
Well today in gym we ran about 6km and it was rainy and mild, and I did well. Personally, too cold burns my lungs but I look forward to it in february.