Brihard said:
That's great til you're told to rewrite the narrative so that the dots can be shifted to match a unit ranking board. Let's not pretend this doesn't happen.
There is no need to re-do a narrative to fit dots as the dots, that is an old old way of looking at PERs back when we wrote flowerly prose and everyone was awesome. Now you just write activity - result. The dot score indicates how well they did that activity (generally because of the 9 line limit it covers more than one Performance Factor).
That said I haven't seen this magical supposedly widespread practice of adjusting dot scores to match rankings yet in many many many years of doing PERs. Personal opinion it is like many things it in the CAF actually uncommon in practice but the myth of its use has made it common thought.
SupersonicMax said:
You can conduct unit boards. You just can’t adjust dots in relation to the board results. The only rule is that you cannot have more dot scores in section 5 than someone higher in the ranking but have a lower section 5 scoring for someone in the same MOC. Boards are required to fill the ranking in section 5.
SupersonicMax said:
If more than one person has the same potential dot score, the board is the tie breaker.
The problem with both statements is the assumption that PER scores alone is the driving factor in boards. While the general practice is to use proposed scores to at least have a starting point in a ranking board the scores really don't matter. Besides niether are real rules as listed in the CFPAS help menu.
Potential Ranking. Theatre PERs are not ranked. The Annual PER potential ranking is based on assessed potential as reflected in the scoring of the potential factors only and not on overall PER scoring. As it is a potential ranking an individual with high potential but average performance would be ranked higher than a subordinate with high performance but only average potential. Potential ranking applies to personnel of the same rank and MOS, within the same Dept ID and on Annual PERs only:
[list type=decimal]
[*]Unit COs must rank the top 10 individuals or the top 50% of personnel of the same rank and MOS within their unit, whichever is less.
Ranking ties are not permitted. However, this does not preclude units from submitting PERs with identical AFs and PFs.
[*]Where an odd number of personnel exist, the ratings will be extended or rounded upwards (i.e., 5 individuals - therefore rate the top 3).
[*]If the subordinate is the only one of that rank and MOS in the unit "1 of 1" must be filled in. Formations shall not combine Dept IDs to rate personnel together in Section 5;
[*]when a person is assigned or posted prior to 01 Jan to any of the establishments indicated in chap 1 sect 110(1), or is attached posted away from his/her home unit prior to 01 Jan for operational deployments of three months duration or more, and will not be returning prior to the end of the reporting period, no Section 5 potential ranking is to be completed. The Potential Ranking box shall indicate 0 of 0
[*]where a rear party or a detachment is geographically separated from the main unit, such as a deployed battalion, every effort shall be made to fairly rank all personnel within the same Dept ID.