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Peaceniks Try Direct Mail on Vandoos Destined for AFG

I'm sorry, but maybe if you stopped saying "Its coming, its coming!" and actually deliver it (has many days has it been?) people wouldn't continuously ask for it.  And to be honest, your posts feel like a lot of vague promises but little substance.

Maybe V2007 is actually made up of Lieberal party members?  ;D

Funny, none of my earlier comments were addressed by these guys.  That suggests that they will be looking to provoke a fight, probably to show what a bunch of mindless, brainwashed killbots the CF are. 
Anyone who is at the parade keep a heads up.  If these clowns can't get the violence going with verbal crap, watch out for things like sling shots, rocks or noxious gas bombs.  It wouldn't surprise me to see them trying to walk through the ranks and try to disrupt the parade either.  Hopefully, the local police will be swift and harsh in taking them out of the mix. 
Best wishes to all our members in the parade today.  The rest of us are with you.  :salute:
I was at the Allouettes game last night and I can give one compliment to V2007, they were quite respectful in their protest.  They tried to give the front rank a copy of the letter (I think, I didn't take one although a couple people did out politeness... or they needed paper to spit their gum onto.»). 

We received an overwhelming welcome into the stadium and many of us received claps on the back from Als partisans. My hats off to the allouettes organization and their fans!!  :salute:
“Quebeckers whine more, but we're going to do the job better than les Anglais,” said Master Cpl. Tommy Mailloux of the famed Royal 22nd Regiment, known as the Vandoos. “Francophones have a reputation to defend. We're the only French-Canadian regiment.”
thats the kind of spirit that makes the Vandoos great!

Its funny that NIMN made us all wish for the 'good old days' of VC2007 :)
So, I went to the game last night too.. all I remember is that weird Pmed making a ton of noise and getting thrown out by security...

Not really.  I only saw one protestor myself, and I don't think he was from "them".  He was an older gentleman who voiced his opinion out loud as we left the parc to march to the stadium.

I shook General Hillier's hand last AND I kissed a Toronto Argonaut, which is a funny story I'll tell later on...
FascistLibertarian said:
... Its funny that NIMN made us all wish for the 'good old days' of VC2007 :)


A convert!  Someone get him!


JK, I think they are busy with their extracurricular activities at the moment... 
Bzzliteyr said:
So, I went to the game last night too.. all I remember is that weird Pmed making a ton of noise and getting thrown out by security...

Not really.  I only saw one protestor myself, and I don't think he was from "them".  He was an older gentleman who voiced his opinion out loud as we left the parc to march to the stadium.

I shook General Hillier's hand last AND I kissed a Toronto Argonaut, which is a funny story I'll tell later on...

? ? ?
Watched a video clip on CTV about the “party” The reporter on the ground seemed decent, but the announcer seemed miffed that there was no massive protest about the party.
I know it's silly...but can we not apply what we would do as good natured humans to a world context? Can we not help the Afghans rebuild their country, without people feeling that we're only there for our own motives?

What you have described in your analogy is called Values based foreign policy.
That's fine.............but,

We do have a national interest motive as well.
If T. and his cronies succeed - then we have more "gangstas" in our "hood"
More trouble later on.

All in all - the fewer Islamofascist states exist , the better (for all humanity).

GodSpeed and Good luck to the VanDoos! :salute:
Buzz...at least you didnt kiss the general! Did you notice that the general didn't take part in the "Military started" Wave!!!
Was he on the Jumbotron side ? cause we were the ones starting the waves... the other side of the field..  :warstory: As for the protesters, haven't seen them, saw some funny looking people holding a red sing, but just a blimp..

Thanks Al's fan for your applause and cheering...


P.S.  Go Argos !  ;D
Yes I know we have a vested interest in the stability of all states... (values based foreign policy - i knew there was a word for it somewhere lol was looking for it couldn't recall)
The point I was really trying to make is that morally, we should be there, and we would do the same for a person on an individual basis.
I know the whole point is far more complex then that, I just felt it was a good argument in it's own way, but again, I'm far from qualified to go into this stuff in detail, at least until I finish my degree and get into the CF.  :D


It's more than "stability".  The growth of Islamic extremeism is a global
problem.  They are opposed to the "state" as we know it.
Not to mention just about everything else, we in the west care about.
Unchecked, these monsters would have us back in the bronze age

I have a friend who is a former missionary and devout pacifist.
Opposed to war in general - He sees this one as necessary.
I was VERY surprised!  :)

But you do present a traditional Canadian "value" - I'm all for that.

I just see this as a bitter pill now to prevent the spread of a
disease later.

I agree with you there. This is a global problem. It happened a few times throughout history that Islamic militants (well more like states) took over huge tracts of land. Like the Moors, who controlled Spain, the Mamelukes who took over a chunk of the middle east and Egypt, and the Ottoman Empire. They were stopped only when confronted with an enemy they couldn't beat. I'm rambling a bit, hopefully I explain this clearly...That was in a time when nations were controlled by monarchs and powerful people, where there wasn't really any media, and public opinion didn't even come to play in any decisions made by the state. So here's where it become somewhat relevant: what do we nowadays, when there's almost no support for any war by the public? How can we stop this culture clash? Does it have to be war, or can peaceful means be used in most cases?

Side Note: I don't claim all Muslims to be a problem, far from it. I knew a few that I worked with who hated Al Quaeda, and I think the overwhelming majority are peaceful, run of the mill people. For the most part, the ones causing these problems are extremists. Also, I do think continued troops in Afghanistan are necessary. And again, I have to state that this is my opinion only.
So this Argonaut comes of to our end of the stadium before the game start.. Belli is his name.. 78?  And he walks over to the stands as all the Army guys cheer and points to a group of three lovely female officers and gives them the old "come here" move.. they get up and go to the fence for what everyone assumes is a photo op.  He then decides that he'll be kissing each one of them on the cheek as everyone erupts in a great cheer!!  Everyone chuckles and he starts to walk away... I, being the shy guy that I am decide to run down to the fence and (for equal opportunity and anti-discrimination sake) offer my cheek up for a kiss.  He, being a good character comes over and decides to flip the tables on me and points at his cheek.  The pressure from the crowd is immense and I decide to play along as he did and I move in for the peck on the cheek....

He turns his head and plants a big wet one on me!!! Yeah.. he kissed me.. that's it..

And that's the story that I will never hear the end of.. thank you.

/end of thread hijack.

Go ALS!!!
I do think continued troops in Afghanistan are necessary.

exactly it is amazing that people do not realize that you cannot have reconstruction without the area first being pacified of insurgents. Because if we pull out in 2009 (Highly unlikely I think) and just send medical and financial aid then these will be targeted by the insurgents (and then the politicians will complain about this) and we will leave our allies to pick up were we left off further stretching out their resources and manpower, and if we cave in to the will of the antiwar and political groups then all of the sacrifices made by the men and women who have been overseas and the ultimate sacrifice made by those who fell, will all be for nothing (I probably did not word this last part correctly, so If anyone is offended, I apologize).

Also it sickens me that these people will even think about demonstrating against the soldiers. If you are against the war, that's fine, that is the beauty of a democracy where any idiot can have any opinion that he wants and not worry about being stoned, beheaded/hanged, mutilated...etc. But at the very least show some goddammed respect for the soldiers who are going over.

Godspeed Van Doos :salute:
(By the way, who won the game)  ;)
Montreal won the game.

I'd just like to remind all that it is not just the Vandoos going over, there are Recce troops from 12RBC, Engineers from 5RGC (and others), Tanks from all the regiments and support trades from all over Canada.

Let's go with TF03-07 for the group title, I keep hearing others during parades ("Force Inter-Armée Afghanistan" for one).  I would just like to remind everyone that it may be the 3R22R Battle group but there are many more units that compose it.

See you tonight Val2007!!