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Peace Protests

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I love how there's only 5 of them protesting, and only one or two people watching them. That's pretty typical attendance for an Art Gallery protest. When I worked by there, there were protests so frequently (nearly daily) on every possible subject that no one even cared or paid attention that what they were about. Usually the yuppies on Robson would just laugh on them and continue on to Starbucks.
Well, here is my peace rap,

"Yo wassup im da gangsta and im against war
Why they make the army? and wat it for?
Im just a rappa singin' and dissin' the killin'
When I dont got da facts but im out on a mission
(did I mention the gun in my pant pocket?)" 

Hey protestors: DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!
This thread isn't the first time I've read about MAWO. I finally checked their website and I wasn't pleased with what I saw. Reading what they had to say about the world left me irritated and I decided to write them an e-mail:

I was rather disturbed when I came across your website.

As Canadians you and I enjoy peace and prosperity as well as the freedom to have our own opinions and express them, it is a shame that the publishers of this website have chosen to take advantage of this situation to publicly broadcast such erroneous and narrow minded views about Canada's efforts in Afghanistan.

For whatever reason, you have chosen to present our contributions to stability in Afghanistan as an "occupation" and "unwelcome" by the people in Afghanistan. Your position seems to be in contrast to reality, where our troops and foreign aid dollars are welcomed by the democratically elected president of Afghanistan.
The  violence that we see on the news in  Afghanistan is not perpetuated by "freedom fighters" but by Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, and drug lords who wish to crush the new found freedoms and emerging stability of the people.  The appalling figures that you quote on your website regarding the prosperity and longevity of the Afghan people represent the legacy of the Taliban regime, you will see that as long as Canada stands by the people of Afghanistan these numbers will improve, there is no doubt in my mind.

Regarding your representation of Canadian Soldiers and slanderous misquoting of General Hillier I will be less forgiving,  with respect to this matter I find your website to be a slanderous insult to all Canadians.
The Canadian military is built on a solid foundation of ethos; duty, integrity, discipline, and honour. I assure you that you will be hard pressed to find another organization in Canada that has devoted more time and effort to human rights, equality, accountability, and environmental responsibility as the Canadian Forces. The Canadian Forces are bound by, and subject to the Canadian constitution and the democratically elected government of this land, the military is designed to represent the very best of Canada and to faithfully serve the people of Canada.

I applaud you for exercising your freedoms and involving yourselves in society, but it is also your responsibility to apply logic and critical thinking skills. When people misrepresent or manipulate the truth they do little more than mock and subvert the freedoms they take for granted.
Good letter, very well written.

Can't wait to see what they say!
Well said in the letter

"The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince people he didn't exist.."
It doesnt bother me that people want to express their opinions and demonstrate them in public.
What does bother me, is when people do so in an incredibly ignorant and uninformed fashion, without all or any of the facts.

I don't care if someone has a constrasting opinion from mine, but for the love of god please at least know what youre talking about.

Ive yet, in my entire life, to encounter any anti-military demonstrator, protestor or any mutation of either, that had a solid and logical argument to support their cause/opinion.

Can America start a "War on Ignorance" please?
This is an age old problem, I can imagine Roman Legionaries muttering about ignorant civvies in Gaul or Iberia complaining about what was happening in far off Germania....

Kipling, of course, said it best, and you can read it here: http://www.everypoet.com/archive/poetry/Rudyard_Kipling/kipling_tommy.htm
GDawg, well written letter, you should submit it to the Calgary Herald or Sun editorial pages.

A-majoor, I enjoyed the kipling poem.


I have to say, looking at this thread again after the last two days events really makes me want to smack these ignorant and sheltered little spoiled puppies into next week.  Our soldiers once again are putting life and limb on the line (some paying for it, RIP Paul Davis) and all we have back here in the "So-politically-correct-canada" is a bunch of unappreciative little punks who protest anything not lunatic left.  Sad.
Rant ends now, OUT!!!
I am getting mixed messages from that website (MAWO).  Do they just want us out of all those places, or is it that since we are in there, the are rooting for Al Qaeda and the Taliban?  Some things they say or show point towards the latter of the two.
I, like many, if not all of the people on this site do not mind, even encourage people to express their opinions and views, as long as they have merit.  People like these make me quite mad, to put it the nicest possible way.  These people are like the ignorant protestors of the Vietnam War.  If they gain too much strength and spread their stupid they could quite possibly allow the enemy to win a war that without these gonads' interference would have been won by our forces.  These people do realize that what is goin on over there is a war, right?  It may not resemble Vietnam, Korea, WWII, or the Gulf War, but it is none the less, a war.  By looking at Canadian Casualties since 2002 I feel that we are doing a good job.  There have been 10 deaths, four (I think) of which being to enemy weapons.  That is far better than if it were like any of the previously mentioned wars, where there would 10s to 100s of names being mentioned on this site every month, with the possible exception of the Gulf War.  Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan are doing a hard enough job with out having to think about idiots in the country they represent stabbing them in the back.  You may not want to support the cause, but at the very least, support the troops.  A lot of the soldiers would probably want to be home as well, so support them so they complete their duty and get home safely.  I am not trying to degrade Canadian efforts by saying "only ten deaths", I am trying to point out that by looking at the sacrifices made by the soldiers, we get a small idea of how well we are doing in the country with our training and equipment.  It is people like MAWO who look down on the over seas commitment, and want to pull out that could make those sacrifices in vain.  I would not want the Canadian soldiers who died in Afghanistan, or were wounded to go with knowing that their sacrifices went with out their country's duty being fulfilled.
All protestors should see first hand what they are protesting, this could their minds in fast hurry.
Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer
Pte. Richard A. Green
Pte. Nathan Smith
Sgt. Marc Leger
Sgt. Robert Alan Short
Cpl. Robbie Christopher Beerenfenger
Cpl. Jamie Brendan Murphy
Pte. Braun Scott Woodfield
Glyn Berry
Cpl. Paul James Davis
:cdn: :salute:

[Moderator edit - the abbreviation for Private in Canada is "Pte", not "Pvt" which is American]
Yep, they're still at it. Protesting in front of a closed CFRC...that will teach us baby killers!
They've also decided to protest after the death of every Canadian soldier, as if that person who just died serving their nation has ANYTHING to do with sending  Canadian soldiers overseas.
If its any consolation, they were only able to get 25 people on 4 hours notice, most civilians NOT involved in a radical "chicken little" type movement could easily match or exceed that number.

P.S. They have not responded to my e-mail yet, too busy walking in circles outside of a closed Government office I think.
The protestors are a mix of communists, anarchists and socialists. Wacko's of the world unite!
These "protesters" are generally parroting the line promted by the MSM. Hollywood is one of the biggest conduits of this sort of thinking (how is the United Staes beig portrayed in most movies these days?), so here is a little counterpoint of what sort of movies Hollywood would be making and presenting Acadamy awards to if they REALLY wanted to make contentious and relevant statements:


Hollywood Heroism
A to-do list for George Clooney and his brave crowd.

By Mark Goldblatt

Prior to and during Sunday night’s Academy Awards, Hollywood luminaries were busy patting themselves on the back for their courage in honoring films depicting two gay cowboys as star-crossed lovers, a gay writer as a soulful artist, a transsexual as a responsible parent, a Palestinian suicide bomber as a thoughtful, conscience-driven activist, greedy oil company executives as, well, greedy oil company executives, and Senator Joe McCarthy as (gasp) a threat to American civil liberties. As George Clooney, who had a hand in both the oil-industry-bashing Syriana and the McCarthy-bashing Good Night, and Good Luck, recently noted, “People in Hollywood do seem to be getting more comfortable with making these sorts of movies now. People are becoming braver."

No doubt about it. Hollywood is now ready to tackle any subject. With that in mind, I’d like to propose a handful of titles for next year.

Che, the Later Years: Following on the success of The Motorcycle Diaries, this sequel would pick up with Che Guevara’s life after he joined forces with Fidel Castro in Cuba. It would include scenes of Che presiding over firing squads after the overthrow of the Batista government and setting up Cuba’s labor-camp system, which was used to imprison not only enemies of the revolution and political dissidents but homosexuals and (later) AIDS victims. The film would also highlight Che’s literary growth from a casual diarist to a political theorist: “Hatred as an element of struggle, unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine — this is what our soldiers must become . . .”

The Jihad Momani Gesture: The film would cover one week in the life of the unfortunately named Jordanian newspaper editor, who, during the Islamic cartoon riots earlier this year, was fired for reprinting the offending images of Mohammad: “I was trying to calm [the rioters] down,” he explained, “to tell them these cartoons are not the end of the world, that insults have happened before and will happen again. The cartoons are silly. They don’t deserve such an intense reaction.” Two days after his firing he was arrested. He currently faces three years in prison for violating Jordan’s press law, which outlaws insults to Islam.

Brokeback Sharia: This would be a tearjerker about true love in the face of social conformity and family pressure in the grand Hollywood tradition of Titanic and, well, Brokeback Mountain. It would recount the doomed affair of two gay Iranian teenagers who fell in love in the summer of 2005, were arrested by the religious police, then publicly hanged to death for the crime of homosexuality.

The Uneasy Rest of Jesse Dirkhising: A graphic horror film, along the lines of Silence of the Lambs and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it would tell the story of the last hours of young Jesse’s life — a life that ended in September 1999 when he was abducted by two gay men, Joshua Brown, 22, and David Don Carpenter, 38, who drugged the 13-year-old, bound him with duct tape and gagged him with his own underwear, sodomized him with foreign objects, and repeatedly raped him. They administered an enema of Brown’s urine, then took a break and went to the kitchen for sandwiches. The seventh grader stopped breathing while they snacked. He died of suffocation.

Ambush at Gush Katif: This film would dramatize the 2004 roadside attack in Gaza on a car driven by Israeli social worker and expectant mother Tali Hatuel. Two Palestinian gunmen rushed the vehicle and discovered that the driver was a pregnant woman — whereupon they pumped bullets into her stomach and face . . . and then pumped bullets into the face of her 11-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her nine-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her seven-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her two-year-old daughter. The attackers were eventually shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. The next day, two Palestinian organizations, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committee, both claimed credit for the attack, and the official Voice of Palestine Radio called it a “heroic operation.” As an epilogue, the film would segue to the funeral for Hatuel and her daughters — which was interrupted when two more Palestinian gunmen, disguised as women, made it to the perimeter of the cemetery and opened fire on the mourners, including women and young children, who were sent scrambling behind parked cars and concrete barriers. Both gunmen were again shot dead by Israeli soldiers on hand to protect the crowd . . . and Islamic Jihad again claimed credit for the incident.

True, none of these films would likely be a runway box-office hit. But that shouldn’t matter to a courageous artist like George Clooney. They’d be truthful. And that’s what really counts, isn’t it?

So how about it George? Ready to break out the checkbook for any of these babies?

— Mark Goldblatt is author of Africa Speaks, a satire of black urban culture.[/qiote]
GDawg said:
Yep, they're still at it. Protesting in front of a closed CFRC...that will teach us baby killers!
They've also decided to protest after the death of every Canadian soldier, as if that person who just died serving their nation has ANYTHING to do with sending  Canadian soldiers overseas.
If its any consolation, they were only able to get 25 people on 4 hours notice, most civilians NOT involved in a radical "chicken little" type movement could easily match or exceed that number.

P.S. They have not responded to my e-mail yet, too busy walking in circles outside of a closed Government office I think.

I doubt you will get a reasonable answer. I have met some of the people that are associated with MAWO and you can believe me when I say an intelligent debate using facts is the last thing they want. It's mainly loud rhetoric and the message is anti-establishment, first and foremost, regardless of the issue.

Some of the more strident members of MAWO around this area are middle class, wear designer clothes, drive a Mercedes bought by daddy, are naive to a surprising degree, and are not especially well educated. One of its leaders in BC has never held a job in his life. Some of the MAWO people I've spoken with believe the Western press is entirely controlled by Israeli or American interests. Like many other organizations who hold extreme views, misinformation is the game under the guise of telling the truth, and they feel anything they say or any action they take is entirely justified.

I wouldn't be too upset. They are exercising their democratic rights after all...