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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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When they say you do helicopter operations at Seaforth Highlanders of Canada do they mean actually flying helicopters or working along with the guys that fly them?
Or if you want to parade at a regiment that has more than just a platoon show up, go Westies (oohhh, yes i did!). But seriously, whichever one you go to, more power to ya. And re: choppers, rides are few and far in between, the first ones cool, after that it‘s just another mode of transport.
If you want to fly a helicopter, you need to

a. be a canadian citizen
b. have a university degree
c. be in the reg force OR have a helicopter liscence already (worth about $15,000) and be near a rotary wing capable base
d. be in the air force

so, there‘s not even the slightest, vaguest chance in he|| about flying one as a reserve army NCM... EVER!!!
Helo rides are great but only for the take off.
Prefer to land on my own two feet.
Have about 2000 take offs in them but only 250 or so landings.The rest we handled on our own.
American 53‘s are a treat.Big mothers.
I never saw helicopter ops at the Seaforth regiment when i was an NCM before, and certainly not this last year. Medic, do you know anything about that?
What does these means
Stand Spec 1 Spec 2
Private 1 66.98
2 75.90
3 85.44
Basic 97.72 105.34 111.54
What is STAND and SPEC1 and 2 means
and those 1 2 3 numbers
I guess those are the ranks you get , but how do you get higher rank?

And I have one more question to ask. Me and my friend would like to join army but we would like to be together all the time. Is that possible. We would chose same carrier.

And do you have to pay anything such as book or classes ?

Stand means "Standard" or the pay that the majority of the CF gets. "Spec" means specialist, which refers to certain trades in which you need extra qualifications. If you‘re joining the reserves as an NCM, don‘t worry about this, it won‘t apply to you. If you and your friend want to join at the same time, then go for it, but do NOT have any expectation of staying together. On most courses, assuming you were even on the same course, they like to split up people as much as possible. That way, you learn to work with people you‘re not friends with... necessarily.

To advance in rank, you need to take courses and have a certain amount of time in each rank. As for books and classes, yes, there are a great many formal classes with books, studying and written tests. The higher up in rank you get, the higher the percentage is of "textbook learning."

Oh, and just a note, not to be offensive, but you may want to seriously consider taking some English classes before joining. From what I‘ve seen of your writing, you might have some problems with the written test to get in, since your first language isn‘t English. Just a suggestion.
As a basic recruit, what is the actual take home pay at the end of the pay week?

I have seen all the charts and such but I am curious to know what the actual deposit is after room, board, tax are all taken...

I think it works out to about $600/every two weeks after rations and quarters.
I just got back from my basic at Shilo and I got paid about 860$ every two weeks that‘s clean already after taxes. I still have to go and get my 16.50$ away from home pay times 58 days. But that‘s the Comm Res School so I don‘t know about reg force but I was being paid about 71.40$ a day.
kinda related.....

For reg force when you go to basic, how long till the first payday?

Workin out the budget so my wife and I don‘t get caught short...
It depends on when you start. Paydays are on the closest working days to the 15th and end of the month. I think it took me about 3 weeks until I got my first pay deposit.
Before anyone puts in thier 2 cents worth:
1. If you have no overseas experience,
2. Have no clue how they determine Risk and Hardship points, and
3. Unless you have something interesting to say how they will implment it,

Then just sum up before you start...

You may not think it is, but this article is a true morale killer for those of us still in Bosnia on this "not dangerous" mission. Quote from below:
"While service in places such as Afghanistan qualify as high risk, Bosnia does not." unquote. Its not like they don't already rake it in on the higher benifits for risk and hardship.


Budget gives tax break to soldiers, police on high-risk missions
John Ward
Canadian Press
March 23, 2004

OTTAWA -- Troops and police sent abroad on high-risk operations will not pay taxes on the money they earn while deployed, under a new break announced in Tuesday's budget.

It was a largely symbolic gesture in a document which offered the beleaguered military some extra money for peacekeeping bills and promises of some future cash for new search-and-rescue planes.

Any big budget jump, which many say is needed to keep the Forces afloat and replace their rusting equipment, will depend on the outcome of a policy review expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The tax break, which is retroactive to Jan. 1 this year, will save soldiers and police officers about $30 million a year. It comes on top of existing tax-free bonuses for hazardous duty areas.

Salaries up to $6,000 a month are covered. That's the maximum earned by a chief warrant officer, the highest non-commissioned rank. Junior officers up to the rank of captain will get the full benefit, while more senior officers will have to pay taxes on that portion of their pay that exceeds the $6,000 limit.

Not all troops abroad will qualify. While service in places such as Afghanistan qualify as high risk, Bosnia does not. There are about 1,800 Canadians in Afghanistan and about 900 in Bosnia. The mission in Haiti, with about 450 soldiers, has yet to be classified in the military's four-level risk assessment system.

The budget also allotted $300 million to cover extra costs of the peace missions in Afghanistan and Haiti and pledged to cover all such incremental costs in future missions. Under the old policy, the military never knew how much extra money it might get to cover unexpected deployments.

There was another $300 million promised for next year to speed up the purchase of new search-and-rescue aircraft. The air force uses aging Buffalo and some Hercules transports in the role and had hoped to replace them with a dedicated, twin-engine search-and-rescue plane around 2010 or so.

Now, the replacements will start arriving within 18 months, Finance Minister Ralph Goodale said.

In a gesture to history, the budget also provided $1.5 million to help the Juno Beach Centre in Normandy commemorate the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings during the Second World War. Juno was the code name for the Canadian landing site during the invasion.

With this "incentive", I personally will hesitate voluntering for those less "risky" missions. I am interested to see how it all plays out...

As for the rest...just another popcorn fart.

Have fun...  :cdn:
I think personally that whenever we are deployed on any UN/NATO mission we should not have had to pay income tax at all. I am surprised that Bosnia does not qualify.
I think it is somewhat flawed but sure I‘ll take the tax break.Bosnia is not a dangerous place hasn‘t been for a few years now,I know that some of you that were just there were bitching about the "roto that the world forgot" and other nonsense,but face it nothing is happening there!Bosnia is on par with tours such as the Golan Heights,Cyprus (when we had a large contingent)no direct threat to CF personel.
Bosnia should have been shut down a few years ago,it‘s over and done with.
I agree bosnia is not like ity used to be . try it early 90‘s. try haveing the "WARRING FACTIONS"
fire their rounds right through your OP area. which means haveing intresting holes in your flag.
Jeez the worst thing about Bosnia now is when your iso trailer heats up or you sunburnyourself on r and r . :cam:
I was just wondering, where are there Canadian soldiers in the world other than Bosnia and the Middle East?
Check on DND.ca under current operations. A total of just under 3800 people...It will be interesting to see which they class as "high-risk". Unfortunately the DGPB site which says what the risk and hardship for each AOR is not avail...

"Bosnia should have been shut down a few years ago,it‘s over and done with."

People probably said there was no reason for soldiers to be peacekeeping in Kosovo either.

I don‘t think we should have shut down the bosnian mission years ago, i think we should have changed our focus there and what missions and operations we did.