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Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

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Thanks for the info, I kind of figured going from regular pay to Spec had something to do with it.
I've seen a few threads that have referenced this one in regards to pay scales, the old guys giving new guys trouble for asking questions then tell them to "go to this thread" and so when someone does that, if you check none of the links in said thread are working so that kind of makes it difficult to not annoy some of you.

There has been many threads on pay and allowances, and yes some links are out dated thanks to the new look and feel on the DND sites.

So here is (hopefully) the end all link for the pay and allowances questions. Director General Compensation and Benefits click on the appropriate link to answer your question.

MODS, maybe this response should be stickied and placed in the FAQ section too?


WTG in resurrecting a 3 yr old thread.
There is another Topic that trys to keep the latest link to these.  Unfortunately, the link will change annually with every change in pay rates.

Good luck

PS.  If you wish to volunteer to keep the link to the most recent Pay Scales, your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.  Are you going to remain a member of this site until such time that the CF ceases to give pay raises?
Not mention there is also this very nifty site called "google".  Its like using the search function here, but it searchs other websites, based on things called "keywords", its quite ingenious actually.  I typed in "Canadian Forces Pay Scale" and right near the top was this link http://www.forces.ca/html/payscales_en.aspx to what appears to be an official government site (that is probably kept updated regularly), plus it has some nifty little colourful graphs. >:D
doucet89 said:
The CF is also currently very desperate for engineers as well

You may want to qualify that a bit more. Combat engineers, structural, airfield, flight or P.Eng?

(Actually, it's likely all of them)
Healthy companies are ready to put big money on the table to hire a qualify individual if needed. Nothing new. We call that salary negotiation as you all know.

A smart and talented young blood with or without an university degree will make good money by managing human knowledge or work force. If the CF is looking for this kind of guy, it is going to be difficult based on the CF pay scale.

For officers: Is young engineers, lawyers, scientists, accountants and etc... making 50 000$ and more? I don't think it is common outside dad's network or due to a specific need in the market. However, if you attract these young sharks by the money, well as soon as they have some professional experiences under their belts, if only money motivate them, they are going to learn salary negotiation and they might switch for the private sector quickly.

Medical doctors, dentist and nurses are in position to ask for good money because USA is next door and ready to give them a lot of money, because in Canada we are short of health care workers, because our population is getting older, because the type of personality we are recruiting (?) and many more reasons. Yup, you payed already a lot by your taxes for their education. But that is another topic.

Thus, by recruiting specific trades (others than the semiprivate one such as MD and nurses) only on the money, I think that it is a lost battle on the long run. In addition, I wonder how does CF members of other trades feel about it?

Honestly, the salary offered by the CF is not great for the level of commitment and responsibility that is expecting regardless of the trade. So probably many candidates join for other reason but I think the CF pay scale should be seriously increased for all trades.

I am not pretending anything original in my post, it is only my opinion and it has been said many times before me. I am not a human ressources expert, neither I have an MBA or other related qualification. So here I was throwing my  :2c: and some food for thought.
Antoine said:
However, if you attract these young sharks by the money, well as soon as they have some professional experiences under their belts, if only money motivate them, they are going to learn salary negotiation and they might switch for the private sector quickly.

People with extensive educational credentials - like doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, etc. - may also have significant debt from student loans.  If you're paying $15,000 a year on your student loans, it's pretty hard to raise a family on a 2Lt's salary.
I agree on the debt, but graduates with Master or PhD in Sciences and Arts might also carried huge debt.

In an ideal world, it might be better for example to higher the salary of all officer trades instead of giving bonus to some trades. If team spirit is critical, can it be weakened by money issues between people of same rank but different trades? Do you motivate some to join and stay but others to leave? I don't know the answer, it might have been studied by the CF.

If some one is working in human ressources, I'll be curious to know his/her advice on this.

Hire people for trade in demand only by money incentive may not attract candidates that are going to stay in the CF for too long. But yes, many trades and ranks should be better paid. And it still my  :2c:
George Wallace said:
I was going to say "Simply look up at the bottom what Letter matches your Plan" but it looks like someone in Recruiting or with access to DAODs will have to answer as these are the current programs/plans listed:

A - ROTP (former CBI 204.2111 & 204.2151)
B - OCTP-NFS (former CBI 204.2113 & 204.2153)
C - DEO (former CBI 204.2114 & 204.2154)
D - UTP-NCM / OCTP-FS (former CBI 204.2112, 204.21135, 204.2152 & 204.21535)
E - CFR (former CBI 204.212)

Once you find out what corresponding Letter your Plan is listed as, just apply it to the OCdt and later the Pilot charts.

What category would be CEOTP? When I asked at the CFRC regarding CEOTP payscale(A-E) after promotion to 2Lt, I was advised that they only knew the payscale for OCdt(A-B) and that I would have to complete my basic to find out!?!
Does anyone have any specific knowledge regarding this issue?
Any input is greatly appreciated!


CEOTP falls under Cat B.  Officer Cadet - No Former Service

Just confirmed with the CEOTP 2Lt sitting about 2 feet to my right
While we're in the quoting necropost mojo...

gryphon664 said:
Yeah.. comms.. i think that if your already a qualified sig op, then they give you a 40 000$ bonus..

maybe someone can confirm this tho

Signing bonus for qualified SigOps on component transfer is $20,000. $10,000 when you sign, and another $10,000 on the 1st anniversary of you signing (to prevent a big tax hit).
Hi, I am loaded into the Aug 31 BMOQ, going Reg Force, DEO Log-O, just curious where DEO stands for OCdt, is it Level A or B.  I am married, with a son and own a home.
I don t particularly care which, just would make it easier for budgeting between now and then.  Thanks for the info and help!  Cheers!
Current Pay Scales for RegF Officers


Includes both RMC and DEO Salaries
nickinguelph said:
Hi, I am loaded into the Aug 31 BMOQ, going Reg Force, DEO Log-O, just curious where DEO stands for OCdt, is it Level A or B. 

Neither, if I'm reading the CBI correctly.

See http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dgcb-dgras/pub/cbi-dra/doc/204-02.pdf

You're looking for CBI 204.211(9), "Rate of pay – DEO".  If I haven't misread it, an OCdt under DEO gets paid in accordance with 'pay level C of Table "B"' in the CBI.

Table B, pay level C would be $3537 monthly, initially.  You always need to go to the CBI to figure out where you fit on the tables.

I think I read it properly, but if I didn't, someone more educated in the ways of pay will be along to correct me.  It wouldn't hurt you to confirm it with a Recruiting Centre.
"CEOTP falls under Cat B.  Officer Cadet - No Former Service"

to add more to the above statement, members from the ranks or officer (who switch over to CEOTP, very few in between) the pay scale is under Cat D....same as an UT payscale, as stated in my msg.
I am also not clear about pay for Officers under DEO, is it 49000 (in pdf file posted by Jboyd) or 42444(3500 monthly in file/link posted by occam).