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Pay increments

When calculating the percentages like tax CI ect. Do you calculate it all from gross income? or do u take away one, then the next percentage to the remainder?
If you take a look at the examples (IE the numbers and percents) Kratz already provided above, you can answer your own question rather easily.
g_12 said:
When calculating the percentages like tax CI ect. Do you calculate it all from gross income? or do u take away one, then the next percentage to the remainder?

Calculation for deductions at source (i.e. off your pay) for income tax, EI, CPP, etc, are done the same way for CF members as for any other Canadian.  EI and CPP are a percentage of gross income up to the annual maximum.  Deductions for income tax are a little more complicated in that they are based on your projected annual taxable income, which is somewhat less than gross.  However, in response to the specific question, no they don't calculate one deduction and then base the next deduction on what's left over.
The question that I have is this: I have been separated for 12 years but not divorced. I rent, plus I have 3 kids, will I have to pay for the rations?Thanks
I am in a common law relationship and even have a signed affidavit saying so, will I be required to pay rations.
sramsay said:
The question that I have is this: I have been separated for 12 years but not divorced. I rent, plus I have 3 kids, will I have to pay for the rations?Thanks

Are your children staying in your house while you are gone on course or will they be with your ex-spouse?

Devonm123 said:
I am in a common law relationship and even have a signed affidavit saying so, will I be required to pay rations.

As long as you have proof of common law and that you live together(which you should if you are common-law) with bills, lease agreement or a mortgage statement to back you up you won't have to pay for rations.  The CFRC chould take care of the issue when enrolling you.  If they don't ask.
sramsay said:
Yes my kids will be staying in my house.

If they are dependants and you can legally leave them for that period of time then you should be good to go.
George Wallace said:
26.    A member of the rank or appointment of Cpl and above who accepts
voluntary OT is eligible for promotion until the date of OT to the new MOC.
When a promotion is issued prior to the effective date of a voluntary OT,
the member will be advised of the promotion through the CO who will ensure
the member acknowledges that the promotion does not affect the request for
voluntary OT, but that reversion to the rank of Cpl, in accordance with
paragraph 27, will take place one day prior to the date training in the new
MOC commences.

27.    Unless otherwise specified by the OT authority, a member above the
rank of Cpl shall relinquish that appointment or rank, effective the day
before the date when training in the new MOC is to commence, in accordance
with 11-12, Occupation Transfer of Non-commissioned Members-- Regular

28.    A Pte who has attained QL5A and who OTs to a new MOC as a Pte may be
promoted to Cpl when the time prerequisites of the new MOC have been met.
29.    A Pte who is authorized QL5AP on enrolment, re-enrolment or OT is
promotable to acting rank when all other prerequisites have been met.
30.    A member who is on OT ceases to be eligible for promotion in the
former MOC effective the date of OT in accordance with 11-12.

Out of interest, how does this affect pay raises? (referencing the attachment->) I am aware that when one OTs, CFRs, etcetera they do not drop in salary. So let's say you are a sergeant at the "basic" pay level. Then you OT, you relinquish your rank and are now a corporal. As you are not a sergeant anymore: would your pay remain frozen at the "sergeant basic" level until promoting to sergeant again and moving past that initial year as a sergeant?
Negative. If you voluntarily OT and you are above the rank of Cpl, you will receive Cpl 4, the highest incentive. IE, if you were a Sgt 3, and OT, you will get Cpl 4.
HULK_011 said:
Negative. If you voluntarily OT and you are above the rank of Cpl, you will receive Cpl 4, the highest incentive. IE, if you were a Sgt 3, and OT, you will get Cpl 4.

Oh okay thank you for the clarification, appreciate it. :salute:
When it comes to "Rate of Pay", occupation transfers generally fall into two categories, "Voluntary" or "Compulsory".

With a "Compulsory" occupation transfer, a member has "Vested Rights" and therefore, the rate of pay would not change and remain the same as though they were still at the previous rank and I believe they continue to accrue incentive levels as well.

With a "Voluntary" occupation transfer, there is no "Vested Rights" and therefore, the rate of pay would drop back to Cpl.  The incentive level would then be based on the CF members prior time served at that rank or something similar.  However, in instances where he occupation is entitled to "Spec" pay, that is not applicable, until the member achieves the occupational qualifications necessary for the rank of Cpl in the new occupation, which is normally QL5A.
DAA said:
When it comes to "Rate of Pay", occupation transfers generally fall into two categories, "Voluntary" or "Compulsory".

With a "Compulsory" occupation transfer, a member has "Vested Rights" and therefore, the rate of pay would not change and remain the same as though they were still at the previous rank and I believe they continue to accrue incentive levels as well.

With a "Voluntary" occupation transfer, there is no "Vested Rights" and therefore, the rate of pay would drop back to Cpl.  The incentive level would then be based on the CF members prior time served at that rank or something similar.  However, in instances where he occupation is entitled to "Spec" pay, that is not applicable, until the member achieves the occupational qualifications necessary for the rank of Cpl in the new occupation, which is normally QL5A.

Interesting, thank you for the explanation. :salute:
I hoping a RMS guru can tell me if I'm reading this CBI right. Issue is whether time as WSE counts towards IPC when promoted to substansive rank later on down the road. I read it as WSE/acting service still counts:

204.015(2) (Qualifying service) Subject to paragraph (4) and other conditions as may be prescribed in orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, qualifying service includes:

    subject to paragraph (3) of this instruction, all previous service of an officer or non-commissioned member in the member's present rank, equivalent rank or any higher rank, including paid acting rank in:
        the Regular Force and all other permanent armed forces of Her Majesty,
        any component of the Canadian Forces and of all other armed forces of Her Majesty, when on active service,
        the Reserve Force on Class B or Class C Reserve Service;

Much appreciated!

PuckChaser said:
I hoping a RMS guru can tell me if I'm reading this CBI right. Issue is whether time as WSE counts towards IPC when promoted to substansive rank later on down the road. I read it as WSE/acting service still counts:

Much appreciated!

Yes, it counts.  Hence, the term "paid rank".
DAA said:
Yes, it counts.  Hence, the term "paid rank".

Thanks for the clarification. I heard different in passing from one of my ROR staff, but now I know where to look in the CBI.
PuckChaser said:
Thanks for the clarification. I heard different in passing from one of my ROR staff, but now I know where to look in the CBI.

Looking, finding and understanding are the easy parts.  Convincing people that such is the case, is the most difficult.

To explain it in more simple terms........

PuckChaser is a Sgt and is "tasked" on deployment and promoted to "WO -AWSE" for the duration.  Inorder to be promoted AWSE, you must possess ALL the occupational qualifications necessary for promotion to WO (S) but I think the "leadership" trg aspect "might" be waiveable.  Nevertheless, once you take up the rank of "WO/AWSE", that time is "banked".  So if it should happen to be 8 months, then that is a credit.  Two years later you do get promoted to WO,  Your "Seniority date" and also your pay entitlements would need to be adjusted to include your time served while a "WO/AWSE".

Perfect. Exactly what happened to me, but one rank below. Thanks again.