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Pay Increase

What will our pay raise be?

  • 6.6% or higher

    Votes: 16 16.8%
  • 6.5% or lower

    Votes: 35 36.8%
  • Quit wondering

    Votes: 44 46.3%

  • Total voters


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Hey, why not.  Thought we might as well amuse ourselves while waiting..........................  :dontpanic:
why do we want a pay raise, lets take those millions of dollars and put it into bullets and fuel so we can train better. Damn we already get paid well for what we do. 
On a side note I figure it will be the 6.6% hopefully not a penny less. and then the 2.4%  01april. cheers
i agree with the fuel and bullets and equipment idea , but at least maybe not tax us as much and i think people would be happier with what they  have now.
Again this fanning the rumour mill and creating undue speculation. Can't anyone be patient anymore.

Fact - what ever the raise will be, you will receive back pay from 1 Apr 04.

Fact - you will also receive a raise 1 Apr 05.

Fact - The announcement will be made sometime.

Fact - You can't spend money you don't have

Anything over 2% count as gravy. The public contract was settled for something like 9-10% over 4 yrs. You figure it out.

While saying that it would be better to give our raises for bullets and training have you guys stopped a minute to actually think about that? Shake your heads....while an admirable statement  ::)  have you looked at the prices of things these days?I don't think you have.  Gas keeps going up as does food, rent etc etc etc. Some of us have families and some of us have bills it would actually be nice to get a little ahead these days and have a little left over.
6.6, 6.5% pay raise!?!  :o    Where are you guys getting these fiqures from? It would be great but I'm not holding my breath.  :-\
keep in mind I'm doing this purely out of evil fascination......I too, am hoping for the best, but after enough years in this man's army, I know better!  I'm just curious what the realistic expectations are for most of us! >:D
I'm thinking that this pay raise and retro-pay is a lot of hype, lets just wait til we get the raise  and the money is in our hands.
Looks like that same unsubstantiated spreadsheet that's been circulating. And still no CANFORGEN. Please stop speculating and spreading rumours until the official message is released.
Well, it looks like someone spent a lot of time on this, however, they neglected the spec trades as well as the breakdown of the officer classifications (GSO/Pilot/Medical/Etc.)  WAIT FOR THE CANFORGEN!!!!!!
hey, not like we are not being adequately paid now.....no?

matters not the %, 10-12 months back pay still equals an nice chuck. It would be nice to put into 2004 RRSP, but that doesn't look realistic.
Armymedic said:
It would be nice to put into 2004 RRSP, but that doesn't look realistic.

Would be nice... doubt it will arrive before the cut off!!
Hmmm, that spreadsheet also makes no mention of us lowly officer cadets. Oh well, gotta wait for the CANFORGEN.
Ex-Dragoon said:
While saying that it would be better to give our raises for bullets and training have you guys stopped a minute to actually think about that? Shake your heads....while an admirable statement   ::)   have you looked at the prices of things these days?I don't think you have.   Gas keeps going up as does food, rent etc etc etc. Some of us have families and some of us have bills it would actually be nice to get a little ahead these days and have a little left over.

And some of us are just looking forward to being able to pay all the bills in a month without having to rob Peter to pay Paul.
Ok everyone is going to yell at me for this but i'm going to say it anyhow. I am not in the military but I am a tax payer and i would love to see the military get more funding before i see them get a pay raise. There are not many jobs you can go into without any post secondary education and make the kind of money our soldiers make. My father made less than a private does now a days when he retired ten years ago(when he was a private my mother made more working in a hospital cafeteria). Yes , there has been inflation in the price of gas, food etc.But being in the military isnt sapposed to be about the pay. I know plenty of non military families who get by on a lot less than military families do and they make out just fine. I think definately we should be spending more on the actual funding of the military before a pay increase.
That's what I like about this forum - free speech!   BTW Camochick, did you know that the military pay raise follows directly from the public service pay raise?   The question about salary increases vs. the money being better spent (or not) on other things is government-wide, not just DND.   Believe me, the vast majority of military members, in my experience anyway, recognize that their salaries are decent in comparison to much of society.   A lot of military mbrs spend a lot of time away from their families for the sake of their country, so I hope people don't begrudge us the government-wide pay increase when it does come.

Please stop speculating and spreading rumours until the official message is released.

IMHO, it's not too surprising that people are amusing themselves by speculating, in the complete absence of any official info for almost two months now!   It's just human nature; why not let them have a little fun in the meantime if they're so inclined?   I think everyone recognizes it for what it is:   just rumour and speculation.   In the meantime, it's a relatively harmless outlet for the questions that most of us have been asking since last April.


Yes, the military is paid very well. However I make no apologies for pulling in a good wage and not having a post secondary education. It was a matter of choice. Also, I believe that as a middle class citizen, we are always looking to make our lives a little less burdensome financially. We live in a world where a pro hockey player holds out for an extra million on top of 4 or 5 he already has. I don't think an extra 2.5% is too much to expect on a yearly basis. That is my opinion on the matter. You put forth a good argument though so I don't think anyone will "yell" at you.