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Parental Leave vs. Sick Leave


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Hello there. I've been trying to get an answer for this and i've been coming up short.

I'm on Parental Leave and it ends in a few weeks. I've just had surgery (due to an injury from overseas) and the doctor placed me on 2 weeks sick leave. My clerk said she thinks that means i'm off unemployment and back to work. She's not sure though. What does this mean?

Am I back to work?

Do I call unemployment and cancel with them?

Do I get my days back that I lose?

How does this affect my pay with the military and/or unemployment? Will there be a gap or an overlap? I don't want to owe anyone money. It's happened before and it sucks.

I tried to phone unemployment but "our lines are currently experiencing a high frequency..." I also can't currently drive because of surgery.

Hope someone can help me on this one. It's getting a tad frustrating.
Stevenpfo said:
I'm on Parental Leave and it ends in a few weeks. I've just had surgery (due to an injury from overseas) and the doctor placed me on 2 weeks sick leave. My clerk said she thinks that means i'm off unemployment and back to work. She's not sure though. What does this mean?

I read this, as you are on Parental Leave for a few more weeks,  (you never specified a number, so I will assume more than two) and you have already had the surgery and given two weeks Sick Leave by the doctor ( which I will assume you are currently on).  Thus, as I read it, the doctor giving you a Sick Leave Chit has done so as a FORMALITY.  You are therefore, as I see it, unaffected in your Parental Leave.  As for being reimbursed for Sick Leave, I highly doubt you will be.

I am not an RMS Clerk, and no SME on this, so it may be best to keep on your clerk to have her find the answer.
Thanks for the reply. Parental ends on the 19th. Sick leave on the 24th. I'm not that worried about getting my days back. It would be nice as I gave up half of parental leave because they asked me too. But I know how the army works so I accepted that loss and moved on.

I'm just worried about the clerk restarting my work pay to full value two weeks early while still getting paid from EI. Then one or the other or even both come knocking for money. Shes now on leave until I get back myself. I guess i'll just keep an eye out for a double payment.
  We just had the almost the same thing come up at the IPSC-

  You are paid full pay for your sick leave but it does not extend your PATA leave. You claim the amount paid on your EI. You take your sick chit to your OR to confirm the dates of your sick leave.

Does not EI have sick leave also?
Stevenpfo said:
It would be nice as I gave up half of parental leave because they asked me too. But I know how the army works so I accepted that loss and moved on.

:orly:    Your parental leave was authorized, and then revoked in part?  Or they asked you to take less than the max, before the leave paperwork went in?

This is between you & your unit of course, but that part made me wonder a bit.

The only reason your parental leave/allowance can be extended or broken up is due to Imperative Military Requirements. This needs to be approved by your CO and HQ.

If your administrative status was back to "Normal" (100% pay) for those sick days, technically, you are not authorized to any further parental allowances. If this is the case, then UI needs to be contacted as you will ultimately end up owing the EI benefits you received in error. You could continue to be on LWOP but it would be for personal reasons and you would not be entitled to parental allowances.

I suggest that she keeps you on LWOP-PATA as you will end up loosing financially for a couple of paid sick days. A good reference for your clerk to use:


Stevenpfo said:
It would be nice as I gave up half of parental leave because they asked me too. But I know how the army works so I accepted that loss and moved on.
How does that work again?  What job are you involved in that they would ask you to only take half?  I took 9 months off when I was Search and Rescue Pilot.  The next time, I took as much as I could before being posted, while a flight instructor.  I am curious to know which CF trade needs one person so bad...