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Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

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ARMYboi69 said:
How is the Para easier to take through Cadets then with the CF?
It is not.  As was stated, it is the same course.  Cadet serials often include regular and reserve force personnel on course with the cadets.
hi my name is joey banfield i am a member of 3057 army cadets and i was wandering could someone with epilepsy take the basic parachuting course???? please i need answers on this
HHHhhhhmmmmm..... good question. Unfortunately I do not have a positive answer for you on that one, anybody else know? If I had to guess, I would say that without a letter from your Doctor stating that you are capable and have not been affected by seizures during a predetermined length of time before the course, probably not.Like I said, this is only a guess.

well i was told i had epilepsy in dec.3 of 2003 i have been seizure free for 1 full year i hope all i have to do is get a paper signed from my doctor then i can go and try the course which i want to complete so bad anyone else have any information?
Send a message up to your TrgO and Co through the CoC asking htem. if they dont know they can go to your RCSU.
redleafjumper said:
  In some ways the cadet course is more challenging due to the pre-para training that make the whole process longer.

Cadets aren't the only ones who go through Pre-Para. A buddy of mine(army reservist) did Pre-Para before he went on his jump course.
does anyone know the exact physical fitness activities like number of chinmups, pushups, situps that have to be done for a cadet to pass the pfysical part and also they still have the 1.6k run in less then 7:30 right? and if so is it all flat land or is there a hill or two in it
No idea about the Cadet Pre-para course, but the basic para pt test on day 1 of your Bpara at Trenton is a pretty flat stretch from the CPC hangar, up the road, around the corner and back. ENJOY!
Can the mach tower give you a better chance at qualifying for the para course!
I assume you are referring to the "Mock Tower", although I do like the way you put it also.. Mach tower, priceless. In my experience, I was very surprised at how many people we lost on the Mock tower. There were some very competent, fit and keen soldiers that simply could not manage the tower. Any degree of pre-course experience with the tower has to be considered highly valuable. Some people just can't hack the 32 foot "psychological height of fear" and others treat it like an amusement ride. It all depends on the individual.
Having "mock tower qualifications" will not mean anything when the time comes for you to apply for the course.  But should you pass selection, you will have a definite edge when the course comes to the mock tower phase.
Where are mock towers currently in operation. Besides CFB Meaford.

Also, is 32 feet standard for all mock towers? do they get any higher?
There are Mock Towers at Petawawa and Trenton, I have used both. I believe 32 feet is the standard.

As far as the epilepsy... You will go for a small CF medical before the course as does everyone (assuming they don't ding you for it during the paperwork selection process), and if you can convince the doc you will be fine (ie, get a note from your civvie doctor saying they have stopped), he'll write you a nice little chit reading "fit for parachutist course" or something to that effect. The worst that can happen is that they say no, and if you don't shoot, you can't score....

There would also be towers in Valcartier, and out in CFB Edmonton...I don't recall there being a mock tower in Meaford (and Meaford is a range/training area, and isn't designated a CFB). You may be thinking of the rappel tower. Mock towers look like this: http://groups.msn.com/1955CalgaryServiceBattalionAlumni/exercises.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=26

Good luck

Is it true that if you wear glasses that you can't participate in the para course? Thankx for all answers
armyrules said:
Is it true that if you wear glasses that you can't participate in the para course? Thankx for all answers

For the love of Jebus, look back 1 page and you'll find your answer. Search my son, search.
Basic Parachutist Course for Army Cadets & CIC: Question & Answer


Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced
hopefully airborne soon..

how was the course for ya? did you make it? post details please...
ABN RFN said:
There are Mock Towers at Petawawa and Trenton, I have used both. I believe 32 feet is the standard.

There use to be a tower at Ipperwash way back in the day