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Paid Education [Merged]

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muffin said:
It is also fraud to claim the tuition expenses on your taxes as a deduction if they are reimbursed by the Crown.

This is both curious and concerning. The tax returns no longer have you calculate specific dollar values; rather, there's a blanket credit applied per month of full time student status, with a lesser credit (roughly a quarter) for each month of part time student status. I can think of no means by which my student expenses could be calculated specifically on a tax return such that the $2000 reimbursement is applied against them. If my memory serves, however, I believe the education reimbursement is taxable?

I would very much like to hear if anyone has personal insight on this one- I don't want to be in a position where I could be held to have committed tax fraud, even if I acted in honest belief that I was doing things properly.
There are two things you can deduct:  There's a credit for being in school full or part time; that's not affected.  It's the actual tuition deduction in question here.

On your federal tax form it's line 320 of Schedule 11 - that's actual tuition paid.  If you receive reimbursement you should be claiming (Tuition paid minus reimbursement received). 

I don't believe the educational reimbursement is taxable, but it has been about 8 years since I was involved with the program, so don't take my word on that part.
Quicktax has a free online tax program for students, if you check that out Im sure it will help you through all of the tax implications
Although you have to be a student AND have a household income less than $20,000
dapaterson said:
There are two things you can deduct:  There's a credit for being in school full or part time; that's not affected.  It's the actual tuition deduction in question here.

On your federal tax form it's line 320 of Schedule 11 - that's actual tuition paid.  If you receive reimbursement you should be claiming (Tuition paid minus reimbursement received). 

I don't believe the educational reimbursement is taxable, but it has been about 8 years since I was involved with the program, so don't take my word on that part.

Ugh. Gonna have to look into this.

Here's another complication- Academic year 2009/2010, for which I recently submitted a claim, has not yet been reimbursed. I will receive my $2k reimbursement hopefully soon, but it will be a reimbursement of costs incurred in two different tax years, both of which I have already filed taxes for, and in both of which I claimed all applicable deductions for education. The reimbursement itself will be received in the 2011 tax year.

Methinks I need to get in touch with CRA.

Infnatryian- Thanks for that, but I don't qualify based on income. I've got a family member who picks up a full copy of one of those programs every year, and it lets you do five returns, so I'll use one of them. Tax software is awesome.
I got a question what does reg force pay for as college wise?
I am reserves now and wanna switch over to stocker and alot of the stocker education is more focus on that trade which does give much as for if I do a diploma for mechanical enginerring. What are your thoughts and opinions on this matter?  :-\
Bam_dice said:
I got a question what does reg force pay for as college wise?
I am reserves now and wanna switch over to stocker and alot of the stocker education is more focus on that trade which does give much as for if I do a diploma for mechanical enginerring. What are your thoughts and opinions on this matter?  :-\

What's a "stocker"?  Is it like a "pile-it", only with neater results?  Is it a supply trade?

I'm not trying to be cryptically sarcastic (or sarcastically cryptic) but may I suggest you try to take a lesson from this thread.
The Importance of proper grammar on this forum AND in the CF

As for your question, I honestly couldn't answer it because I don't know what you are asking. (Okay, I am being somewhat sarcastic here.)
Sorry i meant Stoker...is a nickname for mnm (marine enginerre mechanic) it's a navy trade. Actually the question I should have asked is... what does reg force do for education rebrushiment?

Other questions:
Would they pay for your college education or the trade course education for mnm (stoker)?
My goal is to get my mechical enginerring diploma and most of the stocker training is done on the west coast. The program is 2 years.
Marine Engineering Mechanic

Special Comments

A fully subsidized college education is available for this trade
I was wondering if there is any scenario where the forces would pay for the education required to join a specific trade. For example if I wanted to become a MP Officer but I do not posses the degree needed is there an option for the schooling to be paid for by the forces and not out of my own pocket.
Thank you for your reply. I understand the comment about wanting to have the course relate to your job. What if, after in the CF for some time you decide to change trades which would require some education as a pre-req. Would I be able to do what you said having it not be directly trade related but it is related to the trade id look to change to?
While the advice given by both BorisK and CombatMacguyver may or may not address your specific questions (and for some NCM occupational trades you DO require civilian pre-reqs - IE specific high school courses), you did ask this in a CAF recruiter forum to get an official response. 

BorisK is entirely correct - If the poster wanted "anyone's" opinion, he would have posted it elsewhere.  Let's leave this area to the Moderators and Recruiters.  If you absolutely MUST answer these questions, make use of a private message.
Good day,

I apologize for the delay in response from a qualified recruiter. There are several paid education entry plans available for both NCM and Officer Occupations. The following link will take you to the section of the Forces.ca website that provides information on Paid education entry plans: http://www.forces.ca/en/page/paideducation-96

For some more information on paid education to become a Military Police Officer you can review this post: http://milnet.ca/forums/threads/117185/post-1341032.html#msg1341032     
Hello everyone,

I have question about the paid education program. I know(more like recently found out to be honest) it is recommended that you apply to a college of a trade you want in the forces before you actually apply in the CF so would it be too late to try and get in the paid education program after I've already done my online application? I am currently at a point where my aptitude test is already scheduled.

I work and I am not a student of any sorts at the moment.
Lecreuset said:
Hello everyone,

I have question about the paid education program. I know(more like recently found out to be honest) it is recommended that you apply to a college of a trade you want in the forces before you actually apply in the CF so would it be too late to try and get in the paid education program after I've already done my online application? I am currently at a point where my aptitude test is already scheduled.

I work and I am not a student of any sorts at the moment.

For those who are applying for an occupation, where NCM STEP (Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Employment Program) is an available entry plan/option, you will be required to obtain "unconditional" acceptance into an approved/recognized College level program applicable to that occupation as a condition of enrolment.

You can provide the letter of unconditional acceptance at any time but this must be done prior to being enrolled into the CAF.  It is not a requirement at the time of application.
I was wondering if anyone has any insight on education reimbursement. I looked though several past conversations but they are several years old. Is there any updates.?
I was looking to do some distance courses to help further myself. 

Perhaps I should start posting:

"If you can not research the topic that has been posted and answered thousands of times already, then you do not deserve an Education Reimbursement."

Once again......

So when I first applied to the C.A.F. I was highly interested in armored crewmen and infantry. Artillery got eliminated right when I failed my color blind test In 2015. I had also failed the eye exam and could not qualify for v3 requirement for combat specialist, Luckily I had a nice local eye doctor that barely let me pass when I re did the test with him.

During this time (March 2015) I had to send in my finger prints for a Y.O. record when I was 17, I am now 19. A full YEAR has passed and now the finger prints are finally all good and done with and I'm ready to move on with my application. In this gap of time I took a paramedic course at an accredited college ( I really didn't think the military was an option anymore). I am now really set on becoming a paramedic and a combat specialist is no longer an interest of mine, but being in the C.A.F. is still a goal of mine I want to achieve.

I keep trying to call the Ottawa recruitment center but I can never get to speak to a recruitment officer, so before I have to drive up there to speak to one I figured I'd ask on here. So my question is. Am I able to switch my career choice to Medical Technician at this point of my application? My aptitude scores were high enough and I am currently enrolled in the program with very good marks. Second question, for paid education. Would I be able to qualify for paid education for my last year of the program beginning in September? I would not be able to do basic training this summer approaching as I am abroad for a volunteer program for 12 weeks, I read that you do your training during the summer months...I am hoping it could be done next summer. If anyone has any information that could help it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Armored_Crew_Man said:
Am I able to switch my career choice to Medical Technician at this point of my application?

Change in Occupation choices?? 

Changing Trades 


If you search changing trades during the application process in the Recruiting forum, you will find a number of discussions.

Armored_Crew_Man said:
Would I be able to qualify for paid education for my last year of the program beginning in September?

Education Reimbursement 
7 pages

Paid Eduation 

CAF Paying for Education


Armored_Crew_Man said:
I am now really set on becoming a paramedic

You mean after  the military?

For future reference, perhaps "Question regarding Paid Education" should be merged with "Education Reimbursement". 
7 pages

Sorry I should of looked better to find my answer. Thanks for the links! As In I am "set on becoming a paramedic" I meant I am set on completing my 2 year Paramedic program now that I have already completed almost two semesters.