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Paid Education [Merged]

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Armored_Crew_Man said:
I would not be able to do basic training this summer approaching as I am abroad for a volunteer program for 12 weeks, I read that you do your training during the summer months...I am hoping it could be done next summer. If anyone has any information that could help it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Based on your profile it says you are applying for Reg F. Reg F trains year round. So basic can start anytime, not just in the summer.
Once you are in, as in signed your papers and sworn in, you are in. I very much doubt the CAF will grant 12 weeks unpaid leave for a volunteer program to an untrained private who hasn't even done basic.
But talk to your recruiter about it. They are the ones that will know best.

Armored_Crew_Man said:
Luckily I had a nice local eye doctor that barely let me pass when I re did the test with him.
I'm a little concerned about this sentence. Are you saying your "nice" eye doctor fudged finessed the numbers on your eye exam so you could get a V3? That would likely be discovered at your next medical and if so, would make you have to medically OT to another trade. A lot of money and time wasted for everyone training someone who is medically unfit for that trade.  There are reasons for the medical trade requirements, and its not cuz we don't want combat arms members who wear glasses.
Armored_Crew_Man said:
In this gap of time I took a paramedic course at an accredited college ( I really didn't think the military was an option anymore). I am now really set on becoming a paramedic and a combat specialist is no longer an interest of mine, but being in the C.A.F. is still a goal of mine I want to achieve.

I keep trying to call the Ottawa recruitment center but I can never get to speak to a recruitment officer, so before I have to drive up there to speak to one I figured I'd ask on here. So my question is. Am I able to switch my career choice to Medical Technician at this point of my application? My aptitude scores were high enough and I am currently enrolled in the program with very good marks. Second question, for paid education. Would I be able to qualify for paid education for my last year of the program beginning in September? I would not be able to do basic training this summer approaching as I am abroad for a volunteer program for 12 weeks, I read that you do your training during the summer months...I am hoping it could be done next summer. If anyone has any information that could help it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

You have three options available but "paid education" isn't any of them because NCM STEP just doesn't work that way.

1 - CLOSE your current application, then reapply 4-6 months prior to graduation/completion of your paramedic course.  This "should" qualify you as a "semi-skilled" Med Tech applicant, which comes with pay incentives on enrolment.  ***you need to first confirm with your local CFRC, that the paramedic program/course you are taking is RECOGNIZED by the CAF***
2 - contact your local CFRC and ask to have Med Tech listed as your #1 choice, in which case you would be considered as an "unskilled" Med Tech applicant and upon completion of your processing, subject to a possible offer of employment at any time.
3 - leave things as they are and take your chances.

Good luck but be sure to check that your current program is "recognized"!!!
Armored_Crew_Man said:
Sorry I should of looked better to find my answer. Thanks for the links!

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)

Armored_Crew_Man, if applying for Med Tech, you may find this discussion of interest ( in case you have not read it already ),

Medical Technician - Unskilled, Semi-skilled, Skilled Application
5 pages.

Hey guys, i was in college for welding the last year and graduated with my welding ticket, i applied for materials tech (which a huge part of that is welding and thats why i applied). i was notified that the 11th (today) and the 18th the board is sitting down to decide who gets jobs for that position and my application manager told me to call her back in 2 weeks if i have not heard anything....

so now to my question, if/when i get a job offer after i get in is it possible to get my tuition costs paid for since my college since its in the same field? ive heard about paid education and what not but i wasn't sure if this type of stuff was covered.
mariomike said:
For future reference, perhaps "Education Refund?" will be merged with "Education Reimbursement". 
7 pages.

thanks a lot for the info
Hello, I have looked all over for the specific answer I have been looking for and havnt found it.
  I applied online for MP, and firefighting. I graduated grade 12 in 2014, I'm 19 right now. My application was selected for further processing I was told to email the recruiting centre for an appointment one week ago for the CFAT which I'm still waiting on a reply.
  I havnt taken Police Foundations or anything, my understanding is that if college is needed I can go through paid education, is that the same for my case wanting to be an MP?
  If I can't get either occupation I'm also interested in infantry, but I really want to be MP that's my dream, being police but also serving the country. Does anybody have an idea if police foundations would be covered by them or should I have taken it before I applied?
  Thankyou in advance for any answers.
SteviePete said:
I havnt taken Police Foundations or anything,

SteviePete said:
Does anybody have an idea if police foundations would be covered by them or should I have taken it before I applied?

Required Education
The minimum required education to apply for this position is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognized Canadian community college or CEGEP. Foreign education may be accepted. Related employment experience will also be considered during the application process.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
SteviePete said:
Hello, I have looked all over for the specific answer I have been looking for and havnt found it.
  I applied online for MP, and firefighting. I graduated grade 12 in 2014, I'm 19 right now. My application was selected for further processing I was told to email the recruiting centre for an appointment one week ago for the CFAT which I'm still waiting on a reply.
  I havnt taken Police Foundations or anything, my understanding is that if college is needed I can go through paid education, is that the same for my case wanting to be an MP?
  If I can't get either occupation I'm also interested in infantry, but I really want to be MP that's my dream, being police but also serving the country. Does anybody have an idea if police foundations would be covered by them or should I have taken it before I applied?
  Thankyou in advance for any answers.

In order to be considered for MP, you will need to already have graduated from a recognized College Level Law Enforcement Program (ie; Police Foundations, Law and Security, etc).

To be considered for Firefighter, I believe you will also need to already be qualified "NFPA 1001 Fire Fighter Level I" and have prior experience.  Your local Recruiting Detachment can provide additional details about the requirements for both of these occupations.

Paid Education is NOT an available option for either of these occupations at the present time.
Im curious to know if I do police foundations or a pre service fire fighting course in college is it possible for me to get into the paid education plan? If so whats it like and what are the commitments in college
deanoater said:
Im curious to know if I do police foundations or a pre service fire fighting course in college is it possible for me to get into the paid education plan?

Education Reimbursement 
7 pages

Paid Eduation 

CAF Paying for Education

Question regarding Paid Education


Paid Education
"Talk to a recruiter. They will 1) help you choose the best paid education plan for your specific career path, and 2) will tell you which college programs are currently supported by the Forces."

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

Good Day,

Please note that there are SEVERAL paid education opportunities in the CAF. The programs you've listed are college level and there aren't many occupations (I think only 5) with NCM-STEP as an entry plan.
I'm not back into the office until 5-Jan so I'm not 100% sure what those 5 occupations are but I do know that Military Police and Firefighter are not in the list.

So, this may be a stupid question, or a question asked often. I also may have many of you tell me to "just ask your recruiter" and if you're going to comment that, don't bother. You aren't helping me. I'm posting here because I feel like I'll get a quicker response.
I'm still in high school and have been steady contemplating joining up for next year. (Graduating in June) I'm not too up-to-date on these things and think you guys could help me get some quick info.
ANYWAYS my question is, basically: If I were to join the forces not through the paid education program, is there still an option to attend school and have it covered by the Forces in the future during service? Or is it where whatever you choose, you're sticking with it for the rest of your career?

My reason for asking is that the paid education is part of the reason I want to join, but also am unsure of what I want to take in university/college. I want to be in the Forces as soon as possible, but don't want to go to school unsure of what I truly want to take, if that makes any sense. Any attempt at a helpful response is appreciated  [:)
nyrox said:
My reason for asking is that the paid education is part of the reason I want to join, but also am unsure of what I want to take in university/college.

Paid Education

nyrox said:
is there still an option to attend school and have it covered by the Forces in the future during service?

Education Reimbursement 
7 pages.

Subsidized education plan for Non-Commissioned Members 

See also,

NCM to Officer (UTPNCM) Merged Thread 


As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
Thanks for the quick reply! Although your links cleared up some lighter questions I had, it doesn't answer the main one I'm concerned with.
To re-word it and maybe make it clearer, If i join through direct entry am I able to take time after, say 2 years, of working to attend school and then have it reimbursed? If this question is answered in one of those links, could you tell me which page? I'm having a hard time finding it if so.
nyrox said:
Thanks for the quick reply!

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)

nyrox said:
If i join through direct entry am I able to take time after, say 2 years, of working to attend school and then have it reimbursed?

Education Reimbursement 
7 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.
One interesting thing about getting an education, is that one must learn how to do research and understand what they have found.  If everything is handed to them on a silver spoon, they seldom learn, nor remember, the material.

Thanks once again mariomike for doing so much research for others.
George Wallace said:
One interesting thing about getting an education, is that one must learn how to do research and understand what they have found.  If everything is handed to them on a silver spoon, they seldom learn, nor remember, the material.
Like I said in my post, if you're not going to try to help, don't reply. This forum section is for us who are uneducated in certain topics to ask for guidance or help from others who have knowledge of it. You don't have to be a dick to people for asking simple questions.
nyrox said:
You don't have to be a dick to people for asking simple questions.


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nyrox said:
Like I said in my post, if you're not going to try to help, don't reply. This forum section is for us who are uneducated in certain topics to ask for guidance or help from others who have knowledge of it. You don't have to be a dick to people for asking simple questions.

On an open forum, you do not have the ability to frame how others will respond to your questions. When you ask strangers for help with a question, you are at the mercy of their time, inclination to reply and the information contain in the answer. 
nyrox said:
Like I said in my post, if you're not going to try to help, don't reply. This forum section is for us who are uneducated in certain topics to ask for guidance or help from others who have knowledge of it. You don't have to be a dick to people for asking simple questions.

Welcome to Army.ca, nyrox.

Please do not attempt to tell DS what the purpose of a forum section that they moderate is. That never goes over well.

This Site is run by serving and former serving Members of the CF. We run it in accordance with the experience and expectations that we have derived from that Service. We expect members to do their homework before asking questions, and for good and valid reasons. Answering questions takes time, and few here have excesses of that precious commodity. We do not mind answering questions, but it gets a trifle irksome responding to the same questions again and again and again. Repetition also clogs up the Site, making searches more onerous and threads longer and more repetitive.

Most information that people seek is already here, and searching has benefits. Aside from developing familiarity with the Site and where information can be found, people frequently find answers to questions that have not even occurred to them at that point.

If something has not already been answered/explained here before, people will happily do their best to provide answers and explanations.

There will be little sympathy, however, for those who are unwilling to spend their own time yet expect others to do so for them.

You'll find the same attitude in the CF as a whole.

That aside, you mentioned "direct entry". "Direct Entry Officer" (DEO) has a specific meaning, but I am not sure that was your question. DEO is a programme for Officer applicants who already have a degree, as opposed to ROTP or CEOTP.

Edited - I finally noticed my formatting error.