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Packing for the Apocalypse

ballz said:
The new fossil fuel = Zombie corpses

I'll bet one corpse would burn like a tank of furnace oil

Could almost be possible, as per this design: http://zombiesafehouse.wordpress.com/2010-zshc-winner/
Place a treadmill between you and the zombie hordes. They will shamble onto it and start walking, turning the treadmill and the attached generator. Since they won't stop until they snack on you, you should be assured all the electrical energy you need.

The DVD player needs to have a good set of speakers to drown out the moaning while you enjoy your DVD.  ;D
But that would be so much better for the environment....  >:(
Other people are also thinking about surviving the apocalypse:
Jim Seggie said:
So my brain was working last night,....for a change.

Now that Osama bin Laden is dead....what if his corpse reanimated.....like a zombie?

Osama Bin Zombie.......wow what a thought!

The perfect excuse to get some range time on your own personal Osombie Bin Laden! :D

And what post apocalyptic wasteland adventure isn't improved with a tasty sandwitch?


CMMG’s Tactical Sammich

When the apocalypse arrives, will you be stuck eating astronaut ice cream, or would you prefer a hearty sandwich?
By Ed Friedman (RSS)
November 10, 2011

They laughed at you when you warned them about the zombies. They called you crazy, paranoid—a lunatic. Now, the economy has collapsed. Civil unrest has rocked the cities and suburbs. Food is scarce, and what little can be found is unappetizing. Fortunately, you don’t care, because you were
smart enough to stock up on CMMG’s Tactical Sammich.

In the midst of the post-apocalyptic wasteland, you have a tasty sandwich that stays fresh for up to five years. There’s even a flavor choice from the company that gave us Tactical Bacon a few years ago: pepperoni or barbecued beef.

How does it taste? Well, again, it is a Tactical Sammich, designed for consumption when things deserving of the tactical moniker are needed, so taste is not your number one concern. That said, the sandwich is not awful. The bread was surprisingly spongy—not at all stale—and the beef wasn’t as dry as one might expect from a vacuum-sealed food product. We’d describe the taste as similar to beef jerky on under-baked focaccia.
Compared to other survival foods we’ve tried, it’s quite good, and it will almost certainly be a nice dose of variety to freeze-dried chicken and Spam or dehydrated lasagna, Spam and Spam dinners. Plus, you’ll be the only guy on your block with a Tactical Sammich, which means you’ll be the only one left when the zombies come.
FlyingDutchman said:
Condoms.  Do you want to raise a new born in a wasteland?  Also good for trading.

Ah, but if you don't raise newborns in the wasteland, then who's going to protect you when you get too old and decrepit to do it for yourself ?

As far as valuable trade goods: in a post apocalyptic world, I bet a lot more people are going to be hungry rather than horny...(you figure it out ;))
You all should have watched "When Aliens Attack" the other night.

Every woman of child bearing age should be pregnant.

Those who can't should be warriors - there....condoms- good to keep crap out of the barrels of your Zombie killers.
Actually, Jim. Condoms, excellent for covering Scopes and putting on the muzzle of your respective Zombie killing machine. (My Setup, Ruger 10/22. 50 Round magazine, Hollowpoint High Velocity rounds and a Meprolight 21 Reflex sight). Not really the kind of thing I wanna get wet, so if you're ever conducting amphibious ops, *nudge, nudge*
I've got a few to choose from, but here's a current favorite...belt-fed .22 rimfire:



(Yeah, I know....maybe I should have cleaned it before I took the picture...)

Failing that, I have these to pick from too:


Tripods are a good thing...just ask my 8 year old:

Where to go after the Apocalypse (although it is better to already be in place):


The East Coast Retreat Dilemma

by M.D. Creekmore on Sunday, November 27, 2011 · 5 comments

By Joel M. Skousen,

Author, Strategic Relocation—North American Guide to Safe Places

Many people new to the preparedness field often get exposed early on to the writings of survival blogger and author James Wesley Rawles (Patriots and Survivors). I have a great deal of respect for Rawles and the work he has done to get America motivated to prepared for very difficult times.

His books and tactics, however, often revolve around a civilian military style response to both government tyranny and social unrest which is beyond the capabilities of most people. In addition, Rawles now promotes a related concept for retreating called “The American Redoubt” which consists of 3 states and parts of 2 others in the West which he feels are the only areas ultimately defensible, where Americans can and should make a final stand for liberty and survival when things really get bad.

His American Redoubt includes all of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and the eastern parts of Oregon, and Washington. He envisions this area as a focus point of collecting fellow patriots who want to survive and forging them into a “Biblically-sound and Constitutionally-sound silver local currency [community] that will give it unity.” These five states he selects happen to be also highly rated in my book on Strategic Relocation, though I expand the selection to include Utah and Western Colorado as well.

But ultimate retreating to the safest areas is not within the reach of all but a few, and is not without serious compromise in other important factors. I’ve consulted with people for 40 years and most just can’t just pick up and leave where they live and relocate to one of these 7 states in the far West? Does this mean no one else survives the major wars and social unrest that are looming on the horizon? Not at all.

As a relocation specialist and designer, I found safe retreat locations and helped clients develop high security homes in every state of the union and you can too. The concept that anyone caught East of the Mississippi River is doomed is only partially valid and highly exaggerated. It is based on the fact that the largest concentrations of people are East of the Mississippi, and that high population densities are your greatest threat in a severe crisis where food and public infrastructure fails—when even good people will be forced to pillage for survival.

To be truthful, the US coastal plains east of the Appalachian chain of mountains is the most dangerous area in America since that is where the overall concentrations of people are the highest and where the level of individual preparedness is the lowest. The areas west of this first chain of mountains will become the general destination of choice for people fleeing the East Coast. Because refugee flows will flow exclusively westward, Rawles condemns it as unsuitable (at least as to a military-style standoff) clear up to the Mississippi river and beyond.

But for the vast majority who intend to survive without directly military confrontation, there are a much wider set of alternatives. When you understand the principles of retreat location siting, and learn to avoid the flows of refugees (who will take fairly predictable paths out of the major cities), you can find relative safety in many rural forested and elevated areas in the East. It won’t provide the same kind of long-term safety as places farther west, but you can survive. The closer to population centers in meltdown, the greater the risk of having to deal with the more criminal type of looters. And that will happen near any major metro.

But the reality of all this is that few will find the perfect solution. Each person has to prepare as best they can given each person’s limited resources and abilities to relocate. That’s why I concentrate so much on contingency planning in Strategic Relocation knowing that few people can just “up and move” to the safest locations. Many who have done so have underestimated the costs. I know from long experience that self-sufficiency if very expensive and people underestimate the skills needed and overestimate the savings from self-sufficiency. In short, quickly exhaust their savings and end up moving back to civilization. That happened a lot of people leaving jobs and buying rural during Y2K.

Let me give you an example of the general choices for people on the East Coast. The first line of retreat is that chain of mountains to the West—we’ll call it the Appalachians generally, even though you might know it locally as the Catskills, Berkshires, Great Smokeys or Blue Ridge mountains, etc. These are the most convenient retreat sites for most people because they are closest to the suburban areas in which they live.

Having a retreat within an hour or two has its advantages in terms of access and service of the construction process, but it also has the disadvantage of being closer to the actual threats of social unrest that will flow out of the major cities. These refugee flows will concentrate on low valley roads going through the mountains as people head for other known cities first. When they find no refuge in those other cities, the concentrations of flows further west will diminish as people drop off due to fatigue, hunger and discouragement and start foraging locally. That’s where the danger of a site close to danger comes in: eventually, desperate people will make it to rural homes and cabins even in the mountains.

Only those, who are located out of these flows, and not visible from main roads will have a chance of evading major confrontations. And, even then, I recommend a strategy of providing concealment underground so as to avoid armed confrontation whenever possible. While I don’t have the space in this article to cover all that I’ve written about as far as retreat areas in the East, I will give a review of the highest rated areas relatively within a day’s drive.

Redoubt of the East

The first range of mountains can give you significant safety, but you can achieve a significantly higher level of safety going beyond the Appalachians to the high plateau regions of Tennessee and Kentucky. This massive and relatively unpopulated area is called the Cumberland Plateau—most of which falls within the state of Tennessee. A narrow section goes north into Kentucky but much of that is part of the Daniel Boone National Forest, where you can only buy land near the edge of the plateau.

Tennessee is where the most land is available on the plateau. This state is a famous battleground state with deep conservative sentiment and lots to offer in terms of lifestyle: great music, horse country, good growing climate and fine people. TN gets my best rating for a retreat state in the East. Land is relatively cheap and there is no income tax. Garden potential is good, there is lots of forest land within a tankful of gas from many large eastern cities.

I consider the Tennessee Cumberland Plateau the “redoubt of the East,” and it is my highest rated area for retreats near the East Coast. In a meltdown of the social order, by the time refugees get through the first mountain range and the numerous mountain rifts that confront them—before seeing the 1000 foot high Cumberland Plateau, they will be highly motivated to stay on the valley floor with its promise of food and civilization (the lure that keeps people on the march). There isn’t much agriculture on the plateau (though it is fine for growing garden crops) nor large communities so there is little draw for refugees to make the trek up those slopes. What highways do lead up to the plateau cut through steep valleys and gorges and are fairly easy to block off to restrict access.

The two major cities that are closest to the plateau are Knoxville and Chattanooga. Both are very nice cities with fairly good economies that can support those who can relocate but still need to stay in the job market. The southern plateau areas are about an hour from Chattanooga and the northern areas are about the same distance and time from Knoxville. Interstate 40 cuts across the plateau and links Knoxville to Nashville. You should give it a wide berth.

The best area for those coming from Virginia and states to the northeast is the plateau area north of I-40 ranging from the Catoosa Wildlife Area on up to the Kentucky border where the Big South Fork Recreation Area is found. You have to avoid the Oak Ridge nuclear research site on the Tennessee river valley floor (a prime nuclear target during war), but the northern part of the Plateau along highway 27 from Wartburg to Winfield gets you far enough west and east of the threat area to be safe. The northern plateau area has two or three pockets of federal land which makes a nice backdrop for a retreat, especially if you find running water on your land.

The southern plateau south of I-40 has an even larger land area and is only sparsely populated. There is a small town in the middle named Spencer, but I prefer the broad forested lands further south near McMinnville, which the closest full service valley town to the plateau. Highway 111 and 8 get you down off the plateau to the East or West sides of the plateau for shopping and jobs. Check out this area and you’ll find there is considerable safety in the East. There is hope.

Joel Skousen, is the publisher of the World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis and commentary service online at www.worldaffairsbrief.com  Mr. Skousen’s books (The Secure Home, and Strategic Relocation—North American Guide to Safe Places) are showcased on his website www.joelskousen.com
In the middle of a somewhat rambling discussion during the Grey Cup half-time, this young woman offered up, "I told my friend that if zombies attacked, we should head to that Army Reserve Armoures -- the walls are thick, they have guns, and Messes full of alcohol."

While I thought it funny that she completely dismissed the RegF Base, I like the way she thinks.  :nod:
Thucydides said:
The SAS survival guide is also full of useful information about long term outdoor survival. The pocket edition is best for your survival bag/bug out kit, so I would not be thinking in terms of using it as a blunt instrument. (note, the Kindel or ebook edition of this or other survival guide is NOT recommended!  ;D)
Ooooo, good idea.

Redeye said:
I remember when those "have a 72 hour emergency kit" ads started running, my wife asked if I had one packed.  I said "I have a Glock 17, a couple hundred rounds of 9mm in the cabinet, and at least a couple of bottles of scotch in the house at any given time.  Anything else we need I can take from someone else or barter for."
+1 to this, guns + ammo = an effective "negotiating" tool if the world is crashing down around our ears.

My plan is to head to the closest base and start raiding buildings.  I have it well planned out as to how I would go about do it, both short term and long term.  The great thing about a zombie apocalypse plan is that it works for many things including the government collapsing and the world being in a complete global meltdown with everyone fending for themselves, just change out zombie for murderous citizen and you're good.  I guess the only big difference is I'd give the citizen a warning shot first to allow them the opportunity to choose to leave the hell alone and find someone else to steal from.
Journeyman said:
In the middle of a somewhat rambling discussion during the Grey Cup half-time, this young woman offered up, "I told my friend that if zombies attacked, we should head to that Army Reserve Armoures -- the walls are thick, they have guns, and Messes full of alcohol."

While I thought it funny that she completely dismissed the RegF Base, I like the way she thinks.  :nod:

In many places, the reserve armouries are large, self contained, castle like buildings with thick walls and few openings. She is obviously planning ahead.
And to prepare for the digital apocalypse:


How to Avoid Incriminating Facebook Photos by Drinking More!
By Mike Schuster    December 2, 2011 01:45 PM


Has this ever happened to you?

You're enjoying a spirited evening with acquaintances at one of several establishments that happen to be very generous with libations. Conversations become more lively, inhibitions grow lax, and the next think you know, your tongue is tonsil-deep in your coworker's throat.

All right, let me rephrase the original question: How often has this happened to you?

Given the ubiquity of iPhones and Androids with direct access to Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Flickr, and other photo blogs with easy tagging, you, your boss, or your mother could easily answer that question. While the images may not be so incriminating as a keg stand atop a pool table or a brief flash of your assets on the dance floor, nearly everyone with a social network presence has a few photographs of themselves they'd rather not have online.

But what can we do? Ask our friends to take down the photos? Destroy any smartphone that flashes in our vicinity? Finally own up to our dangerous relationship with alcohol?

Fortunately, thanks to a solution by South American beer brand Cerveza Norte, we won't have to do any of those things.

Introducing Photoblocker: Cerveza Norte's solution to unwarranted, potentially embarrassing photos taken in bars, pubs, clubs, dives, and lounges. Developed with Buenos Aires-based agency Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, Photoblocker is -- no joke -- a beer cooler which senses cell phone flashes in its vicinity and flashes its own counteractive light, rendering the photos overexposed and the inebriated subjects unidentifiable.

So, essentially, drinking more can actually save your reputation!

According to Fast Company, Del Campo's executive creative director Maxi Itzkoff has already field tested Photoblocker in regional bars and he claims it works splendidly. "We placed several beer coolers in different bars in the North of Argentina," he said. "People took lots of photos that ended up being blurry beyond recognition and then uploaded them to social media anyway."

Only this time, your job, your home, and the custody of your children are still safe and sound.
Updated list on Amazon.com:


Pre- Post Apocalyptic Survival

A Listmania! list by Lind Ballmer "A setback is a setup for a comeback" (Glen Burnie, MD)
The list author says: "It's funny and sometimes quasi-useful to read about zombie survival and all that, but in my humble opinion, zombies are not a viable focal point due to lack of reality. I think we would be better served to prepare for a complete collapse of civilization, where your greatest threats are surviving nature off the grid, and surviving other survivors. We humans have a very long history of doing horrendous things to each other, be wary. Think about how psychotic people can be driving, and that's in the face of law and consequences; absent law and order, you need to be very alert about people's intentions.

These are things that may be good to accumulate over a few years time. This will serve as a sense of security for you and people you care about if law and order exit stage left.

There are things you will need that money cannot buy: stay in decent shape, learn survival skills, learn to think critically and tactically. Go camping or hiking from time to time, just to see how you would fare in the wilderness if you had to." 