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Packing for the Apocalypse

Looking for something to ride out the Zombie Apocalypse? Lots of pictures


Well, I've been bumping into this house on design websites for a while now without really looking into it. I just thought its another one of those minimally designed cool houses. Turns out its a bit more than that!

Located on the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland, 'The Safe House' by Katowice-based architectural
office KWK Promes is a two-storey residential house that aims to provide a feeling
of maximum security for the residents.

True to its name, the most distinguishable element of the design is the moveable exterior wall components that allow the house to be completely closed to its environment or open and connected to the rural landscape.

While the initial read of the design might seem confining, the house, when in its open state, offers immense transparency while establishing a strong relationship to the site.
Well, assuming you are speaking of the same Apocalypse as listed in the Bible, then find all your Christian friend's houses, at least the ones who were raptured out of here, (or all committed mass suicide, along with every single innocent child on Earth, as the media will likely report) and collect all the guns, ammo, and food that  you can find, because God (really) knows that they won't be needing it.

Make sure to not receive that mark on your forehead or hand/wrist, because all who receive that over the coming seven years will be tossed into the lake of fire, eventually, which, from all accounts, seems to be a negative environment in which to spend forever, and try to live in a way that avoids all forms of telecommunication or contact with others who are using telecommunications.

Northern Canada is a great place to start working on those seven years' worth of MRE's you secreted away in that 53.5' container out in who knows where, and, well, some form of electronic monitoring of the media so you can watch the sane world disintegrate from the comfort of your OTHER 53.5' container equipped with the infrastructure to support life.

Things will be greatly simplified if you neglect to acquire any dependents prior to said apocalypse. However, if you did commit that preparedness faux pas, then merely triple everything, for spouse and child, or more as the list of dependents grows, and proceed as indicated.

Do NOT make tracks in the snow during winter, do not cause large smoke plumes, and don't use a vehicle for anything unless it is exceedingly well camouflaged from any form or wavelength of remote detection. Big Brother will not only be watching you if he can, but demanding obedience and tribute.

It may never be too early to start preparing, but it can definitely be too late. :) If you get all this ready, and then have the bad form to be one of those people who gets taken out in the rapture, you can always prepare in advance, bequeath it to your favorite relatives or whoever you think is most likely to be Left Behind. They can thank you later, if they survive.
got to add one of these to kit
the crovel, best thing i ever wanted!

I'm well equipped....

Bring ammo if you're coming over, but be sure to call first. 

There's 3 nice things about having a house on a hill.

1.  Nice view  (good selling point for wife)

2.  Flooding isn't a concern (understandable practical concern that the wife understands)

3.  Good fields of fire/view (wife looks at you like you're nuts....until the zombies/apocalypse come)

>:D  :threat:  >:D 
Some friends and I went through this exercise a few years ago - what we'd do when the "lights went out", using that phrase for any tilt in society. I have the SAS survival guide, and one of my friends is a Native who has lived off the land. I collected a basic survival kit including Leatherman, various knives, first aid stuff, etc. Most of our exercise, however, was on paper. It was interesting the ideas this small group came up with, for survival, defense, then setting up a place to live.

About to experience my first hurricane last year, I went online for suggestions for my supplies, and put together the suggested kit. Now its always on hand.
How about spending a weekend in "surviving with only that which we have prepared for surviving such an occasion" mode?

What better way to ascertain what would be handy than actually running a field test, using the stuff you have prepared?
Figured I'd post this here, given that the Telegraph was the most credible source I could find covering this story.

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provision of the Copyright Act:

Giant asteroid heading close to Earth
A giant asteroid weighing 55 million tonnes will just miss the Earth later this year, Nasa experts have predicted.

By Martin Evans 7:02AM BST 05 May 2011
The rock, which is quarter of a mile across, will pass between our planet and the moon in November and will be visible with small telescopes.
Robin Scagell of the Society for Popular Astronomy said: “It’s rare we get the chance to see an asteroid up close.”
If it were to hit the earth, the asteroid, named YU55, would have an impact equivalent to 65,000 atom bombs and would leave a crater more than six miles wide and 2,000ft deep.
Passing by at a distance of just 201,000 miles, the asteroid will be the largest object ever to approach the earth so close.

Nasa has officially labelled it a Potentially Hazardous Object, but have stressed there is no danger of impact while on its current course.

link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/8494145/Giant-asteroid-heading-close-to-

Shall we all drag out our old copies of Lucifer's Hammer ? (ironically, I've been rereading mine the past few days and a coworker mentioned hearing about this asteroid today at work)

Thucydides, I like your shotgun. I've got a '97 but with a very long barrel on it. I'd love to find the fixin's to convert it to a trench broom.

(Edited to highlight the article and add the copyright caveat)
So my brain was working last night,....for a change.

Now that Osama bin Laden is dead....what if his corpse reanimated.....like a zombie?

Osama Bin Zombie.......wow what a thought!
Jim Seggie said:
So my brain was working last night,....for a change.

Now that Osama bin Laden is dead....what if his corpse reanimated.....like a zombie?

Osama Bin Zombie.......wow what a thought!

Good thing he's a couple thousand feet under water.  ;D

EDIT: Scratch that, the Zombie Apocalypse has begun. Gentlemen, I give you Patient Zero.


I take this as conclusive evidence it will happen soon. *puts on tin foil hat*
Sythen said:

I take this as conclusive evidence it will happen soon. *puts on tin foil hat*

Well this was unexpected, I'm feeling kind of paranoid now. What a twist!  :o

I've been preparing for the apocolypse for the last 8 months and packing for the last week or more. You have all been been misinformed about the date, but you will be ready 3 days early so it's no big deal.

The real apocolypse is May 24 when the Infantry DP1.1 course starts.
Technoviking said:
Oh, I'm ready for that!  ;D
No you aren't.....


Latest on the Zombie Apocalypse. Don't forget the Spanish Inquisition.

In cosmic terms, 8000 miles is a bit too close for comfort:


Asteroid To Buzz Earth Monday, June 27th

Asteroid 2011 MD, a chunk of rock estimated to be 20 to 65 feet (2 to 20 m) across, is expected to pass less than 8,000 miles above Earth's surface around 1 p.m. EDT (17:00 UT) on Monday, June 27th. The actual event will be observable only from South Africa and parts of Antarctica, but the approach will be visible across Australia, New Zealand, southern and eastern Asia, and the western Pacific.

When word spread about the approaching asteroid 2011 MD, Peter Birtwhistle used his 16-inch (0.4-m) f/6 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope to capture it. Each of these two frames is a combination of five 20-second exposures, taken on June 23, 2011, from 1:41 to 1:45 Universal Time.
Peter Birtwhistle / Great Shefford Obs.

The asteroid was spotted on June 22nd by LINEAR, theLincoln Near-Earth Researchproject. Its discovery was announced on Thursday morning by the Minor Planet Center.

The asteroid's orbit is uncannily similar to Earth's orbit. But there's no chance that the asteroid will hit Earth on this approach, and almost no risk at its next close approach, in 2022. If the asteroid did strike, it would probably explode in the upper atmosphere — a fine spectacle, but harmless.

Nor is it a piece of space junk from a 1962 launch, as was suggested early on. Additional observations have made it possible to calculate 2011 MD's orbit past and future quite accurately. Bill Gray, a well-known expert on orbital dynamics, has run the orbit backward in time, and is now quite sure that this asteroid could not have been close enough to Earth any time during the space age to have started off as a rocket booster. So it seems to be a genuine chunk of rock after all.

This is not the closest known asteroid approach; in fact, a smaller asteroid actually struck Earth in 2008. In addition, three other asteroids have come closer than 0.00012 astronomical units (11,000 miles) from Earth's center, the estimated distance of 2011 MD at its closest.

However, this is probably the biggest known asteroid to have come this close. Note the phrase "known asteroid." No doubt many asteroids much bigger than this one made close approaches without being detected before the near-Earth-object (NEO) surveys ramped up in the 1990s. According to asteroid specialists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, an asteroid of this size should pass this close to Earth every six years on average.

The path of asteroid 2011 MD near Earth. The asteroid's orbit is actually highly inclined; here it's been projected into the plane of Moon's orbit. The dot for each date corresponds to 0h Universal Time. Click on the image for a larger view.
The logistics for seeing the moment of closest approach are poor. It takes place in broad daylight and halfway between the southern tip of South America and the northernmost point in Antarctica. The event is visible fairly low in the sky in deep twilight from South Africa.

However, the asteroid should be visible in the hours leading up to the closest approach across Australia, New Zealand, southern and eastern Asia, and the western Pacific. The farther south you are, the better. The farther west you are within this zone, the shorter the period of visibility, but the closer to Earth the asteroid will be when it disappears.

The asteroid peaks brighter than magnitude 11.0 at the places where the closest approach is visible, and it's already about magnitude 12.5 — fairly easy to spot in an 8-inch telescope — by 14:30 UT, 2½ hours before closest approach.

The asteroid will be very hard to observe after its closest approach, since it's departing more or less toward the Sun.

To observe the asteroid you will need a good telescope (the bigger the better), excellent charts and the know-how to use them, and ephemerides from either the Minor Planet Center or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Make sure you enter the proper latitude and longitude. With an object this close, a small difference in the observer's location makes a huge difference where it appears in the sky.

Posted By Tony Flanders, June 23, 2011
A zombie survival kit isn't a kit without all seaons of The Sopranos and a DVD player.. great series.
JoeMoe said:
A zombie survival kit isn't a kit without all seaons of The Sopranos and a DVD player.. great series.

right....and how do you think you're going to power the DVD player?
The new fossil fuel = Zombie corpses

I'll bet one corpse would burn like a tank of furnace oil
ballz said:
The new fossil fuel = Zombie corpses

I'll bet one corpse would burn like a tank of furnace oil

;D Thank you!! That did make me smile!! Well done.....