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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

Someone mentioned about buying a good pair of running shoes. I've got that covered, but what sort of shoes do you guys recommend otherwise? The packing list recommends 3 pairs of shoes it seems.

Running shoes
Sport shoes (non marking)
Dress shoes

I've got running shoes and dress shoes covered, but a recent development with my feet has me questioning my "sport shoes".

how long will I be wearing these "sport shoes" for? My assumption is that these are for us to wear until we get our kit, then we'd be wearing whatever boots or shoes we are issued. is that correct? If so, that makes the decision somewhat easier. But if its going to be something I'll be wearing for most of my time at CFLRS, I may get something better.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. I know I'm probably over thinking this, but the last thing I want to do is torture my feet with the wrong shoes for 4 months.
Aside from PT and weekends/evening, you can expect to be in combat boots most of time after your initial kit issue.

Make sure those fit right. 

I agree you are overthinking this. 
"sport shoes" and "pt shoes" are not issued to you.  Well techniqlly they are but the staff will not let you run/do PT in them.  Bring GOOD QUALITY running shoes that fit you right and are the right shoes for you.  Each morning when you have PT you will be in your PT shoes.  Each day when you do Gym PT you will be in your PT shoes.  These are your shoes you either bring from home or buy at the Canex(since you'll need them in the first 5 weeks).

If he's done any time in the field, I wonder why he thinks going 3 days without a towel is strange? And he apparently was on Phase 3 - so he really should know better.

OZ has a really good point - one of the hardest lessons I found new people had trouble learning was that you really don't need as much as you think you do. One or two personal shirts for the weekend, maybe a pair of jeans should serve you well enough, leave the rest at home.

While some might take a few shots at me for suggesting it - nothing made the weekends more bearable then bringing along a small laptop. Good Shoes for running (you'll always be able to wear your own running shoes for PT unless it is combat specific - then you'll be in combats anyway), a set of "nice" clothes to go out to Montreal in (when it becomes an option), and a Cell phone (Again, for when it can be used - lining up to use the bloody payphones was almost not worth the effort). I'm over a year out from my time in CFLRS and they may let you use your own cellphones earlier, but a few good pre-paid phone cards would definitely be helpful.

ObedientiaZelum said:
Ha. New guy ;)

OP, take whatever you've decided to bring and pack it all in your bags as if you're going- a week before you leave.

See if it all fits in your bags. Then unpack everything and see what you can afford to loose.
Hey I know everyone is always talking about running shoes, but what about weightlifting shoes? Is there lots of heavy weight training at BMQ and should I bring my wrestling or oly lifting shoes? Runners just aren't great for it.
IBX.Lee said:
Hey I know everyone is always talking about running shoes, but what about weightlifting shoes? Is there lots of heavy weight training at BMQ and should I bring my wrestling or oly lifting shoes? Runners just aren't great for it.

Is it on the fucking kit list?  Or did you just need to identify to a bunch of ppl you have wrestling/lifting shoes? 

Shouldn't condoms be at the top of the list of stuff to bring?
Just saying...

We'll call this your one freebie on here shall we.
PMedMoe said:
They're free at the MIR/CDU/whatever they call it now....

Since condoms are free at the MIR, would getting an STI be considered "Self inflicted" now?  >.>

*ducks and runs* 

(Glad I don't have to worry about that crap anymore...)
Pandora114 said:
Since condoms are free at the MIR, would getting an STI be considered "Self inflicted" now?  >.>

All joking aside, no.  Condoms aren't 100% effective at preventing STIs.  Or pregnancy.
I'd have to say the most important things to bring to BMQ are: 2 x open eyes, 2 x open ears, 1 x open mind, 1 x closed mouth, 1 x good attitude,  and a gazillion activated brain and muscle cells.  At least 1 x sense of humour is also highly reccomended.

Oh, and don't forget the kit list they tell you to bring.

PMedMoe said:
Condoms aren't 100% effective at preventing STIs.  Or pregnancy.
But you can increase their effectiveness by wearing two, with habanero hot sauce in between.

...if there's even a small tear, one of you is sure to know right away.  :nod:
oh my Dear sweet Baby almighty I spit water all over the place after reading that!

Noctis said:
Shouldn't condoms be at the top of the list of stuff to bring?
Being from Montreal, I know how promiscuous Québec girls are.
Just saying...

PMedMoe said:
And sexist.

I agree that my post was of questionable taste. I couldn't fathom the idea of my point coming across as sexist and dumb, as well as derailing the topic entirely. I'm sorry about that. I'll be more mindful of what I post in the future.