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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

Since everyones already on the topic, how is the food in the mess? Ive been told very different things. I am not a very large guy, but my appetite is very large and my metabolism is very fast. Am I going to be able to eat whenever I have free time or only at specific times? regardless, I am sure I will survive...
There are set times for eating.

Example: Gagetown H33

B 0600-0800 (but I think its open later now)
L 1100-1300.
S 1600-1800
lucasbutts said:
Since everyones already on the topic, how is the food in the mess? Ive been told very different things. I am not a very large guy, but my appetite is very large and my metabolism is very fast. Am I going to be able to eat whenever I have free time or only at specific times? regardless, I am sure I will survive...

I still have yet to go to my BMQ but have eaten at various mess's many times throughout my life. I must say that the food is excellent, I have not encountered bad food at a mess.
lucasbutts said:
Since everyones already on the topic, how is the food in the mess? Ive been told very different things. I am not a very large guy, but my appetite is very large and my metabolism is very fast. Am I going to be able to eat whenever I have free time or only at specific times? regardless, I am sure I will survive...

They say that, in the Army, the food is mighty fine.
Bucky said:
They say that, in the Army, the food is mighty fine.

".....A pea rolled of the table and killed a friend of mine... Oh I don't want no more of army life.. hey mom I wanna go, back to Ontario, hey mom I wanna go hooo-oome!"

aha but thanks for the response, I guess im just gonna have to eat a lot on the set times... looking forward to the fooood!

lucasbutts said:
".....A pea rolled of the table and killed a friend of mine... Oh I don't want no more of army life.. hey mom I wanna go, back to Ontario, hey mom I wanna go hooo-oome!"

aha but thanks for the response, I guess im just gonna have to eat a lot on the set times... looking forward to the fooood!

And you won't get lots of time to eat.
I come from a family of big eaters... i might as well have been born without teeth they just take up more room in there
I am a slow eater and the only way I survived my last leadership course was by putting peanut butter and jam sandwiches in my parka pockets.
It also served as breakfast.

Honest ! :D
SupersonicMax said:
If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying!

There is not much you can cheat at when you are going supersonic and live to tell about is there Max? 

lucas - I would not worry about how the food tastes - you won't have time to savour it, so fill your cakehole and stick to the timings you are given by the Directing Staff.
romeokilo said:
You have what is it now, six million posts on this website? And you never even finished BMOQ. And you decided that instead of learning the values of discipline, it was a far better option to cheat and lie your way to being an officer. I am actually glad you didn't make it. I do not want you as a fellow officer, because I can never trust you to not lie/cheat or slime your way around.


So what I am reading here is that it's OK to cheat and slime your way around as an NCM???  Good luck with your basic, I am sure the NCMs instructing you will be happy to read your post. Some of the best Officers I have met came from the ranks, and the good ones who didn't were humble enough to realize that without a great Sr NCO by their side they would be in a world of hurt.
4Feathers said:
Some of the best Officers I have met came from the ranks, and the good ones who didn't were humble enough to realize that without a great Sr NCO by their side they would be in a world of hurt.

Agree. Totally. Never meant to down NCMs, they are our backbone.
Frostnipped Elf said:
There is not much you can cheat at when you are going supersonic and live to tell about is there Max? 

Oh believe me, there are ways to "cheat", or use all of your ressources to put it in a more "PC" way.  As long as you play by the rules (and obviously, you better know the rules if you want to do that), it shows that you think outside the box and use all the ressources available to you.  AFAIK, there was no rules saying you cannot use 2 sets of things on Basic Training.
Piper said:
So you never had an 'inspection' hygene kit? Or cut corners to pass inspection? Phhh.

I did and I'm no less of an officer (or soldier) for doing it. The staff know the candidates do it, and the candidates know they can get away with it. It's all part of 'the game' you play during BMQ/BMOQ. I'm glad I'm done with all that BS now.

You know what,

I agree with Piper on this one.

Sorry, as much as Piper, and I do not see eye to eye on a lot of threads, I call BS on people who have never tried to outsmart the staff on course.

I remember doing the same, with the Shave kit on my ISCC, to the point of washing the spare bar of soap so it looked like I used it.  Made the bed, and slept on my ridge rest with my ranger blanket.  Tell me no one has done that?  These tricks have been done since the days of the Roman Legion.

Cutting corners?  What about finding easier ways of accomplishing the mission!  I will be candid when I say that I find Piper to be quite the Pratt in some threads, however, he is bang on in this one.


I would also have to agree with Piper on this one.    You call it cutting corners I call it saving time for other things that may require far more attention than worrying wether my shaving cream can is going to leak (as they always will) I would rather spend the extra few hours cleaning my rifle, or making sure my other kit is battle ready.  The course staff know that people have their Ghost/Shadow kits if you think for one second they don't your living in a dream world.  If your overall ability of a soldier was in question you bet they would find your ghost kit in a second or find other things to make your life hell and make you want to VR.  Being a MCpl myself I have participated on a few inspections and I actually laugh at the end of the day when other young Pte. think they have pulled a fast one on me, when in reality I let things like that slide.  This is my fave quote and says it best "No battle ready unit has passed inspection and no inspection ready unit has passed battle" At the end of the day I would rather have a soldier who thinks outside the box and See's solutions to the problem (he is more than likely to save my @ss in tight spot).  Again this is my two cents I am sure other opinions will vary from mine.
romeokilo said:
But had they asked you, you would have been knee deep in bull dung. And yes, by saying that you are basically telling people, "Hey umm, I cheated mmmkay, and never got caught. But mmm, don't do it mmkay."

You have what is it now, six million posts on this website? And you never even finished BMOQ. And you decided that instead of learning the values of discipline, it was a far better option to cheat and lie your way to being an officer. I am actually glad you didn't make it. I do not want you as a fellow officer, because I can never trust you to not lie/cheat or slime your way around.

And while I am here, I noted that you said you could not keep up with the training and your weight loss, and decided to eat extra desserts to stay above water. Think about that again: they have all kinds of meals with nutritional value, and you (as an officer candidate, who is supposed to make smart decisions in the field) chose desserts over full courses. Of course it's not going to work.


Your so full of sh.t you must perpetually carry around a roll of toilet paper.

How dare you say your glad that a member didn't make it at BMOQ. six million posts or not.

You don't even have a clue what Discipline or Inspections are  you should have went through the C Pro C School at Borden.

Shadow Kit, you forget one simple fact, what you are laying out, you had to get it to that state for inspection and your smart enough to leave it in that state so you can devote your time to more important matters of Soldiering.

Piper also gets my vote.
Basic training is in many ways, a crash course in economics. The art of the allocation of limited resources. During basic training, the resource that is limited is time, time, time, and time. Later on in your career, it'll be manpower, materiel, and budget. But the time one is probably the best teacher, as it is impossible to get more of it.

So, when there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do, what are your options? Well, during basic, you can sleep less (Probably a bad idea), spend less time eating (Assuming you can make the transition from inhaling food to having it shot down your throat with a cannon), do the tasks that you're required to do faster (With the likely result that you'll do a shoddier job), and attempt to cut back on the work required.

Most people that I've seen go through have done some combination of the above. Personally, I had a spare shaving kit, and while I did not have a spare soap, I simply used my shampoo en lieu of the bar soap. When warm enough, I would also usually sleep under a fire blanket, and wearing my PT gear, rather than mess up my sheets. As I mentioned, the majority of people on my course did something similar. And the course staff apparently had better things to worry about than whether we were using some sneaky tricks to allow us to allocate more time towards the shining of shoes or the learning of first aid.

At the end of the day, being able to figure out what work is important, and needs your attention, and what work is less so can be a very important lesson. Perfection is an impossible standard. Striving for it at all times is as sure to set yourself up for failure as not bothering to make an attempt in the first place.

You know that all of you are saying the same thing, and calling each other names over it.  Some are calling it "Cheating", while others are calling it "Economy of work".  You are all saying the same thing.
