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Orthotics in Combats?


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will orthotics fit in Combats, does it have an extra layer that can be taken out and replaced with carbon fiber orthotics??  :salute:
Combat boots are issued with insoles separately (crappy ones, I might add,) so they're meant have some sort of insoles added. I wear orthotics with mine, and they fit fine.
But do make sure you bring the orthotics when you get your boots sized, When I got mine I went up a size in all my footwear (MK3s, oxfords, etc.).
Sig Bloggins said:
Combat boots are issued with insoles separately (crappy ones, I might add,) so they're meant have some sort of insoles added. I wear orthotics with mine, and they fit fine.

Great, I'll bring 'em with me.
You might want to invest in another pair of orthotics as well, try a run flex if you haven't before they're the bomb. A second pair can help when your originals get soggy wet, also the amount of pounding on your feet in the military will break down your orthotics quickly, having a second pair will help a lot, besides you're going to be making big army bucks now  :P
If you get your insoles through the CF you are entitled to 2 pair.  They can run in the hundreds of dollars.
Yup, but can't you only get them after you're trade qualified? I'm not sure but I don't think they will give them to you on BMQ. Something else you may want to try and get is Vibram soles  8)
I just went and bought my own instead of dealing with the lethargic system and well timed MIR visits. My feet hurt, it's money well spent($400) , and I figured that I had scammed enough foot powder and boot blackener freebies from the army in the past few years that it all evens out at the end...
Doesn't the insurance cover getting it from a civvie place? My Blue Cross covers $200 per year. Do you guys have to get them from the MIR?
The way I understood it was that it covered the visits to the doc, but not the orthotics themselves, could be wrong though.....
That's cool, I wear orthotics but am not currently active military, I'm going back soon and any info is good info! Thanks
Island Ryhno said:
That's cool, I wear orthotics but am not currently active military, I'm going back soon and any info is good info! Thanks

I got my Carbon fiber from my Dr, two pair for $500, 300 was covered by insurance.
Britney Spears said:
Well, I don't think we live in the same province either....

Nope, I guess not, unless you live in a fog invested rain drenched rock in the middle of the Atlantic ocean  8) I was refering to the regs, which I will be going to. Sorry should have cleared that one up!
Island Rhyno, I am Reg, and have two pair of orthotics.  I was posted from the Strats in Edmonton to Wainwright last June and when I cleared in, they made me a "You're new meat, da MO wants ta see ya." appointment.  She (the MO) gave me a chit for Vibram soling my boots (done through QM), and told me to go to physio.  The Physio types measured me for orthotics and ordered a pair.  They came in, and I tried them in various types of footwear.  The Cbt Boots were the worst fit, as the combat boot fleet  make up for an "industrial" fit by compressing the top of the foot.  Since size 71/2 - 8C tends to be a tight fit anyway across the top of the foot (where the upper meets the tongue), it was a problem.  Did I mention these were almost new boots?  So, I took them to QM, and they applied alcohol or some such to them ( I have used Spray Pam in the past), and put "Stretching Devices" in them for 24 hours.  No probs.  I wanted to avoid, as much as possible, changing sizes, as anything bigger has no C width, and that will create a whole new set of probs, especially if I end up on tour again, and my orthotics disappear.

Before, I could do a 13 km, run half of it, and still have feet that could do it again.  The orthotics will change your foot/boot weld, and you will have to work the fit up on practice marches.  Keep a supply of moleskin handy.

Once this stage was successful, I had them order a second identical set.  They can be "refreshed" once a year, and replaced every two years.

Good luck, and Ruck-on!

I've been using orthotics for the past 2 years now. However, I've recently been enrolled (March 31st) and I'm off to IAP this summer and I was wondering if there was a way to get a pair of new orthotics through the CF. The ones I have now are pretty worn out and I think that a new pair would greatly help during IAP. What steps do I have to go through in order to get the orthotics, and if the CF will help me pay for them, how much am I entitled to? Thanks in advance for the answers.
I have been using orthotics for almost 2 years and they fixed the planter fasciitis I had. I tried the WWB back in Decemeber and the orthotices were an amazing fit for me. For the MK3 boots I was never able to get a proper fit so I have been wearing Magnum Stealth boots for 2 years and only been asked twice if I had a chit for the boots. Right now I suffer from back problems but when I was running or doing marches I used semi rigid orthotics and just everyday around the base work I used rigid orthotics.   I have had my orthotics replaced 5 times in the last 2 years. Thats 5 sets of orthotics in 2 years that were covered by the CF. Yes the CF states only 1 or  2 sets every 2 years but with all the abuse we put them through I would only get 6-8 months out of 1 set. All my MO did was he kept approving new orthotiics and claiming excesses wear. Under normal civie use orthotics will last aprrox 2 years, under military use the the life span is shortened considerably out in the field.

Yup, any kind of heavy impact destroys those suckers. Tom, thanks for the info, I don't think getting a chit will be too hard, I have a very close connection with one of the docs in Pet  >:D I'm wondering however like Proud Canadian said, if I can get away with the stealth magnums. I guess what I'm asking is will they crap on a Pte for the whole boots thing? Cheers
It's a funny thing, but when the system actually listens to Doctors, it can end up saving the taxpayers money.  I would think that if the MO put you in non-std boots, and documented it, you should have no probs.  There will be a good chance that some of your staff will have been around the block with a ruck once or twice, and will also be wearing orthotics.

During a "Shower Day" on BTE 03, I looked at all of the
exotic insoles/ortho's and boots on the cocoa matting, and I thought the only thing missing was a crew from Fashion TV. ;D
