hagan_91 said:
A national intrest is something the people and government are willing to protect and enforce.
So you believe that Canadians are willing to go to war to protect Mali? Does your average Canadian even know where Mali is? Do you?
Is such an expenditure of wealth in the competitive self-interest of Canada?....is there anything in Mali worth a single Canadian soldier's life?......what about political capital, since domestically and internationally people will disagree with our intervening in a sovereign nation?....does intervening create a security dilemma, in that it makes Canada a more appealing al Qaeda target for retribution?
All these, plus the aforementioned logistics' tail, the opportunity costs, the roto requirement, etc, are points to be considered when bandying about the term "national interest," and blithely saying you'll throw a Battle Group at the problem.
OK, now yes, you did indeed say that our national intrest [
sic] "should" be to defeat terrorism. What does that mean to you? Terrorism is a tactic; proclaiming a "war on terror" is as logically empty as calling WW2 a "war on blitzkrieg." How is a Battle Group going to do that? Why a BG -- why not a Combat Team or a Brigade Group? Hell, we
should send the Div HQ over, and give them to AQ -- have them bogged down in PowerPoint in no time! But you want a Battle Group. To what end?
A quick perusal of your posts show you routinely jump into threads with both feet.....firmly in your mouth. You'd think you'd tire of it. :not-again: