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Op IMPACT: CAF in the Iraq & Syria crisis

I'm sorry but all I see when the PM is talking is that vacuous talking head that populates today's TV newsdesks. His answers, especially to the contradictions in his reasoning re: bringing back the CF 18's because bombing is bad but leaving in the ISR and Tankers because they are desperately needed were rambling and made (to me) no sense.
Fm tech briefing still under way w/CDS:  We're sending mo' troops to Coalition HQ & others to enhance "targeting efforts".

P.S. - another 20 minutes of tech briefing left if you're interested
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Altair said:
A good thing for every person named Isis, a name that was used to be associated with a Egyptian goddess before it became associated with a death cult.

There is company that used to be called "ISIS" that has been in Halifax for years (Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services ). Someone posted a picture on facebook about how stupid and negligent they must be to have such a name. I had to lay the smack down and explain to the people commenting on the photo that it was just a conicidence.

They've since changed their name to ISANS, which at first I thought was unfair, but then I read one of their previous billboards:

(fm tech briefing) CDS def'n of "non-combat" mission:  Canada's not a main combatant, even though troops will be "in proximity to dangers" faced by troops being trained.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Moreover, am I the only who thinks it is hypocritical to say, in effect, I won't drop bombs, but I will increase my ability to help you in locating exactly where to drop yours.

We have to justify NDHQ somehow. OP ATTENTION ended before all the career staff officers got their GCS medal.
Journeyman said:
So, more training... obviously a bunch of Training Development Officers, to make sure it's done right;
..."a team of strategic advisorsto their Dept of National Defence" is puzzling, since we appear to be out of that business. Maybe Andrew Leslie and Scott Taylor?;
...small arms and ammo -- great, there goes this year's PWT 3 training;

....and of course, those 830 pers will include a whole bunch of Public Affairs Officers to ensure word gets out of how everything is going smoothly throughout the Middle East now that Op KUMBAYA has removed those nasty CF18s.

PM Zoolander has kept his campaign promise.  :nod:

I'll once again back away from the thread and let the cheerleaders and the haters have at 'er.  :pop:
fixed that for ya.

Doubt you will find many of the former. Doubt you will find one.
Journeyman said:
..."a team of strategic advisorsto their Dept of National Defence" is puzzling, since we appear to be out of that business. Maybe Andrew Leslie and Scott Taylor? ...
I'm sure they'll be able to help IRQ sort itself out, right?

Journeyman said:
...small arms and ammo -- great, there goes this year's PWT 3 training;
CDS just said in the tech brief that this'll include mortars, so no impact there on our infantry ranges  >:D

And here's the Info-machine's handouts attached - enjoy!
milnews.ca said:
CDS just said in the tech brief that this'll include mortars, so no impact there on our infantry ranges  >:D
Harsh.... just harsh.  :'(
Journeyman said:
....and of course, those 830 pers will include a whole bunch of Public Affairs Officers to ensure word gets out of how everything is going smoothly throughout the Middle East now that Op KUMBAYA has removed those nasty CF18s.

The JTF was way too fat on the 'support' side before, I can only imagine what level of self licking the JTFSC will go to now.  :facepalm:

"Supporters supporting supporters". 

22 Feb eh?  You still got a few weeks to give 'em hell.


PuckChaser said:
We have to justify NDHQ somehow. OP ATTENTION ended before all the career staff officers got their GCS medal.

The Ministerial Liaison Team is a CENTCOM initiative - and Canada was one of the countries asked to consider being the lead nation in the provision of strategic advise and assist capacity to Iraqi PMO, MOD and MOI.

I apologise for bringing facts to the discussion, although I would imagine that biases of all types will filter out those facts anyway...
PPCLI Guy said:
The Ministerial Liaison Team is a CENTCOM initiative - and Canada was one of the countries asked to consider being the lead nation in the provision of strategic advise and assist capacity to Iraqi PMO, MOD and MOI.

I apologise for bringing facts to the discussion, although I would imagine that biases of all types will filter out those facts anyway...
Nonetheless, thanks for bring some more facts to the table.

Eye In The Sky said:
22 Feb eh?  You still got a few weeks to give 'em hell.
I'm sorry for seeing a Roto of 25% staff officers WSE promoted up one rank to deploy, while they walked through the actual mentor schools cutting people who had more than one tour to "give someone else a shot". You're right, facts are scary.
I won't comment, as I may have missed it, but did anyone hear or see anything about putting this extension and re-orinetation of the mission to a Parliamentary vote?
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I won't comment, as I may have missed it, but did anyone hear or see anything about putting this extension and re-orinetation of the mission to a Parliamentary vote?
Will be debated & voted on next week.
Trudeau said he'd put it to parliament, but also said military missions are executive branch and don't need parliament approval. Very odd considering he demanded the Tories put missions to vote in the Commons.
I wonder how many people will go  :tempertantrum: about the CDS comments about 'marking targets', because that is bad, without considering what ISR assets, Int and targeting folks do for a living.  :blotto:

As I recall the sensor pods on our CF-18's were considered very good, even better than most other NATO fighter/bombers. Is that correct?
The Tories' initial response:
Canada’s withdrawal from the combat mission against ISIS is a “step backward for Canada” from our country’s traditional role as fighters for human rights and international security, said Rona Ambrose, Leader of the Official Opposition and Interim Leader of the Conservative Party.

“For generations, our men and women in uniform have fought bravely against those who violate human rights, and those who threaten and terrorize the innocent and vulnerable,” said Ambrose. “Today, in his first major foreign policy decision, the Prime Minister has shown that Canada is not ‘back’. In fact, this Prime Minister is taking a shameful step backward from our proud traditions by pulling our CF-18s and Canada out of a combat role against the greatest terror threat in the world.”

Ambrose questioned how the decision to withdraw from the fight against ISIS squares with fundamental Canadian values. “The Prime Minister likes to say he cares about diversity, but there is nothing that threatens diversity more than ISIS – whether it is the rights of women, cultural and religious freedoms, or the rights of gays and lesbians. When our friends and allies are attacked, when our values are threatened, when human rights are trampled, and human dignity is crushed, it is our fight. Taking this fight to the enemy is part of a proud Canadian military history, one which the Prime Minister has repudiated with today’s decision.”

Ambrose said the Prime Minister’s decision is inconsistent with ensuring safety and security for Canadians at home and abroad. “A great deal has changed since the Prime Minister made his ill-advised promise to end our combat role against ISIS,” said Ambrose. “ISIS and ISIS-inspired attacks have spread beyond the combat theatre, and even claimed the lives of Canadians in recent weeks. Halting and degrading ISIS is more critical than ever to keep people safe. Canadians have been a key ally in the air combat effort, the fourth largest contributor today. It is extremely irresponsible for the government to not only downplay Canada’s contribution, but to whittle it down for political purposes.”

Ambrose concluded by saying, “Even today, the Liberal Government has failed to explain to Canadians why they believe it is a good idea to step back from the air mission. Today’s announcements on training and humanitarian assistance are only designed to distract Canadians from the withdrawal of our CF-18s. The only reason for this decision that anyone can point to is that it was done for political purposes in the heat of an election campaign. Canadians certainly deserve better.”
Nothing online yet from Big Orange.