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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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So i was reviewing my application after i submitted it and it looks like i checked off skilled entry program for infantry as my trade choice. Is this going to be a problem? Cause i have no clue if it is and its got me worried and i havent found anything online about it. Thanks
44nic4444 said:
Is this going to be a problem?

You could ask our Recruiting Moderator,


I received an email recently saying my ROTP application had been placed on "temporary hold" due to the number of applicants for my chosen occupations(s). I'm curious if anyone can tell me when I can expect my application to reopen? I applied for Infantry Officer, Armour Officer and Intelligence Officer.
Hey everyone, so I went through the online application to join the CAF, previewed it and was satisfied so I decided to send it. Ends up my partner comes back from the store 30 minutes later, and informed me that we had just recently changed phone numbers last week, since we had switched from Telus to Shaw and could not keep our old phone number.

So now i'm freaking out because I gave them our old number, which definitely does not work. Is there a specific person I can email to tell them about what has happened?
WJFW11 said:
I received an email recently saying my ROTP application had been placed on "temporary hold" due to the number of applicants for my chosen occupations(s). I'm curious if anyone can tell me when I can expect my application to reopen? I applied for Infantry Officer, Armour Officer and Intelligence Officer.

No one here can tell you.  A lifting of a temporary hold depends on several factors, where you are in the process vs how many positions are still open, and your competitiveness are just two examples.  If you have a low score your temporary hold may not be lifted until next year; or if you have a high score but there are others with higher scores (lets say you're the 10th highest and there are only 5 spots left, if the top 5 pass on their offers you would still get one).

Your best source of information is speaking with your Recruiter/File Manager at your CFRC as they would be able to look at your information and where you're sitting; all we can give you is "best guess" information.

allan422 said:
Hey everyone, so I went through the online application to join the CAF, previewed it and was satisfied so I decided to send it. Ends up my partner comes back from the store 30 minutes later, and informed me that we had just recently changed phone numbers last week, since we had switched from Telus to Shaw and could not keep our old phone number.

So now i'm freaking out because I gave them our old number, which definitely does not work. Is there a specific person I can email to tell them about what has happened?

The line of communication that you receive from the CAF will be an email instructing you to contact your CFRC to set up a time to write the CFAT.  When you call in for that you can update your phone number at the same time.
I graduated from high school in four years (just like any other student). Afterwards, I took an extra year (a 5th year), where I studied AP courses as a part-time student. I successfully completed these AP courses, however I did NOT graduate from this school since I had already received my high school diploma at this point.

I am unsure how to format this extra year of high school in my application (I've contacted my recruiter but haven't received a response for some time).

Currently, I have this extra year under the category "High school one year", with "Graduation" selected as NO. Is this correct? If a recruiter could shed some light on this that would be much appreciated.
akm said:
I graduated from high school in four years (just like any other student). Afterwards, I took an extra year (a 5th year), where I studied AP courses as a part-time student. I successfully completed these AP courses, however I did NOT graduate from this school since I had already received my high school diploma at this point.

I am unsure how to format this extra year of high school in my application (I've contacted my recruiter but haven't received a response for some time).

Currently, I have this extra year under the category "High school one year", with "Graduation" selected as NO. Is this correct? If a recruiter could shed some light on this that would be much appreciated.

No, mark it as you HAVE graduated, and explain it as it is. You returned for a year to take AP classes (although, not sure why you didn't just apply that to a year of college/university, but good on you).

Selecting no makes it appear that you didn't finish/failed.
akm said:
I graduated from high school in four years (just like any other student). Afterwards, I took an extra year (a 5th year), where I studied AP courses as a part-time student. I successfully completed these AP courses, however I did NOT graduate from this school since I had already received my high school diploma at this point.

I am unsure how to format this extra year of high school in my application (I've contacted my recruiter but haven't received a response for some time).

Currently, I have this extra year under the category "High school one year", with "Graduation" selected as NO. Is this correct? If a recruiter could shed some light on this that would be much appreciated.

You were still in High School.  So you label it as part of your HS years.  I did the same thing (many moons ago)... and returned after my OAC year because the program I was going to University for no longer made sense (I was going for Comp.Science the year all the layoffs happened). So using myself as an example for your application:

Technically Sep 1994 to Jun 1999 was my  "High School" as I graduated in 1999, but I returned 1999-2000 to pick up a few extra courses so I could be accepted into the new degree I picked.

So on the application I would write:
      1994-2000: High School, Grade Completed: OAC, Graduated? Yes

During your interview you'll have a chance to explain the extra year.

Buck_HRA said:
You were still in High School.  So you label it as part of your HS years.  I did the same thing (many moons ago)... and returned after my OAC year because the program I was going to University for no longer made sense (I was going for Comp.Science the year all the layoffs happened). So using myself as an example for your application:

Technically Sep 1994 to Jun 1999 was my  "High School" as I graduated in 1999, but I returned 1999-2000 to pick up a few extra courses so I could be accepted into the new degree I picked.

So on the application I would write:
      1994-2000: High School, Grade Completed: OAC, Graduated? Yes

During your interview you'll have a chance to explain the extra year.

My extra year was spent at a different school though, so it's being formatted as such (also, the available formatting options are slightly different than what you have shown):

School A: High school 4 years, last attended June 2015, full-time, graduated.
School B: High school 1 year, last attended June 2016, part-time, graduated.

I can't write 2011-2015 instead of "high school 4 years", for instance. Does this seem formatting seem reasonable?
Hello akm,

I believe that would work.  Again during your interview you'll have a chance to further explain your specific situation; but as someone who processed security information I would personally accept what you've written.

Much appreciated, thank you!

Additional questions I was not able to find answers for;

1. Regarding the sections in the application for extracurricular activity, athletic activity, and leadership roles, there is a the chance to briefly elaborate. Should this elaboration be done list-style like a resume, or through short sentences (or is either fine)?

2. If an activity spans multiple of the above categories (eg captain of a sports team, leader of a club) how should it be formatted? Should I have it mentioned in all three, and elaborated in the most relevant section? Or should I only contain it to one specific section, and not mention it at all in the others?
So i was talking to a recruiter and  he asked me if i had traveled before and i said yes.

I have roughly been to 20 different countries and of course one of those countries was Iraq.  I told him i worked in Oil exploration and that i went there for work because at the time it was the only contract my company could get to keep the company afloat and me employed, at the time.

He said i would more than likely be disqualified from joining the army even though i have a wealth of civilian work experience and multiple technical diplomas in the sciences and technology. I'm also in very good shape, no criminal record at all and have a great credit history but i'm beginning to think that won't matter now.

Why would they automatically disqualify me? Are people who immigrate here from there who then try to join our army in turn denied in the same manner by virtue of being from that area or area similar?

Wouldn't they want somebody who has traveled the world already, earned work experiences in different fields and with a lot of different educational background to join the army in the first place?

Just confused

I still don't understand though, i haven't lived in another country and i don't live abroad. I live in Canada and don't have a criminal record at all.

I've seen that excerpt from the website and i don't think it adequately address's my situation nor did the recruiter who refused to answer more than simply saying only that i would be disqualified help either.

Why would he say i would be disqualified outright without going into detail?

I think that is an overly pessimistic (personal) view from the recruiter and I would not be too worried about it if I were you. You will eventually be required to list all your trips abroad and add some explanations if you judge it necessary. They might bring your trip to Iraq on the table during the reliability/pre-security interview and be ready to answer. I have visited over 20 countries as well, some of which are Arab and in the Middle East (no Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan though) and I am not concerned.
Depending on the length of time in those countries, it may or may not be an issue. It's also very relevant that you were in those countries for work reasons, not leisure travel. Work visas means more of a paper trail that the security folks can get access to. There are so many variables for security clearances/preclearances that you'd get a migraine trying to sort it out. Gather all the information you can about each of the trips, including length of stay, where you stayed, why you were there, etc. and provide that when requested.

At the end of the day, your recruiter doesn't make that call, the Ottawa Security folks do. If they deem you will be unable to obtain a security clearance, your application is closed. You'll also note that those people who join from other countries are now Canadian citizens, and went through security screening like you will.
I'm quite sure this question hasn't been asked before, as it is quite unique;

Currently I am traveling across Canada on a motorized peddle bicycle I built, camping and living off the land, living a free life. I've chosen to do this as a life-experience and plan to do so until I join the military, if it so accepts me.

My question is, if I have no place of permanent residence or mailing address and live a nomadic life, is there any way that it's possible for me to still apply? Or would it be necessary for me to live somewhere for a specific amount of time before hand?

I plan to join the Regular Forces, live on base, work full-time and be trained for everything and anything possible within the military. I plan to make this a life-long career, not so much within a specific trade, but at least within the military. This is something I am still researching to find out exactly what I should look to apply for, unless a trade is not specifically necessary.

On a side note, I have several trades, experience and skills under my belt and can do anything I set my mind to, but would rather focus on military training instead of trades.

I have much more information that I've outlined in a thread on army.ca, if anyone so chooses to check it out. Any contributions are helpful and welcomed.

Hey Puckchaser,

I've already asked this in another thread with no more than 1 answer so I'll ask again here; I called my recruiter to follow up on my application since no news from my aptitude test 2 weeks ago, he said I passed and qualified for my trade, however, it's bizarre since I didn't receive an email saying so? The only email I received is one the day of the test acknowledging that I've completed the first step of the application process with a document named 'Acceptance'. Just wondering other peoples experience when receiving news of acceptance, how that worked, their process, and thoughts about my specific situation,

Thank you
JMei001 said:
Hey Puckchaser,

I've already asked this in another thread with no more than 1 answer so I'll ask again here; I called my recruiter to follow up on my application since no news from my aptitude test 2 weeks ago, he said I passed and qualified for my trade, however, it's bizarre since I didn't receive an email saying so? The only email I received is one the day of the test acknowledging that I've completed the first step of the application process with a document named 'Acceptance'. Just wondering other peoples experience when receiving news of acceptance, how that worked, their process, and thoughts about my specific situation,

Thank you

I recieved 1 email saying they got my application, and another email when they booked my medical/interview. That's been it for my entire process. Don't expect emails for every step of your process. Call your CFRC.
EpicBeardedMan said:
I recieved 1 email saying they got my application, and another email when they booked my medical/interview. That's been it for my entire process. Don't expect emails for every step of your process. Call your CFRC.

You didn't get an email notifying you if you passed/qualified or failed?