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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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Anten33 said:
Can I have an application open for both an air force trade and an army trade?

DDA your reply has raised more questions for me, if as you say , then why is there no specific university education listed for the position. For example

Also I have read a few other posts in regards to the Sig O, and the difference between the NCM position and the Officer position, is that the NCM does more of the technical work, installation and maintenance work, and the officer commands, delegates, and administers the functions involved with the time management, project management, and resource management involved with meeting the strategic goals of the unit. If that is so why would they exclude someone with an education with administration where we focus on these management areas.

Yes, you can have an open application for an Air Force and Army Occupation at the same time, environment (ie; Land, Sea or Air) is not a limiting factor. 

Academic requirements change from time to time, so the "specifics" are not shown on the forces.ca website, only the generic requirements.  Your local RC should be able to provide more specific details with respect to additional educational requirements.

Officer occupations have varying requirements with respect to ideal or acceptable undergrad degrees.  Some will accept "Any Undergrad Degree" and some, like Sig O and CELE, are more restrictive, as strange as that may sound.

Thank you for clearing up most of my questions, I think for definite answers I need to visit my RC.

Thanks again for the insight.
Well I went to the RC in Barrie, and was told that my degree did not match for Sig or CELE, which I already knew.

DAA's suggestion of
However, they "might" give consideration to your post-grad certs and prior work experience, in which case, they would need to request an "education" waiver prior to allowing you to apply for these two occupations.
, is not valid according to the NCM at the RC.

According to RC Barrie, Education Waivers are for NCM's only. If you want to be an officer, but you don't have the ideal or recommended degree, then you are SOL.

Does anybody know for certain any other trades other then LOG, HCA, Infantry, Armor, Pilot, and Artillery where a Bachelor of Administration is either an ideal or recommended for DEO.
I am looking for your input on my situation.  I successfully auditioned as a Regular Forces musician and have completed my application and am currently merit listed. Because of the audition process I have been in close communication with a WO in the Doctorate of History and Heritage for several months.  He confirmed with the CFRG that I was selected on the June 23rd selection board and informed me of this last week. I followed up with the CFRC on July 11th and they have not received notice of my selection from the CFRG. 

How long does it take for the CFRG to notify the CFRC of a selection and is there anything I can do to expedite the process?  I am currently patiently waiting for the CFRC to get back to me but would like start BMQ sooner than later.

Thank you for your insight.
Regular/ Reserve: Regular
Officer/NCM: NCM
Trade Choice 1: Musician
Trade Choice 2: -
Trade Choice 3: -
Applied: October 1, 2013
First contact: October 3, 2013
Audition: November 19, 2013 (Passed)
CFAT: January 14, 2014 (Passed)
Medical: January 16, 2014
Interview: January 16, 2014
Merit Listed: April 9, 2014
Position offered: -
Enrollment/swearing in: -
BMQ: -
IMSmith said:
I am looking for your input on my situation.  I successfully auditioned as a Regular Forces musician and have completed my application and am currently merit listed. Because of the audition process I have been in close communication with a WO in the Doctorate of History and Heritage for several months.  He confirmed with the CFRG that I was selected on the June 23rd selection board and informed me of this last week. I followed up with the CFRC on July 11th and they have not received notice of my selection from the CFRG. 

How long does it take for the CFRG to notify the CFRC of a selection and is there anything I can do to expedite the process?  I am currently patiently waiting for the CFRC to get back to me but would like start BMQ sooner than later.

Two things come to mind.  First being and which applies to a lot more than just you, not all the selections that were done on 23 Jun, have been processed and offered yet.  Second thing, if you applied for Musician and have been dealing with DHH, they are the one who have the "Yes/No" in your selection.  Of course, barring any wrong doings.....
Thanks for the input - I have my fingers crossed that I get a call shortly until then I will keep prepping for BMQ.
Just wondering, were most people called and advised they were merit listed or did they call their recruiters and find out on their own?
I know some people mentioned they had call their recruiters, I'm just wondering if that was the case for everyone.
niftynicolemarie said:
Just wondering, were most people called and advised they were merit listed or did they call their recruiters and find out on their own?
I know some people mentioned they had call their recruiters, I'm just wondering if that was the case for everyone.

I had a letter in the mail that notified me I was on the merit list and explained that whole portion of the application process... However I had gone in a week earlier to check in on where things were at and found out "unofficially" that I had made the merit list. That's just my experience and in no way should be taken as how things actually happen.
niftynicolemarie said:
Just wondering, were most people called and advised they were merit listed or did they call their recruiters and find out on their own?
I know some people mentioned they had call their recruiters, I'm just wondering if that was the case for everyone.

No letter for me. I called to check in on my file and was told that I had been on for a few weeks at least.
Anten33 said:
Well I went to the RC in Barrie, and was told that my degree did not match for Sig or CELE, which I already knew.

DAA's suggestion of , is not valid according to the NCM at the RC.

According to RC Barrie, Education Waivers are for NCM's only. If you want to be an officer, but you don't have the ideal or recommended degree, then you are SOL.

Does anybody know for certain any other trades other then LOG, HCA, Infantry, Armor, Pilot, and Artillery where a Bachelor of Administration is either an ideal or recommended for DEO.

I would like to ask the same question. Coincidentally I wrote my CFAT on the same day as this fella.
Anten33 said:
Well I went to the RC in Barrie, and was told that my degree did not match for Sig or CELE, which I already knew.

DAA's suggestion of

DAA said:
However, they "might" give consideration to your post-grad certs and prior work experience, in which case, they would need to request an "education" waiver prior to allowing you to apply for these two occupations.  Your chances for both are pretty much the same.
      is not valid according to the NCM at the RC.

According to RC Barrie, Education Waivers are for NCM's only. If you want to be an officer, but you don't have the ideal or recommended degree, then you are SOL.

My suggestion is valid and is covered within the current guidelines, which is why I used the word "MIGHT".  Your RC just don't see the need/requirement to pursue one on your behalf.
Question in regards to potential for being sworn in/attending BMQ as a reservist in September.

Essentially, I am wondering if I will make it in for September. After I received my career  council post CFAT (April 29/2014) I posed this question to the Captain who I was dealing with at the time and was in care of my file. I was informed that ideally September pending the rest of my application. I was also informed that the medical was the portion that usually took the longest. Upon passing my PT testing (July 10/14), the Sgt. informed me that I would be hard pressed to make it in for September and I would more than likely be looking at next summer. I'm also slightly worried about the medical as my BP at the time of testing was 138/74 which I was  told was very close to cut off and it may be looked into during my medical. Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.
DAA said:
My suggestion is valid and is covered within the current guidelines, which is why I used the word "MIGHT".  Your RC just don't see the need/requirement to pursue one on your behalf.

Interesting; maybe SigO numbers are getting better. Knew an off the street DEO BSOC student a couple years back that had an art history degree.
Does anyone know when the next selection is for RMS Clerk, or WFE tech after tomorrow's selection? My recruiting centre is unfortunately no longer giving out selection dates, and I don't think I'll be merit listed in time for tomorrow's selection, unfortunately.
ferna299 said:
Are there any selections for ACISS and Veh Tech before November?

If someone with incredible insight into CF recruiting(aka DAA) said the next dates for both those are Nov 3, I'm willing to bet there is nothing before then....
What kind of time intervals do they space out the selections within? Or is selection based on Occupational needs?
If I'm merit listed for my three trade choices, does that mean that I am on the national selection list for all three trades? I was always operating under the assumption that that was what being merit listed meant, but it just occurred to me that if a trade is no longer hiring online because they are selecting from their existing  pool of applicants, and I was merit listed after that occurred (but applied far before it) that it may not be the case?
Good day
I am in highschool now and plan to apply for the military. I was told by a recruiter that I can apply before I finish high school. But fill out on the application form saying I have my high school diploma because i will have it by the time all the processing and tests are done.

My questions are:
1 Will this cause delays?
2 Do you only have to check off the 'high school diploma' box in the education section? Or is there more to do in this situation?
3 if I'm applying for a job that only requires grade 10, will having my high school diploma increase my chances of getting in?
4 is there anything els I may be missing?

Thank you
Shamrock said:
Yes. There are multiple options available, each with their own requirements beyond CFAT threshold.

UTPNCM. University Transfer Plan NCM. Soldiers without degrees are paid to go to school and receive a omission at the end. Similar to ROTP.

SCP. Special Commissioning Plan. Soldiers who have degrees apply to comission. Similar to DEO.

CFR. Comission from the ranks. Unlike the previous two, which require application, this is offered by the CO to his SNCOs and WOs who show outstanding officer like qualities.  No immediate requirement for a degree.

CEOTP. Continuing Education Officer Training Plan. Identical to one available to civvies. Not always offered. Application is made with intent to achieve a degree during service.

SRCP. Special Requirements Commissioning Plan. Available to CWOs. Commission, usually acting lacking, into the rank of captain. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe this is typically accompanied by a release after 5 or so years- but most who get it already have 25+ years in.

There's probably a few I've missed, but there you go.

this is an old post , but I was wondering , as far as the program goes , is there a certain list of University Programs that YOU NEED to do if you want to have access to this ?

The question is :`What if I wanted to do a Degree as a teacher? eventhought this is not going to lead me to any distinctive job in the Canadian Forces.  Would the CF still accept this as a choice of degree? Or do I have to do a degree in let's say administration or something more distinct towards the job you want to do as an Officer?

( I'm looking through the site right now , I've seen numerous post about which program to use to switch , but no one really ask about which degree you need to select )