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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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steiner0400 said:
What caused my previous posts today to be deleted? I did not post anything specific about the CFAT or much specifics for that matter.  ???

Assistance on why would be appreciated.

You have created your own following..........

Hello All,

I recently put in an application for the reg force as Infantry.  However I have progressed through to the final stages in a job competition at the House of Commons. 
Am I permitted to apply as a reservist while I have an open application with the regs? reason being I want a military life but I can't pass up the opportunity the Parliament might be offering. 

Secondly, and I don't want to clog this wall with it as well ( I know how to use the search function) but I have a question about the credit check. I currently only work part time(trying to find more), and previous to that while working full time I was building a new life as I had been a street kid until about 21 when I walked into college. As a result, I have a student loan in default that I would love to get out of default but just can't afford to. Its about 18k total.
Will the point that its in default make it a showstopper right off the bat or will they take into consideration individual circumstances?

Thanks for the input!
Hello everyone!

I am in the midst of pursuing a military career. My application is on its way, I have handed in all my paper work and have scheduled for my CFAT later this month. My question is a concern I have in regards to my Credit. I am applying for Tank Tech, and my credit is bad. I have about 10 grand in Debt. After I graduated from college, I just haven't been able to take care of my student loan and it ended up getting defaulted. I have every intention to pay my debts and aspire to one day buy a home and have a family, but up to now it's been difficult. Is this going to really affect my chances? I know the army checks credit and I would really hate if this screwed me over. Any insight would be greatly appreciate!

Thank You

Whoops ... my bad, should've read the above comment prior to mine and just waited for an answer ... regardless i guess we both have the same concern
B.Grewal said:
Hello everyone!

I am in the midst of pursuing a military career. My application is on its way, I have handed in all my paper work and have scheduled for my CFAT later this month. My question is a concern I have in regards to my Credit. I am applying for Tank Tech, and my credit is bad. I have about 10 grand in Debt. After I graduated from college, I just haven't been able to take care of my student loan and it ended up getting defaulted. I have every intention to pay my debts and aspire to one day buy a home and have a family, but up to now it's been difficult. Is this going to really affect my chances? I know the army checks credit and I would really hate if this screwed me over. Any insight would be greatly appreciate!

Thank You


What kind of loan was it because if it was OSAP it shouldn't have been defaulted. You just freeze the loan payment if you have no means and government pays for you until you get a job ...

Another question for anyone who can answer. Very surprising for me not to know, but when we start the army service, where do we live?
Do we have to rent a place or the army provides a place and if it does how are the accommodations there?

Any difference for officers?
Well that's where I kind've screwed up. I did not send the paper and request form in time to keep the loan from defaulting, it then got split into an Ontario and Federal account, and now I owe money to both of them separately. Any income tax return I have gotten has gone right back into paying for whatever I could for the loans but its been nothing substantial. That being said it has affected my credit and I know they're going to see that when they do my credit check ...

Any insight would appreciated in regards to how a badly this will screw me over for my application

scampbell said:
Am I permitted to apply as a reservist while I have an open application with the regs?

"Think long and hard if this is the route you want to take since you cannot have a current application to the regs and reserve at the same time."
Reply #9.

Van Gogh said:
Do we have to rent a place or the army provides a place and if it does how are the accommodations there?

This explains Rations and Quarters.

B.Grewal said:
That being said it has affected my credit and I know they're going to see that when they do my credit check ...

Any insight would appreciated in regards to how a badly this will screw me over for my application

Recruiting > The Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics 

Another more question guys, any help appreciated !!!
My application to the army (logistics officer) was submitted 1 year ago. I have reached the stage when my security check is done and I will very soon be called for an interview appointment.

My question is since when I first applied, a lot of things have changed, I have gained some relevant work experience, learned a language, etc...
Should I somehow let them know about this to make myself more competitive or just tell about it all during the interview?
Van Gogh said:
My question is since when I first applied, a lot of things have changed, I have gained some relevant work experience, learned a language, etc...
Should I somehow let them know about this to make myself more competitive or just tell about it all during the interview?

"It never hurts to contact the Recruiter and offer new information that may be relevant to your file."
Reply #1.
mariomike said:
"It never hurts to contact the Recruiter and offer new information that may be relevant to your file."
Reply #1.

Ok thanks, I guess I will just e-mail him and let him know that I am working now.
Don't think I will send the resume though as I don't recall them ever wanting one ...
nn1988 said:
They ask for one but it's not mandatory.
From the "DND Personal Data Verification" form - CFRGHQ//R3 Stds – PVF 2012- : "Please include a copy of your resume (if you have one)."


Maybe, i probably forgot about the fact that they asked me of my resume. not unlikely considering I submitted it over 1 year ago. :P

Than I guess I can send them my updated resume in that case.

Thanks for help nn1988 !!!
Hello. I skimmed through several threads, but perhaps this is too general.

I'm graduating University this Spring. I'll have a degree. I'm hoping to join the Army Reserves ASAP (and if possible as an officer), this way I can confirm a spot for summer BMQ training.

My issue is I don't know where I'll be living once I'm done summer training (apparently I can do another, advanced course immediately after?).

Assuming I MUST have be a member of a regiment to do BMQ, does anyone know where I can find a recruiter in the general GTA? Is that considered Southern Ontario?!

I'm hoping to join either Intelligence or something related to vehicle tech.

Thank you for your time, any assistance would be appreciated.

  - RJVK

CanadianKeystone said:
Assuming I MUST have be a member of a regiment to do BMQ, does anyone know where I can find a recruiter in the general GTA?

I'm hoping to join either Intelligence or something related to vehicle tech.

"32 Canadian Brigade Group (32 CBG) is an Army Reserve Formation of the 4th Canadian Division and is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario."
mariomike said:
"32 Canadian Brigade Group (32 CBG) is an Army Reserve Formation of the 4th Canadian Division and is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario."

Thanks. I was told to do this, and did. I've left 2 messages with 2 different people. No returned calls yet. Then again, that's not a big concern. I can keep calling or go directly.

EDIT: All sorted out.
CanadianKeystone said:
Hello. I skimmed through several threads, but perhaps this is too general.

I'm graduating University this Spring. I'll have a degree. I'm hoping to join the Army Reserves ASAP (and if possible as an officer), this way I can confirm a spot for summer BMQ training.

My issue is I don't know where I'll be living once I'm done summer training (apparently I can do another, advanced course immediately after?).

Assuming I MUST have be a member of a regiment to do BMQ, does anyone know where I can find a recruiter in the general GTA? Is that considered Southern Ontario?!

I'm hoping to join either Intelligence or something related to vehicle tech.

Thank you for your time, any assistance would be appreciated.

  - RJVK

Talk about last minute decisions.

Let me put it to you as gently as possible.  It is now mid-October.  It is about this time last year that you should have been applying to be accepted to a Reserve Unit and loaded onto a BMQ Crse that is now into its third or fourth week.  The current timeframe would only see you, at your current position in the process, being enrolled in time for a Summer BMQ if you are lucky and all the stars align right.

Your first hurtle now is to find a Reserve unit that is hiring, and get an acceptance letter from them to take to the CFRC to get your application process started. 

Once you have a Reserve unit that will accept you, and you get enrolled, you will have to meet their criteria in what they want in the form of officers, if they have a vacancy for one, and that is the route you want to take.

As you say you are graduating in the Spring, and your future residence is going to be up in the air, you may find that you are not a suitable candidate.  No one wants to go through the trouble and expense of hiring someone who may not stay and do the job.

To become an officer in the Reserves, should you be selected to become one, is a fairly long process.  You will have to do BMQ, BMOQ, most likely CAP (DP1), and then a Trades Crse.  That means approx. two to three years minimum before you are employable as a trained officer in that Trade.  Availability of courses may lengthen that guestimate.

As an officer hopeful, your initiative to contact and get the information from the Toronto Reserve units will be your first step in your quest, that will have many hurtles to overcome.

Good luck.
Thank you for the advice. Just we're all clear, I've done a decent amount of research, I just wanted more info.

I most certainly wasn't hoping for BMQ right now though, I heard the summer course is better anyway.

The officer info is good to know. It's not my highest priority but  a friend in the service recommended I try and put my degree to use within the armed forces, so why not?

As for the residence situation... Im assuming as long as I remain in the GTA (as planned), I can stay in a unit within the GTA?

This is good. Thanks again.
Well guys I received an e-mail about a month ago saying that there were no security objections after my pre-security interview and that I will be contacted soon for the interview and the medical. (The security clearance process lasted over 1 year for me !!!)

Well still no news although it has been almost 1 month since that e-mail. Considering the e-mail said "You will be contacted soon" I am worried...
Is this normal? How long does it usually take to get to the interview after the security check is complete?
Any estimates?
Van Gogh said:
How long does it usually take to get to the interview after the security check is complete?

Some examples here.

Van Gogh said:
Well guys I received an e-mail about a month ago saying that there were no security objections after my pre-security interview and that I will be contacted soon for the interview and the medical. (The security clearance process lasted over 1 year for me !!!)

Well still no news although it has been almost 1 month since that e-mail. Considering the e-mail said "You will be contacted soon" I am worried...
Is this normal? How long does it usually take to get to the interview after the security check is complete?
Any estimates?

There is no clear answer to that... They often told me they'd contact me soon but never did so I called them or went to meet with them only to realise someone, somewhere, didn't do what he/she was supposed to do so it was a good thing I contacted them otherwise my file would have been stalled at the same point.

I know I'm not the first one, nor the last one who has had trouble with recruiting centers/recruiters, so my best advice would be that you make some follow-up on your file. :)