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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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DAA said:
I think it has been open for awhile now...

Wonder if I should ask my RC if I can be reconsidered for that trade, instead of Artillery since I am being processed for Artillery
Lostly said:
Wonder if I should ask my RC if I can be reconsidered for that trade, instead of Artillery since I am being processed for Artillery

If your local centre has your file, you can make any changes you like.  They will just check to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements.  If you have already been interviewed and Merit Listed, it will most likely require a NEW interview, if they are willing to do that.
DAA said:
If your local centre has your file, you can make any changes you like.  They will just check to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements.  If you have already been interviewed and Merit Listed, it will most likely require a NEW interview, if they are willing to do that.

If I were to do that, than there is a possibility of delay as well as making the process longer? I am good with artillery. I am just curious because my work experience is what that trade (Supply Technician) entails.

Lostly  :cdn:
I just applied for the Infantry reserve online,  I am currently only 17 so I require parental consent.  I am completely stumped on how to send this along with the rest of the application, any advice?
Hudyma said:
I just applied for the Infantry reserve online,  I am currently only 17 so I require parental consent.  I am completely stumped on how to send this along with the rest of the application, any advice?

If you are looking at joining the Reserve Force, you need to find units in your local area.  They are, for the most part, listed at the forces.ca website --->  http://www.forces.ca/en/centres/findarecruitmentcentre-110

Enter your Postal Code and then select the appropriate TAB at the bottom.  It is pretty much incumbent upon you to seek out and make contact with Reserve Units and speak to them first hand.  The online application is NOT geared towards the Reserves and never has been.  If you apply for the Reserves online, you application would more than likely be sent directly to your local CFRC and what they do with it after that, is anybodies guess.
Sorry, I should've mentioned.. I went into see a couple guys in the 2nd Irish last week.  From there I was directed to fill out the application.  I was told that they would send my name down to the local recruitment centre where I would be processed.
Frustrating not knowing what is going on with your file, even when you ask and not get a response. But that is part of the fun I guess.

Lostly :cdn:
Just wondering once all the processing is complete, are you merit listed and not contacted about that? Also can your application somehow be disqualified or not chosen after the 12 month period?

Lostly :cdn:
They don't let you know if you've been merit listed. You have to ask or just email the person who did your interview.
Not sure about your last question but I think once you've been merit listed you just sit on the list until they decide to call you and you are not removed from the list unless you ask to be.
Lostly said:
Just wondering once all the processing is complete, are you merit listed and not contacted about that? Also can your application somehow be disqualified or not chosen after the 12 month period?

Lostly :cdn:

You'll need to contact your MCC/file manager to let you know whether or not you've been merit-listed.  Yes, you can very well be merit-listed and not offered employment.  Simply making the merit-list isn't enough.  It all comes down to how many positions are being filled for your trade and where on the merit-list you place.

More information here:

I ended up printing out the copy of my online application form, having my parents sign it and I faxed it to CFVRC North Bay.
This was a little over two weeks ago, when could I realistically expect a reply?
Hudyma said:
I ended up printing out the copy of my online application form, having my parents sign it and I faxed it to CFVRC North Bay.
This was a little over two weeks ago, when could I realistically expect a reply?

It varies greatly depending on multiple factors. But if you haven't heard anything either way regarding further processing of your application within 8 weeks, I'd give them a call.
That's true, I waited maybe 9 weeks from my last contact with North Bay until I got an e-mail one day saying that my application was proceeding to my local CFRC.
I'm merit listed.

A career counselor told me he was sure I would be selected.  Can I believe him? He probably knows how competitive is my file but does he also see my rank on the list?
Wondering how difficult it would be to do an occupational transfer after your initial trade choice did not work out the way you thought. Such as going from your first choice to your second choice?

Any advice?

Lostly :cdn:
Lostly said:
Wondering how difficult it would be to do an occupational transfer after your initial trade choice did not work out the way you thought. Such as going from your first choice to your second choice?

It is possible but I wouldn't count on it happening.
brianl1734 said:
Hey, does anyone know if infantry officer is open?

This is a good place to check or ask.

Trades OPEN / Closed ?
mariomike said:
This is a good place to check or ask.

Trades OPEN / Closed ?

Thanks! I'll be checking this frequently.
Early morning everyone,

    Silly question for all of you. How many of you were nervous when accepting your CF offer? Also how did you overcome it?

Many thanks,
Lostly :cdn: