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Officer occupations – Which one should I choose?

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dent67 said:
I now wish I had just done it the old fashioned way and gone to the recruitment office, I feel that there would be less delay in the paperwork as it would all be direct.  I'm just starting to get worried because right now there are openings in the three trades I want and I'm hoping to get my name in there before they close up.

After I (finally) received my University transcripts, I walked in the recruiting center with all of my paperwork. I was told that they were no longer accepting paper applications for my trade (I had called the day before and they were!!!)...but North Bay was. So I mailed it to them and received the automatic confirmation email. A couple of weeks later I was told that my trade was closed for the year, but that they'll hold on to my file until the next fiscal year. A couple of weeks after that I was told that my file was being transferred to the local RC in order to be processed for next fiscal year. In between these emails, I contacted them 2-3 times just to update certain things and ask if there was anything I could do in the meantime that could make me more competitive.

Moral of the story is: be patient and stay on top of things. You'll read about people breezing through the application process, and others waiting for months (even years). Every application is different. Don't dwell on what could have been. Good luck!
Mikmaq said:
After I (finally) received my University transcripts, I walked in the recruiting center with all of my paperwork. I was told that they were no longer accepting paper applications for my trade (I had called the day before and they were!!!)...but North Bay was.

I can only imagine how frustrating this is.  Generally, CFRCs are not supposed to be taking paper applications anymore because the application submission process is supposed to go all online (with some exceptions).  As there can be problems with the online process, to no fault of North Bays (supporting websites, equipment etc) outages mean CFRCs start taking paper applications again for a short period than as soon as the website is back up, switch back to online only.

The flip flop has nothing to do with you are your particular application, although I am sure it feels like your getting the run around, it's just bad luck.
The_Green_Basterd said:
.............  Generally, CFRCs are not supposed to be taking paper applications anymore because the application submission process is supposed to go all online (with some exceptions). .........yada, yada, yada........

Please.  If you are going to give advice; give proper and correct advice.  Yes, you can submit your application electronically; but you must also print and sign the documentation and take it into the CFRC.  It is not a legally binding document without the "original signature" of the applicant or parent/guardian on it.  Signed documents ARE required (In BLUE ink).
George Wallace said:
Please.  If you are going to give advice; give proper and correct advice.  Yes, you can submit your application electronically; but you must also print and sign the documentation and take it into the CFRC.  It is not a legally binding document without the "original signature" of the applicant or parent/guardian on it.  Signed documents ARE required (In BLUE ink).

That can be signed when you come in to write your CFAT.
The_Green_Basterd said:
That can be signed when you come in to write your CFAT.

So much easier if one plans ahead and comes prepared......Saves having Mommy or Daddy come in holding their hands.
The_Green_Basterd said:
The flip flop has nothing to do with you are your particular application, although I am sure it feels like your getting the run around, it's just bad luck.

Thanks for your words of encouragement. The application process can be pretty disheartening, especially if you don't know what to expect. However to be honest I was fully prepared for certain 'setbacks'. I spent many hours on this forum looking at the 'Application Process' section and therefore sort of knew what to expect. Initial disappointment was replaced by delight at the mention that they were moving forward with my file. As the British say, 'keep calm and carry on'.
George Wallace said:
So much easier if one plans ahead and comes prepared......Saves having Mommy or Daddy come in holding their hands.

Applicants being able to show in person at a recruiting centre is not something that is universally expected across the country.  While most of southern Ontario is scattered with Recruiting centres, Many parts of the prairies and the West coast, for example, are extremely limited.  In Southern Ontario a large part of the population has a recruiting centre within an hour or two of there residence.  In Saskatchewan and Manitoba, theire are just 3 recruiting centres/Dets to service 2 large provinces resulting in drives that could take well over 4 hours for the simple purpose of handing in a duplicate Employment application that has been signed.  In BC, major cities like Kelowna, that twice the population of areas with recruiting centre such as Medicine Hat and more than Lethbridge, have no recruiting centre yet generate well over a hundred applications a year.  This is a 4-5 hours drive from the nearest recruiting centre.

Therefore it is not just due to a lack of planning and preparation that keeps many people from dropping off signed Employment application.In the end, we don't need everything signed until just before the CFAT anyways.

I will try and make more clear and concise posts in the future.
I am wondering if it is normal to get a service number during the time when your rc decides to proceed with your application ?
Lostly said:
I am wondering if it is normal to get a service number during the time when your rc decides to proceed with your application ?

Yes, my son received his when he was applying to the PRes three years ago (didn't accepted), and is still using it today for his current application for ROTP.
Lostly said:
I am wondering if it is normal to get a service number during the time when your rc decides to proceed with your application ?

Yup... because once the local RC has your application, that's how they identify you.  I got mine when I wrote the CFAT.
I wonder why some people become merit listed and some people have to re-apply after a period. If you are merit listed do you just have to wait until they call you? Is being merit listed a promise of a job offer?
Lostly said:
Is being merit listed a promise of a job offer?

Being on the merit list only means that you have completed all of the steps in the application process and that you are placed on a list that compares how you scored with others. It is not a "promise" or guarantee since the ones placed higher on the list will get the positions first.
Does everyone who applies to the Reserves get merit listed? The Reserve unit i am applying to told me that there is a position available for me once I complete the application process, does this mean that I might still get merit listed, or am I being guaranteed a position once I finish the application process?
Hax24 said:
Does everyone who applies to the Reserves get merit listed? The Reserve unit i am applying to told me that there is a position available for me once I complete the application process, does this mean that I might still get merit listed, or am I being guaranteed a position once I finish the application process?

I don't believe the Reserves will use a Merit List process like the Reg F does, unless their are an inordinate number of applications for limited positions within the unit.

But something like that would be entirely up to the unit.
Hey guys,

Just looking for a little insight with regards to my CF application. I applied as an aesop and am currently waiting for my medical to be processed in Ottawa, everything else has been completed. I was wondering roughly how long that would take? Also, I spoke with a recruiter yesterday and was told the selection for NCM trades will only begin after the end of the fiscal year 2012. Forces.ca says the aesop trade is "in demand" does this mean that by April there will be a high demand for aesops, or is the website referring to last years requirements? I'm just trying to get a better idea of whether or not it is realistic to believe that I have a possibility of getting a job offer this summer.

Your help is much appreciated,

Hi Charles,
The website was updated recently (a few months ago at most IIRC), so in demand means you're applying at the right time as it is a red trade and they will be hiring as much as possible for FY 2013 to bring the staffing up to standard.
Good luck!

Edit: Don't forget to ask your recruiter about a possible sign-up bonus!
The website is NOT reflective of "real time" requirements, so I wouldn't put much trust in that.

If you have done all your processing and are now just waiting for the Med results, then your file will not be Merit Listed until those are received.

As far as getting a job offer anytime soon, it is anyone's guess as there are never any guarantees.
So in the FY 2013 I'm guessing the bulk of the offers will be sent out in April-May? This is the first time I hear about a sign up bonus, how should I go about asking for it?
Char546 said:
So in the FY 2013 I'm guessing the bulk of the offers will be sent out in April-May? This is the first time I hear about a sign up bonus, how should I go about asking for it?

Go see your recruiter and ask him if there would be any applicable signing bonus since you're applying for a ''in demand'' ncm trade. While you're at it, he can answer all other questions you  might still have.

Edit: From what I understand, you are eligible for a singing bonus if you have related expertise in the trade. Go see a recruiter to get the jist of it.