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OCdt Speaks at Freedom Rally

MilEME09 said:
Because he identified as a CAF member, as by being in cadpat, was acting in the capacity of a uniformed member of the CAF, and can be charged. The CAF has made it very clear lately that being class A doesn't exempt you from being punished for doing dumb crap.

Typically covered in a Media Awareness brief.
X Royal said:
SeaKingTacco I hope your right but the path of least resistance will most likely be taken.
I can see the argument "If I showed up on parade like that I would have been charged for being out of uniform".
How can it be argued both ways, that now he was in uniform as nothing he was wearing was uniform with regulations?

Unauthorized mixed dress.
I find it very hard to believe, even with our ridiculous justice system, anyone would buy he wasn't" in uniform".

Kinda sobering to see the crazies on social media lining up behind this guy.....
X Royal said:
My guess is for easy legal reasons a quick voluntarily release will be the simplest solution.

Although he may request a voluntary release in order to avoid the consequences of his celebrity coming out, the CAF does not have to grant his request. He could be kept around, charged, found guilty and then compulsorily released as a result "pour encourager les autres".
ballz said:
Kinda sobering to see the crazies on social media lining up behind this guy.....

It continues to amaze me that a crowd that is so "skeptical" of things like mainstream media, government programs, and science can, at the same time, so readily accept miscellaneous theories and will willingly accept a fool with his cadet instructor rank and obsolete webbing on as some sort of sign of the truth and need for resistance.

Cognitive dissonance...ain't it great?
X Royal said:
... How can it be argued both ways, that now he was in uniform as nothing he was wearing was uniform with regulations?
Being subject to the military's rules when you do something is separate from wearing the uniform wrong - as this guy shows, one can do both at the same time.
Haggis said:
Although he may request a voluntary release in order to avoid the consequences of his celebrity coming out, the CAF does not have to grant his request. He could be kept around, charged, found guilty and then compulsorily released as a result "pour encourager les autres".

I think that there may need to be some 'encouragement' on this.

I recall a Lt(N) who was investigated once upon a time.  They held up his release while they sent a pair of investigators from Ottawa to Halifax to question some of us who witnessed things...as I recall, his 'smooth transition' to the CCG was not as smooth as he'd hoped it would be.  They hung onto him for an extra 6 months after his desired release date and then his article of release was....undesirable...for future employment options.

This guy?  While his uniform might be all kinds of bat-$h&t stupid (knife, helmet, webbing, etc) his actions and words clearly indicate that he knowingly did what he did, and there needs to be some consequence to this. 

I mean, sharing a 'Stupid Prime Minister' meme on facebook is one thing...but this is...a whole different kettle of fish. 

Hang onto him, investigate, charge as appropriate, march in the guilty bastage to a formal Court Martial (delay a couple of others so that this is done ASAP if you have to) send for whatever punishment the court decides, then during the period of punishment, process the Admin Review and release him on completion.  Anything less will be a failure by the military justice system.


Release does not make you immune to prosecution. There are any number of cases where a member released only to be subject to CM afterwards. Depending on which infractions this member might be charged with, I think CM is the only outcome. I pity whoever is doing the UDI, and the JAG staff who have to address this.

Of course if they could encourage him to 4c and fade to anonymity... but his recent events make that unlikely.
Infanteer said:
It continues to amaze me that a crowd that is so "skeptical" of things like mainstream media, government programs, and science can, at the same time, so readily accept miscellaneous theories and will willingly accept a fool with his cadet instructor rank and obsolete webbing on as some sort of sign of the truth and need for resistance.

Cognitive dissonance...ain't it great?

Those folks also probably don't know that he is CIC and is wearing obsolete webbing.  They see "person in camouflage and military hat" and assume he's speaking for the CAF. 
Infanteer said:
It continues to amaze me that a crowd that is so "skeptical" of things like mainstream media, government programs, and science can, at the same time, so readily accept miscellaneous theories and will willingly accept a fool with his cadet instructor rank and obsolete webbing on as some sort of sign of the truth and need for resistance.

Cognitive dissonance...ain't it great?

I totally agree with you Infanteer.

Just to add...it continues to amaze me (although it shouldn't at this point) that nobody in that crowd was smart enough to think "Hey, if the military were to make any sort of statement about this, it would be in a press briefing or public release.  Not one dude driving an old Iltis in a parade."
Infanteer said:
It continues to amaze me that a crowd that is so "skeptical" of things like mainstream media, government programs, and science can, at the same time, so readily accept miscellaneous theories and will willingly accept a fool with his cadet instructor rank and obsolete webbing on as some sort of sign of the truth and need for resistance.

Cognitive dissonance...ain't it great?

In my experience, the vast majority of Canadian are completely ignorant of anything military related and have no clue whatsoever. I bet the average Canadian doesn't even know what an Office Cadet is or realize how lowly/unimportant that rank is.
Twitter needs to be informed this guy could be a government plant who's talking trash about op vector to draw out supporters and identify them. Once anti lock down supporters are properly catologued OP Vector turns into OP Velociraptor and the truth behind why an Afghanistan era war general is involved...

LittleBlackDevil said:
In my experience, the vast majority of Canadian are completely ignorant of anything military related and have no clue whatsoever. I bet the average Canadian doesn't even know what an Office Cadet is or realize how lowly/unimportant that rank is.

To quote Charles Laughton from 1935's Mutiny on the Bounty:

A seaman's a seaman, a captain's a captain. And a midshipman is the lowest form of animal life in the British navy.
X Royal said:
My guess is as a Cadet officer the fact that he's not on the pay roll at the time may help some in his defence.
Notice I said some!
Still will have some troubles.

102.01 – PERSONS SUBJECT TO THE CODE OF SERVICE DISCIPLINE was covered several times...

Also:  QR & O, Vol 1, Art 1.02 Definitions

“officer” means

(a) a person who holds Her Majesty's commission in the Canadian Forces,

(b) a person who holds the rank of officer cadet in the Canadian Forces, and

(c) any person who pursuant to law is attached or seconded as an officer to the Canadian Forces;



* I should have scrolled down before replying.
ModlrMike said:
To quote Charles Laughton from 1935's Mutiny on the Bounty:

A seaman's a seaman, a captain's a captain. And a midshipman is the lowest form of animal life in the British navy.

My own CO told me something to the effect of: "you are now only slightly above the slugs that slither along the bottom of the ocean" when I was a freshly-minted OCdt.

Usually "stolen valour" types pretend to be a rank that actually means something. Sounds like this guy actually was (or is? shudder) an actual OCdt with the Cadet Instructor Cadre. No surprise he never got commissioned from what little I've seen of him, but I'm shocked he was able to make it through the application process. It is fairly rigorous (as it should be).
Jarnhamar said:
Sidebar: Are reserve and regular force members supposed to salute CIC officers?
Do they commission after their 2 week course?

Yup.  As CIC Officers are part of the Reserve Force, all the stuff in CFP 201, Ch 1, Sect 2, Para's 3, 9, 10 etc applies. 

** again, I should have scrolled down.  I'll learn..someday.


My wife says "probably not", though...
CBH99 said:
I totally agree with you Infanteer.

Just to add...it continues to amaze me (although it shouldn't at this point) that nobody in that crowd was smart enough to think "Hey, if the military were to make any sort of statement about this, it would be in a press briefing or public release.  Not one dude driving an old Iltis in a parade."

Confirmation bias.