Yet another silly question from me. I'm considering changing my trade from musician to infantry for two reasons. One, I want to make sure I get on SQ and I want to do my BIQ. Two, in all likelyhood I will be moving out of Ottawa to go to university elsewhere (probably Guelph). Regardless, the universities I am considering do not (to my knowledge) have any units nearby that have a pipes and drums. There is however, a log unit and an artillery unit (again, to the best of my knowledge) and I figure that they could find a job for an infantryman without alot of annoyance as opposed to trying to find a job for a pure bandsman. Two questions, should I get off my arse and change my trade now (halfway through BMQ) as opposed to waiting until I finish BMQ? And second, will it reflect badly upon myself if I have to stay in Ottawa and after I come back from the summer and spend a few months in the company I decide to swtich back into the P+D and do my QL3 music course the next summer? I want to get my infantry training all done so I can be useful in more positions if needed, but if I have the opportunity to I wish to be able to go back to the P+D (I live for my bagpipes ). Thanks alot folks, I'm in a catch here, but I changed my plans for uni just as of late and I'm trying to back paddle and re-orient myself here. Thanks.