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Not-so Smarty's thread on C7 theft.

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I once had My C7 stolen by one of my buddies, he ended up loosing his.  When i asked to give it back he said he had no idea even though i engraved my name on the rifle butt.  Anyway he ended up scratching it off and I got charged.  the army doesnt care really much, it ended up costing me $560 and my buddys in a wheelchair now.  I paralyzed him from the waste down, that was an accident though, we had been drinking on a road trip, but that storys for another time.

Keep you Kit TIGHT, best place is between the cheeks baby!  anything close to you you wont loose.

ARGH!!! :salute:
Smarty said:
I once had My C7 stolen by one of my buddies, he ended up loosing his.   When i asked to give it back he said he had no idea even though i engraved my name on the rifle butt.   Anyway he ended up scratching it off and I got charged.   the army doesnt care really much, it ended up costing me $560 and my buddys in a wheelchair now.   I paralyzed him from the waste down, that was an accident though, we had been drinking on a road trip, but that storys for another time.

Keep you Kit TIGHT, best place is between the cheeks baby!   anything close to you you wont loose.

ARGH!!! :salute:

Holy crap. I'm not really sure what to make of that post.
Whatever man  :warstory: 

Keep it real, dont tell people they lie  :rage:

Dont show them how to die  :threat:

If you do they just might miss you  :skull:

get beat up in the SHOE  >:D

ARRRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!  :salute:
Smarty said:
I once had My C7 stolen by one of my buddies, he ended up loosing his.   When i asked to give it back he said he had no idea even though i engraved my name on the rifle butt.   Anyway he ended up scratching it off and I got charged.   the army doesnt care really much, it ended up costing me $560 .

ARGH!!! :salute:


I smell fresh BS, right from the bull's arse, and still steaming!

Names engraved on a rifle?? Tape maybe, never defacing a weapon or weapon part. That in itself would cost you $$$.

Why did you leave it unattended ior unsupervised n the first place??

The Army did not seem to care?? BS, the CF as does any military force take theft seriously, and theft of a weapon is about as serious as it gets.
Calm down buddy, the army didnt care that I had lost it.  They DID care that they were missing one, which was my buddies.  I got the crap, i had to spend 3 days alone in the feild looking for it, something that wasnt even there, anyways that really ticked me off.  MY name wasnt engraved, i wrote it on tape, and it was stolen while i was sleeping, i had it with me, thats when my bud took it. 

Please dont call BS on me, its a story man, just chill out..  Unless your some ultra seeing person theres now way youd be able to know.  get off your rockin'chair and relax, its just a convo.

ARRRGH!!! :salute:
Yeah Except...

When i asked to give it back he said he had no idea even though i engraved my name on the rifle butt.  Anyway he ended up scratching it off and I got charged

This is kind of neat.
Could not the serial number of your weapon and your buddies weapon be verified after all weapons are something the CF want to keep track of.
I too smell BS. I think you'd be spending some time in the luxurious confines of Club Ed if you had your rifle stolen. Besides, didn't they teach you to wrap your sling around your wrist when you're sleeping? And as Che pointed out, it doesn't add up. And C7s cost more than $500.
Why ask this guy for verification? He's obviously completely phony. Engraved rifles? 3 days in the filed ALONE looking for a weapon? The Army didn't care?

one of his shoes came off, of which I proceeded to beat him about the head with it til he begged for mercy.

Sorry Wes, in the ensuing fun from our new resident rifle expert, I failed to properly recognise how bloody hilarious that is.
WOH WOH WOH!!! haha, im not explaining this right.  everyone seems so quick to give someone crap around here.

My buddy lost his rifle,
He took mine,
I got charged,
As for the seriel number, They werent taken
first night on a course
i was driven to the feild in the day to look, no way i didnt sleep there ha!

I call BS and all you guys so there HA!  the army did care by the way, no one went to edmonton, and the rifle was found when the next training section went in

turns out it was cammed up and standing up against a tree.

ARRRGHHH!!!!!!!!!  AGH! :salute:
Yeah something definately smells feces here.  We "lost" a C-9 in Wainwright many years ago and the entire BN was out looking for the f'n thing for 3 days (I was told that it finally turned up strapped to the underside of a 5/4 a week or 2 later)
The only way I can see his story being true, is if it were one of those Rubber drill rifles, and it was a cadet course.  In real life the wpns would be issued by serial numbers to individuals, any lost wpns or pieces thereof would have had the whole course out looking for it, and shyte would have to be paid in extras/charges, fines and of course the Crse Report.
Yea it was a rubber training rifle, obviously.  Not the standard old ones, but new ones, theyre identical to the C7 except more plastic than rubber

If you are angry
get though it
double to it
just movie it

Killing enemies
fighting the colonel
Get him roughed up
Punch him through it (brick wall)

ARRGHH!!!!  :salute:
No worries Malik   ;D

I think we have a poser here.

Smarty said:
Yea it was a rubber training rifle, obviously.   Not the standard old ones, but new ones, theyre identical to the C7 except more plastic than rubber

Serial numbers not being taken down because of the first day of a course? What a DIRTY GIANT GREAT BIG CROCK OF SHYTE!

Now the story changes. Of all the RRs I have seen and used they are far from being identical to a real rifle, wheterh they are Redguns (brand name) or black in colour. There is not even any sling swivels on them.

Why would you spend 3 days looking for a rubber rifle (cammed next to a tree - BS)? Why be charged over $500? One would still not engrave his name into one of these.

Well Smarty, you've been caught in a lie, and I even doubt if you are a serving member, and if you are a cadet, its cadets like you who give the good ones a bad name.

I've done my time in two armies, and I don't need shyte and abuse coming from a mere child yet alone someone who just joined this site today.

Great attitude to have as new person on here, I am sure you'll last a long time on here ::).

One of the things I have no repect for is liars and theives.


Wesley H. Allen said:
Since then, I have not had a single thing lifted.

Wow, maybe thats because there too scared of you to risk it!

George Wallace said:
The only way I can see his story being true, is if it were one of those Rubber drill rifles, and it was a cadet course. In real life the wpns would be issued by serial numbers to individuals, any lost wpns or pieces thereof would have had the whole course out looking for it, and shyte would have to be paid in extras/charges, fines and of course the Crse Report.

Still would be bull. No cadet corp would have one of their cadets out searching for their rifle alone for three days!
NO,no, ....I meant I looked for it in my mind for three days after my mom sent me to my room.....
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