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New World Order Conspiracy

Centurian1985 said:
I hope you arent refering to this version of the New World Order...


But they're so awesome! ...Well, ok, Hogan is awesome, at least.

They can dominate the world all they want!
WarmAndVertical said:
You can call it what ever you want but anyone who thinks that in a "democracy"  every vote counts the same is an idiot.  The boys with wealth and p;ower "technically" have one vote exactly the same as the stupisest 18 year old head banging stud you watches "Rock the Vote" and decides to vote but , don't you ever think that they amount to the same thing.

Actually, I think you are confusing the relative roles of the politically astute and the politically ignorant, and their relative levels of participation in the democratic political process.  It's not based solely on social divisions of wealth and music preferences, except through biased individual interpretation. 
I've heard a lot about these conspiracy theories in recent years.  The US government is a pawn of ancient secret societies seeking world domination or the jews control the US government and planned the 9/11 attacks.

It's enough to make your head spin.  However, it has tweaked my interest in another theory.  Perhaps a lot of these conspiracy theories are nothing more than enemy propaganda.  I mean Al Qaeda isn't stupid and surely employs many techniques to scare, subvert and convince westerners to not fight.  If I were convinced my government was only a puppet for a more sinister force then there's no way I'd wear a uniform or leave my family to be in harms way.  Also if I thought the whole cause of fighting Al Qaeda were a carefully constructed lie to focus the masses, then I wouldn't be inclined to do this job at all. 

Of course who knows, none of this is very concrete right now.  What I do know is that these times are abundant in paranoia and mistrust.

I think I'll just stick with taking things at face value for now.
And what about the Matrix. What if we are in the Matrix and they were trying to call us out thru the movies. But then the machines made it impossible because of the subsequent sequals made us think that it is all absurd!  :o
youravatar said:
And what about the Matrix. What if we are in the Matrix and they were trying to call us out thru the movies. But then the machines made it impossible because of the subsequent sequals made us think that it is all absurd!  :o

Ignorance is bliss, and this steak tastes real enough to me.
Well this is good enough proof for me. I'm going to grow a beard and stand out in the streets with a big sing and yell at people as they walk bye.  :D WEEEEEEE  :dontpanic:
rmacqueen said:
As for the NWO, all this time and they still can't get it right.  UN, WHO, etc, if these are examples of their attempts at global domination I think we are safe for a very long time.


Look at how successful the WHO has been at controlling disease, and how well the UN forces everyone to get along! It's not like there are wars going on or anything...
I think people have watch what they say in these days.It's a touchy situation, alot of fear and emotion televised world-wide.
Like Sept. 11 they aimed at the world trade, the pentagon, and almost got the white house.
I think Bin Laden was trained by the C.I.A.
Miss Jacqueline said:
I think Bin Laden was trained by the C.I.A.

Bin laden was trainied by the CIA to fight against the soviets in Afgahnistan. That's a fact.
A lot of anti-war types I've spoken with seem to think that that fact is justification for not fighting the war against Al Qaeda.  Sure he might have been trained by the CIA to shoot stinger missiles or combat soviet troops.  But there isn't any training that could have given him the personal delusions to justify the killing of civilians to further his group's influence.

I mean the Soviets were our allies in WW2, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have stood up to them in the Cold War.
youravatar said:
Bin laden was trainied by the CIA to fight against the soviets in Afgahnistan. That's a fact.

Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure.

Maybe there is an attempt to World Order. I wouldn't be surprised 'cause everything's got a barcode so they know what you got, when you got it, and what you still owe.
Why do they put jails in schools, is it subliminal?
Cameras everywhere ,and even freedom of speech is limited.

I know. The administration at our school barred are previous atempts to get an independant student paper distributed.
In the United Kingdom there are Close Circut Television Cameras everywhere.  Having lived there a while I don't have a problem with big brother watching over my shoulder.  It certainly improved police reaction time when a brawl broke out near the pubs.
Miss Jacqueline said:
Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure.

I wouldn't be surprised 'cause everything's got a barcode so they know what you got, when you got it, and what you still owe.

That one made me laugh my arse off... I've worked retail - the companies doing most of the volume can't even get inventory right. And if you need to lookup a receipt, you literally have to go through boxes of bundles of receipts to find what your looking for. And they can't even print receipts that last more then 3-5 years without completely fading out.

Not to mention nobody can figure out how to curb credit card fraud... or even shoplifting.

Yeah - real Illuminati types at work.
Klc said:
That one made me laugh my arse off... I've worked retail - the companies doing most of the volume can't even get inventory right. And if you need to lookup a receipt, you literally have to go through boxes of bundles of receipts to find what your looking for. And they can't even print receipts that last more then 3-5 years without completely fading out.

Not to mention nobody can figure out how to curb credit card fraud... or even shoplifting.

Yeah - real Illuminati types at work.

i got ripped off for a couple hundred bucks with the credit card fraud at the place i worked.
Miss Jacqueline said:
Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure.

Maybe there is an attempt to World Order. I wouldn't be surprised 'cause everything's got a barcode so they know what you got, when you got it, and what you still owe.
Why do they put jails in schools, is it subliminal?
Cameras everywhere ,and even freedom of speech is limited.

Why you're right, and so is Adbusters - it is a huge conspiracy to make you consume in futile pursuit of the American dream. You'd better not join the army - you'll be assigned a number and assimilated.

Where is there a jail in a school?

Cameras everywhere keep us safe - they catch people stealing, assaulting and vandalising. I find the one most vehemently opposed to them are the ones who have something to hide, or nothing worth stealing.

Name one instance in the past year where your freedom of speech has been limited, an instance when you were sanctioned for saying something.
youravatar said:
I know. The administration at our school barred are previous atempts to get an independant student paper distributed.

- Well, if it was independant, how can they stop it?  Use a bit of OPSEC and produce an UNDERGROUND paper - you know, like 'Samizdat' liturature in USSR.  Secret reporters.  Secret photographers.  Hide recording equipment in student council meetings, etc.  Publish it off site, sell it discrete like.  Blow the doors off the institution with a few good scandals and your off to a good start.  Every copy, dump on the local rubes - the out of town students will love it.

No worries about any new world order. I called Jack Bauer at CTU - Los Angeles and he assured me he is on the case.  ;D
Interesting read here:  http://www.clubhousewreckards.com/plot/plottoseizethewhitehouse.htm

Google " Maj Gen Smedley Butler USMC "  sometime.  He was a 2 time Medal of Honor winner.  His speech tat you will find is very good.
Yes, we know Mr. "I Hate America".........its already been here and forgotten.

Keep spouting about how brave Saddam was......