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New Videos From Scott Kesterson


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Link to page: http://www.beloblog.com/KGW_Blogs/afghanistan/

Video: Sangin - Ambush
SYNOPSIS: Troops from Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon, "Red Devils" from Edmonton, Canada are ambushed as they conducted battle damage assessment in the village on July 15, 2006 in Sangin, Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan.
VIDEO http://kgw.com///sharedcontent/VideoPlayer/videoPlayer.php?vidId=79107

Video: Hydarabad - Dawn Raid
SYNOPSIS: Troops from Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon, "Red Devils" from Edmonton, Canada conduct a dawn raid on a Taliban compound on July 13, 2006 in Hydarabad, Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan.
VIDEO http://kgw.com///sharedcontent/VideoPlayer/videoPlayer.php?vidId=79105
Video: Panjawi - Firefight
SYNOPSIS: Troops from Alpha Company, 2nd Platoon, "Red Devils" from
Edmonton, Canada engage in a fierce firefight with Taliban insurgents on
July 8, 2006 in Panjawi, Kandahar Province in southern Afghanistan.
VIDEO http://kgw.com///sharedcontent/VideoPlayer/videoPlayer.php?vidId=79103
AT WAR is a documentary film about the chaos of war, set in Afghanistan. It was created through the strength and immediacy of subject driven storytelling, drawing from the rich ethics of traditional photojournalism. It speaks a message, not of a single country, but of a common humanity. It is a journey into the experience of war that challenges us to look deep into our self to discover the elements of love, hate, fear, passion, courage and desire that drive us. War, ultimately, is the ensuing chaos of opposing forces both outward and internal.

Documentary filmmaker Scott Kesterson arrived in Afghanistan in May 2006 to begin a one year journey as an embedded journalist.
Link - http://www.forgottenwarfilm.com/
Looks Great! I think this would make for a pretty good watch. Now I just need to wait till it comes out. :-\
  While searching the vast interweb for contact info to Mr. Kesterson,whom I will be asking to obtain permission to use some of his content in my documentary 1, I came about finding this piece of news:
It turns out the three videos Mr. Kesterson filmed involving Canadians in 2006 was recently awarded an Emmy


1: Link to the running thread about my documentary, for anyone interested.
