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New Promotion System

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TomGledhill said:
My CO is giving off promotions like crazy as well, but i do not agree with him. Although I am glad I am a Sgt Mjr, we do not have enough cadets anymore for what our CO is trying to do. We do not have enough platoon warrant officers, nor anyone to fill the positions, but he still see's it fit to have to company Sgt Mjrs. The way it is right now, is we only have 2 warrant officers for our 4 platoons, and 2 company Sgt Mjrs, and the RSM. What he wants to do is promote me to DSM, and promote one of the platoon warrants to CSM. What I think he should do, is demote the CWO to Sgt Mjr, and demote the other CSM and myself to warrant officer and have us as acting company commanders. I think this should be done because he is stretching us way to thin. I am interested in what your comments or reply's are.

Tom Gledhill

If he wants a new PL WO...Ill move to wherever you live...
I have never been a part of the Cadet Corps, so I'll say that right now.

But from reading these replies, I get the impression that many of you feel "owed" some kind of promotion, constantly, just for showing up and doing the "job".

1) Not everyone is cutout to be a leader. This is why some corporals stay corporals for their entire careers in the CF. Does this mean that that corporal was a slacker? That he was terrible at his/her job? No. It measns they were not selected for a superior rank for whatever reasons, may just be they dont have leadership potential.

2) An extension of this is probably a better lesson to take away from the authority structure in Cadets and in the world in general - being a leader does not make you better than anyone. Being selected to become a commissionned officer does not make you that much better than a Sgt who has 20 years or even  10 years in.

Being a leader encompasses a different set of responsabilities and expectations, which for a variety of reasons are not always best suited for some people. Often, these responsibilities are not even the kind of thing an individual even wants to do.... I know plenty of young corporals and privates who told me they never had any interest in becoming an officer, and I was just talking with a young corporal who has the option to become a Mcpl (CF speaking, not cadets) and who at this time would prefer to remain Corporal... he has been selected, and is still turning a leadership rank down.

3) Another example. Say you complete your time with Cadets at the rank of corporal. You have glowing recommendations from your CO and OC(s) stating how you were always on time, you excelled at  your work, you were dedicated, etc.  Say at the same time that you get someone who was a CWO. Same glowing recommendations as you, but was all over the map, and has some additional comments about leadership skills.

If you both apply to become a private in the forces, you would I would hopefully assume both be considered (all other things equal) equally for the position.    An OCdt position is different, given the leadershiop skills required, but my point here is that all ranks are valuable, and all too often people look up to those with "the power" and say that they are better than those down below.

Always remember that those "above" do not exist without those "below"

There is no need to have CIC officers if there are no cadets.

Cheers, and best of luck to all of you in your cadet (and hopefully future CF) "careers."

(oh, on the topic of professionalism, I agree, again, it is an embodiement of attitude, it does not mean you have to be practising a profession. I would also not liken Cadets necessarily to that of a job, but rather as a mutual traninig organization - you receive valuable skills, and thus also support others in receiving their skills  so that you all end up better contributors to society as adults.

hey ive been in for more the 5 years....top marks in all star levels....top 5 in nsce...only master cadet in the corp....have a wall full of awards,recognitions and plaques...have amazing course reports from camp...even parade positions..have been out of region every year for competitions and courses....been to NAtional Expedition in New Brunswick......and yet i was just a warrant until 3 weeks ago......ive waited 2 and a half years in order to get mwo......i think this indicates something that with all your qualifications....it all depends on ur CO.....if u can suck up and be on ur CO's good side then ull get promoted....if not then ur S.O.L...............this is my last year and u kno wat.....sumtimes u just gotta suck it up and go on.....
While I will not sit here and pretend that anyone (including me) that anyone appreciates it when they are overlooked for good deeds...

What are you doing all these deeds for?

You know, one of the things we all hated about ex-cadets when I came into RMC was that they never sh-up about all the things they had done in Cadets.

It's great to be proud of what you've done, but I think one of the best virtues anyone can learn is self-appreciation, rather than the reliance on others to appreciate them.

We all want to be lauded and congratulated, but you should feel good about the things you have accomplished flip-masta. If you do, it doesn't really matter if you get that promotion.
I find that system to be very unfair

I want to be noticed because I've done 8 hours of standing selling poppies.   I want to be recognized because I did the vigil when it was optional.   I want to be seen because I have never missed a night of Cadets or a weekend Exercise.   I want to be recognized because of what I have earned.   I DON'T want to be recognized because I came to the Corps when I felt like for a year

Cadets have to be selected because they are committed to the Corps and they are mature people who will only do the Corps good.

Why are you mad at doing Poppy sales? I did 6 shifts of poppy selling, 4 hours each. Poppy's should not be a chore. Thats something you should be proud to do, thats you taking a few hours to Remember the Veterans who Gave their LIFE so you could be free! The Legionnaires knew my name by the Time Remembrance day Came around. I loved doing the Parades and Poppy sales, i did both parades and all poppy sales. This is what Cadets is trying to do, Support The community, or at least thats what my corps does. Voluntarism is good. If You want to get promoted then don't complain EVER (even when your not around your cadet friends) about a few poppy sales or tagging shifts. My officers and the Legionaries telling me that I didn't to run My Corps single handedly it was okay to take a shift or two off. My goal this year is to Get the Volunteer Award, because the Cpl that got it last year didn't deserve it.

And Actually with the New System my corps has installed, it works extremely well. We went from a corps of 30 cadets in the 2002-2003 year to a corps of 120 cadets in 2003-2004 and now we are a corps of 180 this year. i don't even think we had enough cadets for 1 company before i joined, and now we have three. My CO gave out promotions like CRAZY, but we needed it and we are an amazing corps, so many of us deserved it.. Like Dano, when i joined last year, he was my friends section commander, only a Mcpl. Then when I got Pte, Dano Got Sgt. then we had more promotion and then I got Cpl and he stayed Sgt. Then we all went off to Camp ( I went twice this summer! Basic army and Basic Pipes and Drums!!) And when we got back we had our FTX there we were told we had to Apply for positions. they say it doesn't matter what you apply for, because you wont necessarily get that, but they wanted to see who was willing to tell the officers what positions that they wanted. they had definitions and stuff on the form, so it wasn't like just asking for a promotion, they wanted to show us that they were serious. When the CO's Parade came the Next week, we had the National Post there and Members from Both Legions. When People Got Promoted, you really felt special because there was SO many people watching, all of them Important. There really was a few positions that didn't get enough people put to it, like Platoon WO and Sgts(We have 6 Platoons and 4 WO's , so two platoons are led by Sgts and With Sgt, there are NO female Sgts, so they dint trust Mcpls to help the female cadets and I wouldnt either, So our 2 female warrants do all the Bitch Work like they were still Sgts.) So now at our next Promotions night, the 3 females who did CL and just got promoted to silver star are getting Sgt even though 2 of them are BLOND , and the only reason that they did CL was that two of them turned 14 before camp started, But another was 17 so she had to do CL.

:o  HOLY SHIT!!!! THAT WAS THE BEST RANT EVER!!!! I LOVE YOU! (In a total polykarmic not pusnishable under the CHAP regulation way..) :P *Whisper* call me :P *Whisper*

And ArmyBoi,
You need a Hobby....All you post here and on some other forums is basically all a different way of asking how can I get a promotion.. Calm Down Boy... Deep Breaths...Thinking Before you post..etc...This was a warning for all of you out there..

Herr General
Well said armygurl557 :salute:

Its a good thing shes on our side  if we need her :threat:
Army Gurl.... You win the Burrowses (Yes I know its spelt Burrows' )Smartest Cookie Award - - Please put in your signature.... Burrows' Smartest Cookie... If you would be so kind :P
Thats an Honor To have in My Signature Burrows. But its true, if you don't like to participate in volunteer events, and complaine about poppy sales and STILL have the Nerve to complain about not getting a promotion, than i don't think cadets is for you.

I LOVE THIS GIRL!!!  And that sig..I must say..is AWESOME
Way to go armygurl, I commend you. It's nice to see maturity like this from our Cadet members, I hope that others can take this as a fine example of how attitudes should be. Cadets is something that you can make the most or least out of, it's up to you. When I was in Cadets we did all sorts of fundraising and I never heard tell of someone getting a promotion for selling poppies or handing out tags, they always did it because they reaped the rewards of their efforts in getting to go on bush trips, ski trips, visits to other Sqn's/Corps, etc.

I used to sell programmes at the Shearwater Airshow, I'd work for half the day and spend the other half looking at the aircraft, that was always reward enough. Sometimes the reward for doing a job is the satisfaction that you did the job well and without complaint. Unpaid work is sometimes its own reward.

Lots of organizations who will hire you guys look at volunteer work, the CF being one of them. I volunteered as a firefighter for 2 years before going full time and never did I see it as a hassle because the money I helped to raise bought us state of the art equipment which, when it all boiled down, was responsible for ensuring that I could do my job safely and provide a better service to the residents of our district.

Funding doesn't just fall from the sky and in todays world we see far more of the "give me" attitude, I think it's refreshing to see youth out paying their own way so to speak.

It would be nice to give Cadets a huge budget so that they could spend more of their time doing "Cadet like" stuff, fact is that money is tight for organizations like Cadets, Scouts, Junior Firefighters, Guides, etc. So you have to get out there and raise it for yourselves. Once again, it's what you make of it.

Thankyou  scott1nsh but I severly dislike it when cadets go and Complaine about the work that Cadets do, and still expect to be eligble to attend trips and FTXs. Where do they get off?

My point now expanded.

I used to hate the guys in the Volunteer Fire Dept who never showed up for any of our fundraising efforts yet were the first to get new gear or go on courses. This point was brought up at a meeting of our members and we started to record these things on a spreadsheet, "FF Bloggins did 75% of the nights he was asked to work at dances, bingos, boot drives, etc. FF Smith only did 25%, maybe Bloggins should go onto a course before Smith as he appears to be much more interested and involved in the Dept" We had success immediately after instituting this program. Problem is that we were Volunteers we all had full time jobs and many guys had wives and children, how much time becomes too much? I mean, we already were providing an emergency service to the community and still we raised our own money so that we could provide better services to them, it didn't seem fair at times. With Cadets you guys have school, family life, boyfirends/girlfriends, sports, etc. Cadets has to fit into this schedule somewhere. While I was in Cadets I maintained a good average at school, played 'A' hockey, hunted, fished and still went on visiting trips all over the countryside with my family. Cadets was something I enjoyed but it was a major commitment at times and there were times when I had to say no. The Fire Dept was the same.

I don't agree with promoting the Cadets who are the most active in fundraising events, you should promote based on experience, drive, dedication, ability. But maybe when a ski trip comes up the first ones to go should be the ones who helps to raise the money so that you could attend said ski trip. The same holds true for the Volunteer Fire Dept. Equip the men the same, train them to a basic level, but when it comes to doing "fun" stuff such as golf, curling, darts and hockey tournaments send the guys who work the most and raise the money to do these things. Never promote a fundraiser, promote a good leader.

Another $0.02
scott1nsh said:
I don't agree with promoting the Cadets who are the most active in fundraising events, you should promote based on experience, drive, dedication, ability. But maybe when a ski trip comes up the first ones to go should be the ones who helps to raise the money so that you could attend said ski trip. The same holds true for the Volunteer Fire Dept. Equip the men the same, train them to a basic level, but when it comes to doing "fun" stuff such as golf, curling, darts and hockey tournaments send the guys who work the most and raise the money to do these things. Never promote a fundraiser, promote a good leader.

Kind of applies to Canada's social programs on the whole, IMHO :)

Cheers for your input.